Hey David,
  So I tried initializing the Client object like you posted but when i step 
through my code, after i step over the statement which creates the client 
it throws this error:

Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at (eval 
845)[/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/HTTP/Message.pm:371] line 1.
 at (eval 845)[/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/HTTP/Message.pm:371] line 1
845)[/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/HTTP/Message.pm:371]:1]() called at 
/home/etienne/backend/libs/Google/Ads/Common/HTTPTransport.pm line 30
'Google::Ads::AdWords::Client=SCALAR(0x9b9bb60)') called at 
/home/etienne/backend/libs/Google/Ads/AdWords/Client.pm line 180
1, 'HASH(0xb582e70)') called at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Class/Std/Fast.pm line 251
called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Class/Std/Fast.pm line 287
Class::Std::Fast::new('Google::Ads::AdWords::Client', 'HASH(0xb54c210)') 
called at 
line 3555
GoogleAPIv2::get_adwords_client('GoogleAPIv2=HASH(0xb556d10)', 4202697829) 
called at 
line 230
GoogleAPIv2::add_campaign('GoogleAPIv2=HASH(0xb556d10)', 'name', 'API 
Upgrade Test Campaign - 1348613850', 'google_account_id', 4202697829, 
'account_id', 207, 'country_code', 'US', ...) called at 
google_add_campaign.t line 110
main::main() called at google_add_campaign.t line 26
scalar context return from CODE(0x9b909c0): *Class::Std::Fast::_cache

I am using perl version 5.8.8 .  I have installed the latest adwords perl 
client library 2.7.2 .  Do you know if this is some kind of dependency 
And how can I go about resolving this issue.  Any information you can 
provide would be very helpful.  Thanks.

On Thursday, August 16, 2012 2:42:38 PM UTC-7, David Torres wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm the Perl library author. The intent with version 2.7.0 was not to 
> disable the ability to specify these properties via the constructor. So I 
> would appreciate if you can file a bug report in our issue 
> tracker<http://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-perl/issues/list> and 
> sorry for the inconveniences.
> As a workaround you can initialize your client object as follows:
> my $client = Google::Ads::AdWords::Client->new({
>   developer_token => "dev_token",
>   client_id => "customer_id",
>   version => "v201206"
> });
> $client->get_auth_token_handler()->set_email("email");
> $client->get_auth_token_handler()->set_password("password");
> This workaround is not temporary so you won't have to change your code 
> later if implemented this way.
> Best,
> -David Torres - AdWords API Team
> On Tuesday, August 14, 2012 5:14:02 PM UTC-4, PerlDeveloper wrote:
>> Note: properties_file with a variable would allow us to select individual 
>> accounts but then would require us to have every account's login 
>> information stored in multiple property files on the server, which is 
>> undesirable. We would like the credentials to be supplied by user/database 
>> retrieval at the time of usage.

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