Looks like the parsing of the campaignid is a bit buggy!
Using dotnet 4.0 and the latest version of the api so couldn't use


string cid = "12345678"; //not real, just an example id
long campaignId = long.Parse(cid);


string cid = "12345678"; //not real, just an example id
long campaignId = Int64.Parse(cid);

and that seems to have fixed it to a point but still get an occasional
error thrown up by the api saying the IDENTITY ID wasn't found when
removing sitelinks.

If anyone knows a better way to parse a string as long that would be
great otherwise will do some further testing to see if this keeps

On Nov 14, 6:05 pm, Paigey <chiswicki...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Looks like the value linkid on line 39 is null and the api doesn;t
> allow nullable values.
> I added
> if (linkId == null)
>         {
>             linkId = 0;
>         }
> to just before
> RemoveActiveSitelinkExtension(campaignId,
> long.Parse(linkId.Value.ToString()));
> Now get the error
> Exception Details: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException:
> [RangeError.TOO_LOW @ operations[0].operand.adExtension.id.id]
> Source Error: (Line: 84)
> Line 82:         operation.@operator = Operator.REMOVE;
> Line 83:         operation.operand = campaignAdExtension;
> Line 84:         CampaignAdExtensionReturnValue retVal =
> Line 85:             campaignExtensionService.mutate(new
> CampaignAdExtensionOperation[] {
> Line 86:           operation });
> On Nov 14, 5:41 pm, Paigey <chiswicki...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all, back in August I posted some requests for help with how adding
> > and removing sitelinks works and would like to say a big thanks to
> > Pete Lavetsky and Anash Oommen for their replies and advice.
> > Since the last post I have built an app for the google heads here to
> > use to keep track of sitelinks across various accounts but have become
> > a bit stuck on actually uploading sitelinks to an account. I'm using a
> > particular account and campaign as a test account whilst checking
> > everything is running smoothly but when I try to run even the example
> > c# that Anash provided 
> > herehttp://adwordsapi.blogspot.com/2010/09/discover-v201003-using-ad-site...
> > I get errors when trying to parse the campaignid. I've had a quick
> > look around the web and seen a few people with similar problems but
> > not managed to find a solution that works. I've also tried the
> > Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.v201101 version but get the same error trying
> > to parse the campaignid.
> > The code I have based on Anash's example at the url above is further
> > down and the error I get back is:
> > Exception Details: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a
> > correct format. (Line: 39)
> > Line 37:         if (linkId != 1)
> > Line 38:         {
> > Line 39:             RemoveActiveSitelinkExtension(campaignId,
> > long.Parse(linkId.ToString()));
> > Line 40:         }
> > Line 41:
> > //Begin code
> > public static AdWordsUser user = new AdWordsUser();
> >     public static CampaignAdExtensionService campaignExtensionService
> > =
> > (CampaignAdExtensionService)user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201003.Campaign­­AdExtensionService);
> >     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
> >     {
> >     }
> >     protected void Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
> >     {
> >         string cid = "12345678"; //not real, just an example id
> >         long campaignId = long.Parse(cid);
> >         Sitelink siteLink1 = new Sitelink();
> >         siteLink1.displayText = "Bet Now Test";
> >         siteLink1.destinationUrl = "http://www.sportingbet.com";;
> >         Sitelink siteLink2 = new Sitelink();
> >         siteLink2.displayText = "Free Bet Test";
> >         siteLink2.destinationUrl = "http://www.sportingbet.com";;
> >         long? linkId = GetActiveSitelinkExtension(campaignId);
> >         if (linkId != 1)
> >         {
> >             RemoveActiveSitelinkExtension(campaignId,
> > long.Parse(linkId.ToString()));
> >         }
> >         AddSitelinks(campaignId, new Sitelink[] { siteLink1,
> > siteLink2 });
> >     }
> >     private long? GetActiveSitelinkExtension(long campaignId)
> >     {
> >         long? siteLinkExtensionId = null;
> >         // Get the campaign ad extension containing sitelinks.
> >         CampaignAdExtensionSelector selector = new
> > CampaignAdExtensionSelector();
> >         selector.campaignIds = new long[] { campaignId };
> >         selector.statuses = new CampaignAdExtensionStatus[]
> > { CampaignAdExtensionStatus.ACTIVE };
> >         CampaignAdExtensionPage page =
> > campaignExtensionService.get(selector);
> >         if (page != null && page.entries != null)
> >         {
> >             foreach (CampaignAdExtension extension in page.entries)
> >             {
> >                 if (extension.adExtension is SitelinksExtension)
> >                 {
> >                     siteLinkExtensionId = extension.adExtension.id;
> >                     break;
> >                 }
> >             }
> >         }
> >         return siteLinkExtensionId;
> >     }
> >     private SitelinksExtension RemoveActiveSitelinkExtension(long
> > campaignId, long siteLinkExtensionId)
> >     {
> >         CampaignAdExtension campaignAdExtension = new
> > CampaignAdExtension();
> >         campaignAdExtension.campaignId = campaignId;
> >         campaignAdExtension.adExtension = new AdExtension();
> >         campaignAdExtension.adExtension.id = siteLinkExtensionId;
> >         CampaignAdExtensionOperation operation = new
> > CampaignAdExtensionOperation();
> >         operation.@operator = Operator.REMOVE;
> >         operation.operand = campaignAdExtension;
> >         CampaignAdExtensionReturnValue retVal =
> >             campaignExtensionService.mutate(new
> > CampaignAdExtensionOperation[] {
> >           operation });
> >         if (retVal != null && retVal.value != null &&
> > retVal.value.Length > 0 &&
> >             retVal.value[0].adExtension is SitelinksExtension)
> >         {
> >             return (SitelinksExtension)retVal.value[0].adExtension;
> >         }
> >         else
> >         {
> >             return null;
> >         }
> >     }
> >     private SitelinksExtension AddSitelinks(long campaignId,
> > Sitelink[]
> >     siteLinks)
> >     {
> >         SitelinksExtension siteLinkExtension = new
> > SitelinksExtension();
> >         siteLinkExtension.sitelinks = siteLinks;
> >         CampaignAdExtension campaignAdExtension = new
> > CampaignAdExtension();
> >         campaignAdExtension.adExtension = siteLinkExtension;
> >         campaignAdExtension.campaignId = campaignId;
> >         CampaignAdExtensionOperation operation = new
> > CampaignAdExtensionOperation();
> >         operation.@operator = Operator.ADD;
> >         operation.operand = campaignAdExtension;
> >         CampaignAdExtensionReturnValue retVal =
> >             campaignExtensionService.mutate(new
> > CampaignAdExtensionOperation[] {
> >           operation });
> >         if (retVal != null && retVal.value != null &&
> > retVal.value.Length > 0)
> >         {
> >             return retVal.value[0].adExtension as SitelinksExtension;
> >         }
> >         else
> >         {
> >             return null;
> >         }
> >     }
> > //end code
> > Any help with this would be great!
> > Kind regards
> > Paigey- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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