I've been trying for about three months to get an API key. I can't
seem to figure this. I've wasted hours in circles of 'help' pages
reading usless information that leads me even more frustrated then
when I started. This is my first on the topic and I hope I don't have
to wait a month for response.

So let's see: You need an MCC account to get an API key. Fair. I have
one. What's next? You must sign up for the Adwords API Account
directly. Here's a quote from the main page:

"you can sign up for the AdWords API directly from the My Account tab.
Click on "API Center" and follow the instructions"

Problem. I don't see "API Center".

So I did some reading for an hour and came across this post:

This lead me no where. At some point (some time ago) I did go through
the process of actually applying for an API key. Since then I haven't
received any email or otherwise confirmation of anything. Searching on
trying to finding a solution is a maze of circles that bring me back
to the same pages I saw an hour when I started.

I'm extremely frustrated. Can anyone suggested the magical page I need
to read in order to get an API key? I mean, why is it so difficult? I
think jumping out of a plane would be easier at this point.

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