On Nov 9, 3:58 pm, Oldskool <j.dors...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am also having problems with the Sandbox today. When trying to
> receive an account list (with the GetAccountHierarchy.php example
> file), I get an internal error as well.
> Also, when trying to download a report, I get "Report XML is invalid",
> with no further debugging info.
> Anyone from the Google API team that can take a look at this?
> On 9 nov, 09:44, Moinak Ghosh <primalink....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using adwords api php library aw_api_php_lib_2.7.0 (v201109) in
> > 'XAMP(1.7.0)' for getting related keywords.
> > I have made the changes in auth.in file and settings.ini file to use
> > it for a sandbox account.
> > My auth.ini file look like this :
> > email = "primalink....@gmail.com"
> > password = "***********"
> > userAgent = "primalink"
> > applicationToken = "ignored"
> > developerToken = "primalink....@gmail.com++usd"
> > ; Uncomment to make requests against a client account.
> >  clientId = "613-155-1558"
> > ; Uncomment the following to use an existing AuthToken.
> >  authToken = "DQAAAJ8A***********************YeBogT"
> > ; Uncomment the following to use existing OAuth information.
> > ; [OAUTH]
> > ; oauth_consumer_key = "INSERT_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY_HERE"
> > ; oauth_consumer_secret = "INSERT_OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET_HERE"
> > ; oauth_token = "INSERT_OAUTH_TOKEN_HERE"
> > ; oauth_token_secret = "INSERT_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET_HERE"
> > And i have also changed the "DEFAULT SERVER"  in settings.ini file to
> > "https://adwords-sandbox.google.com";.
> > Now when i go in the browser and give the url "http://localhost/
> > Addwords/examples/v20110/GetAllCampaigns.php" ,the page shows
> > com.google.ads.api.services.common.error.InternalApiError.
> > (InternalApiErro]
> > I am just clue less about how do i overcome this problem as i am
> > getting this error again and again.I went through the sandbox tutorial
> > and found that after i make changes in auth.ini file and settings.ini
> > file, i should make a GET
> > request for campaignservice to activate my sandbox account.I cant even
> > understand whether my sandbox account is created or not,as this
> > problem is persisting.
> > Another thing is that is it mandatory to run a campaign from my
> > addwords account to use it for setting up the the sandbox account,..?
> > or else if i have addwords account,and no campaign is running from
> > it,can't i use it for setting up a sandbox account and get related
> > keywords ,using the account ?
> > I am using apache 2.2 with php 5.2.8,curl enabled,ssl enabled soap
> > enabled.Is client id which we need to put in the header request is the
> > cause of the problem as i am 100percent not sure about the client id
> > which i am using is the right one or not .I am using the  client-id -
> > which is  displayed as a (10?) digit number in the adwords console
> > related to a client of that account.But i have also used an older
> > version of the API where we can put the client id as
> > "client_1 +primalink.mcc @gmail.com".but that also returns me with the
> > same problem.
> >  Then hopefully client id is not the root cause for the problem.
> >  But now if i have to use the featured version of the API i.e
> > aw_api_php_lib_2.7.0 (v201109) from where do i get the client id.? Is
> > my adwords account is relay set.can you please check and let us
> > know.if i want to start the usage of sandbox from scratch what should
> > i do.? please suggest where is the problem is..and why do i get the
> > same error again and again..is the Adwords sandbox server
> > down..??..please suggest.
> > I will be highly obliged to get a quick reply...
> > Thanks

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