Anybody here to help me????

On Tuesday, March 13, 2012 8:42:07 PM UTC+5, MWA wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get clients data but campaignStats object returning blank 
> values.
> My resulting array is as follows
> I'm using v201109 PHP Client Library.
> [0] => Campaign Object
>     (
>         [id] => CampaignID
>         [name] => CampaignName
>         [status] => 
>         [servingStatus] => 
>         [startDate] => 
>         [endDate] => 
>         [budget] => 
>         [biddingStrategy] => 
>         [conversionOptimizerEligibility] => ConversionOptimizerEligibility 
> Object
>             (
>                 [eligible] => 
>                 [rejectionReasons] => Array
>                     (
>                         [0] => NOT_CPC_CAMPAIGN
>                         [1] => CAMPAIGN_IS_NOT_ACTIVE
>                         [2] => CONVERSION_TRACKING_NOT_ENABLED
>                     )
>             )
>         [campaignStats] => CampaignStats Object
>             (
>                 [startDate] => 20120312
>                 [endDate] => 20120313
>                 [network] => ALL
>                 [clicks] => 
>                 [impressions] => 
>                 [cost] => 
>                 [averagePosition] => 
>                 [averageCpc] => 
>                 [averageCpm] => 
>                 [ctr] => 
>                 [conversions] => 
>                 [conversionRate] => 
>                 [costPerConversion] => 
>                 [conversionsManyPerClick] => 
>                 [conversionRateManyPerClick] => 
>                 [costPerConversionManyPerClick] => 
>                 [viewThroughConversions] => 
>                 [totalConvValue] => 
>                 [valuePerConv] => 
>                 [valuePerConvManyPerClick] => 
>                 [invalidClicks] => 
>                 [invalidClickRate] => 
>                 [numCalls] => 
>                 [numMissedCalls] => 
>                 [numReceivedCalls] => 
>                 [callDurationSecs] => 
>                 [avgCallDurationSecs] => 
>                 [StatsType] => CampaignStats
>                 [_parameterMap:private] => Array
>                     (
>                         [Stats.Type] => StatsType
>                     )
>             )
>         [adServingOptimizationStatus] => 
>         [frequencyCap] => FrequencyCap Object
>             (
>                 [impressions] => 0
>                 [timeUnit] => 
>                 [level] => 
>             )
>         [settings] => 
>         [networkSetting] => 
>     )
> And Code is:
> $user = new AdWordsUser(null,null,null,null,null,null,$customerid);
> $user->LogDefaults();
> $campaignService = $user->GetService('CampaignService', 'v201109');
> $selector = new Selector();
> $selector->fields = array('Id', 'Name');        
> $selector->ordering[] = new OrderBy('Name', 'ASCENDING');
> $selector->paging = new Paging(0, PAGE_SIZE);
> $selector->dateRange = new DateRange($DATE_FROM, $DATE_TO);
> $page = $campaignService->get($selector);
> print_r($page);
> Please help.

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