Hi Eric,

There is also one issue when i use 'settings' as one of field, it is 
written me a array with no value(settings field has no value).
I am assuming that it can be written me a values for GeoTargetTypeSetting / 



On Tuesday, March 13, 2012 4:16:26 AM UTC+5:30, Eric Koleda wrote:
> Hi Lloyd,
> Thank you for the examples, I see what you mean now.  It looks like the 
> DeliveryMethod field is dependent on other fields to work ("Amount" also 
> triggers this behavior).  I'll open an issue with the core engineering 
> team, but for the mean time it seems like you have a workaround.
> Best,
> - Eric
> On Monday, March 12, 2012 11:07:10 AM UTC-4, Lloyd Pick wrote:
>> Request ID: 0004bb0cc2160fb00a3461ca00002c64
>> This is not requesting RejectionReasons in the fields.
>> Request ID: 0004bb0cf06745000a34b3c700006cdc
>> This is requesting RejectionReasons in the fields.
>> On Monday, March 12, 2012 2:11:07 PM UTC, Eric Koleda wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I'm not able to replicate this issue.  Are you still seeing this 
>>> behavior?  If so, can you provide a more recent request ID?
>>> Best,
>>> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
>>> On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:13:06 AM UTC-5, Lloyd Pick wrote:
>>>> I'm also experiencing the same issue, and the proposed fix of asking it 
>>>> to return RejectionReasons causes it in turn to return DeliveryMethod.
>>>> On Monday, February 27, 2012 4:32:14 AM UTC, Chirag wrote:
>>>>> Hi Anash,
>>>>> Any update on this?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> chirag
>>>>> On Wednesday, February 22, 2012 3:46:15 PM UTC+5:30, Chirag wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Anash, 
>>>>>> This is Request and response i am getting: 
>>>>>> [Feb 22 2012 15:36:21.000000 - INFO] POST /api/adwords/cm/v201109/ 
>>>>>> CampaignService?oauth_consumer_key=consumaer 
>>>>>> key&oauth_token=token&oauth_signature_method=HMAC- 
>>>>>> SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1329905179&oauth_nonce=4f44be1b09405&oauth_version=1.0
>>>>>> a&oauth_signature=EQUQhW8wfq6TxyJ7lvPCLG7cywU 
>>>>>> %3D HTTP/1.1 
>>>>>> Host: adwords.google.com 
>>>>>> Connection: Keep-Alive 
>>>>>> User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/5.3.3-1ubuntu9.9, gzip 
>>>>>> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate 
>>>>>> Content-Encoding: gzip 
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 
>>>>>> SOAPAction: "" 
>>>>>> Content-Length: 524 
>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
>>>>>> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/ 
>>>>>> envelope/ <http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/>" 
>>>>>> xmlns:ns1="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/ 
>>>>>> v201109 <https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201109>"> 
>>>>>>   <SOAP-ENV:Header> 
>>>>>>     <ns1:RequestHeader> 
>>>>>>       <ns1:clientCustomerId>customerid</ns1:clientCustomerId> 
>>>>>>       <ns1:developerToken>developer token</ns1:developerToken> 
>>>>>>       <ns1:userAgent>AwApi-PHP-3.0.0-Adwords API</ns1:userAgent> 
>>>>>>     </ns1:RequestHeader> 
>>>>>>   </SOAP-ENV:Header> 
>>>>>>   <SOAP-ENV:Body> 
>>>>>>     <ns1:get> 
>>>>>>       <ns1:serviceSelector> 
>>>>>>         <ns1:fields>Id</ns1:fields> 
>>>>>>         <ns1:fields>Name</ns1:fields> 
>>>>>>         <ns1:fields>AdServingOptimizationStatus</ns1:fields> 
>>>>>>         <ns1:fields>TargetGoogleSearch</ns1:fields> 
>>>>>>         <ns1:fields>TargetContentNetwork</ns1:fields> 
>>>>>>         <ns1:fields>DeliveryMethod</ns1:fields> 
>>>>>>         <ns1:predicates> 
>>>>>>           <ns1:field>Status</ns1:field> 
>>>>>>           <ns1:operator>IN</ns1:operator> 
>>>>>>           <ns1:values>ACTIVE</ns1:values> 
>>>>>>         </ns1:predicates> 
>>>>>>         <ns1:ordering> 
>>>>>>           <ns1:field>Name</ns1:field> 
>>>>>>           <ns1:sortOrder>ASCENDING</ns1:sortOrder> 
>>>>>>         </ns1:ordering> 
>>>>>>         <ns1:paging> 
>>>>>>           <ns1:startIndex>0</ns1:startIndex> 
>>>>>>           <ns1:numberResults>500</ns1:numberResults> 
>>>>>>         </ns1:paging> 
>>>>>>       </ns1:serviceSelector> 
>>>>>>     </ns1:get> 
>>>>>>   </SOAP-ENV:Body> 
>>>>>> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> 
>>>>>> HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8 
>>>>>> Content-Encoding: gzip 
>>>>>> Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 10:06:20 GMT 
>>>>>> Expires: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 10:06:20 GMT 
>>>>>> Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 
>>>>>> X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 
>>>>>> X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN 
>>>>>> X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block 
>>>>>> Content-Length: 638 
>>>>>> Server: GSE 
>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0"?> 
>>>>>> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/ 
>>>>>> envelope/ <http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/>"> 
>>>>>>   <soap:Header> 
>>>>>>     <ResponseHeader xmlns="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/ 
>>>>>> v201109 <https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201109>"> 
>>>>>>       <requestId>0004b98aadd3f0400a42042700005302</requestId> 
>>>>>>       <serviceName>CampaignService</serviceName> 
>>>>>>       <methodName>get</methodName> 
>>>>>>       <operations>1</operations> 
>>>>>>       <responseTime>500</responseTime> 
>>>>>>       <units>1</units> 
>>>>>>     </ResponseHeader> 
>>>>>>   </soap:Header> 
>>>>>>   <soap:Body> 
>>>>>>     <getResponse xmlns="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/ 
>>>>>> v201109 <https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201109>"> 
>>>>>>       <rval> 
>>>>>>         <totalNumEntries>1</totalNumEntries> 
>>>>>>         <Page.Type>CampaignPage</Page.Type> 
>>>>>>         <totalBudget> 
>>>>>>           <period>DAILY</period> 
>>>>>>           <amount> 
>>>>>>             <ComparableValue.Type>Money</ComparableValue.Type> 
>>>>>>             <microAmount>0</microAmount> 
>>>>>>           </amount> 
>>>>>>         </totalBudget> 
>>>>>>         <entries> 
>>>>>>           <id>ID</id> 
>>>>>>           <name>Campaign</name> 
>>>>>>           <conversionOptimizerEligibility> 
>>>>>>             <eligible>false</eligible> 
>>>>>>             <rejectionReasons>NOT_CPC_CAMPAIGN</rejectionReasons> 
>>>>>>             <rejectionReasons>CAMPAIGN_IS_NOT_ACTIVE</ 
>>>>>> rejectionReasons> 
>>>>>>             <rejectionReasons>CONVERSION_TRACKING_NOT_ENABLED</ 
>>>>>> rejectionReasons> 
>>>>>>           </conversionOptimizerEligibility> 
>>>>>>           <campaignStats> 
>>>>>>             <network>ALL</network> 
>>>>>>             <Stats.Type>CampaignStats</Stats.Type> 
>>>>>>           </campaignStats> 
>>>>>>           <adServingOptimizationStatus>OPTIMIZE</ 
>>>>>> adServingOptimizationStatus> 
>>>>>>           <frequencyCap> 
>>>>>>             <impressions>0</impressions> 
>>>>>>           </frequencyCap> 
>>>>>>           <networkSetting> 
>>>>>>             <targetGoogleSearch>true</targetGoogleSearch> 
>>>>>>             <targetContentNetwork>false</targetContentNetwork> 
>>>>>>           </networkSetting> 
>>>>>>         </entries> 
>>>>>>       </rval> 
>>>>>>     </getResponse> 
>>>>>>   </soap:Body> 
>>>>>> </soap:Envelope> 
>>>>>> On Feb 22, 3:00 pm, "Anash P. Oommen" <anash.p.oommen 
>>>>>> +fo...@google.com> wrote: 
>>>>>> > Hi Chirag, 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > Will it be possible to post a sanitized SOAP request and response 
>>>>>> xml that 
>>>>>> > shows you requesting DeliveryMethod but results not coming back? 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > Cheers, 
>>>>>> > Anash P. Oommen, 
>>>>>> > AdWords API Advisor.

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