  This forum supports the AdWords API.  You appear to have a App Script 
that works with spreadsheets.  Google Apps Scripts list their support 
options here <https://developers.google.com/apps-script/support>.  If you 
are using AdWords Scripts, you can post questions related to that product 

That said, this error usually means that the range is invalid.  You might 
want to try sheet.getDataRange which returns a range encompassing all the 
data on the sheet.  You might also want to double-check the column/rows and 
counts to make sure they match the data in the sheet - remember, the 
column/rows are 1-indexed.

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Thursday, August 9, 2012 7:21:01 AM UTC-4, dnrg26 wrote:
> hi
> will you please advise me where i got the mistake
> my problem is //Error : The coordinates or dimensions of the range are 
> invalid. (line 6)Dismiss// 
> function Archivetimesheet(){
>   var 
> ss=SpreadsheetApp.openById("0AhioeCK_-aU4dGVWSDVlNXRxdzNseGJRNW...."); 
> //From Current Workbook
>   var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Invoice");//From Current Sheet
>   var data = sheet.getRange(5,1,sheet.getLastRow()-5,74).getValues(); 
>   var archive= 
> SpreadsheetApp.openById("0AhioeCK_-aU4dENCVjViWVhhdkZrd.....").getSheetByName("Sales");//To
> Remote Workbook//
>   var searchOne = 
> archive.getRange(5,1,archive.getLastRow()-5,74).getValues();//To Remote 
> Sheet ---->Line 6           
>   var dest = [];
>   var filter = 
> SpreadsheetApp.openById("0AhioeCK_-aU4dENCVjViWVhhdkZrd...").getSheetByName("Sales").getRange("D2").getValue();
> //Only Filter that row which is matching wiht D2
>   Logger.log("getDataRange().getValues() data is " + data);
>   for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++ )
>     {
>      if (filter.test(data[i][3]) == filter )
> dest.push([data[i][0],data[i][1],data[i][2],data[i][3],data[i][4],data[i][5],data[i][6],data[i][7],data[i][74]]);
>     }
>   //Logger.log(dest);
>   if( dest.length > 0 ) {
>     archive.insertRowsBefore(5,dest.length);
>     archive.getRange(5,1,dest.length,dest[0].length).setValues(dest);
>   }
> }
> //Error : The coordinates or dimensions of the range are invalid. (line 
> 6)Dismiss//
> On Wednesday, August 8, 2012 7:46:51 PM UTC+3, David Torres wrote:
>> Hi Akil,
>> How far apart are your calls to mutate and then get the changes? Might 
>> best guess is that sandbox (given it a has a limited set of resources 
>> compared to production) is not updating the changes feed fast enough.
>> Best,
>> -David
>> On Wednesday, August 8, 2012 12:29:49 PM UTC-4, Akil Burgess wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> I just tried this in production and I was not able to reproduce the 
>>> issue.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Akil
>>> On Tuesday, August 7, 2012 6:12:06 PM UTC+1, David Torres wrote:
>>>> Hi Akil,
>>>> Is this also reproduceable in production?
>>>> Best,
>>>> -David Torres - AdWords API Team
>>>> On Friday, August 3, 2012 6:25:23 AM UTC-4, Akil Burgess wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I am seeing an issue where the CustomerSyncService is not showing the 
>>>>> correct change data when I follow these steps:
>>>>>    1. I perform an AdGroupCriterionService.mutate operation that adds 
>>>>>    a keyword to two different adgroups (*
>>>>>    requestId 0004c65980b97b580aeddd4400005bee*)
>>>>>    2. Perform CustomerSyncService.get using a timerange that contains 
>>>>>    that mutate operation (*requestId 0004c659815517480a962921000076e2*
>>>>>    )
>>>>> Expected: The CustomerChangeData should contain AdGroupChangeData with 
>>>>> changedCriteria
>>>>> Actual: The CustomerChangeData contains no changes.
>>>>> I've only tested for this bug in the API sandbox but this issue occurs 
>>>>> whether I submit the operations via the AdGroupCriterionService or the 
>>>>> MutateJobService.
>>>>> For now I can work around the issue by only submitting operations on a 
>>>>> per adgroup basis but this definitely seems like a bug. Has anyone else 
>>>>> come across this issue? *API Team -* Can you please investigate this 
>>>>> issue?
>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>>> Akil

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