
I've already left you a few questions and answers in this thread 
please lets follow up on it.


- David Torres - AdWords API Team

On Friday, January 25, 2013 12:15:07 PM UTC-5, Timo Aarnio wrote:
> Hi
> I'm currently trying to add campaigns to my test account. But when running 
> the script I get this error: "Fault occurred while processing."
> The error seems to happen when the script tries to add using the 
> budgetservice:
> [Jan 25 2013 19:03:26.000000 - ERROR] email=testemail 
> effectiveUser=123456789 service=BudgetService method=mutate operators={ADD: 
> 1} responseTime=73 requestId=0004d41fe7adf2700ae5630d00001737 operations=0 
> units=0 server=adwords.google.com isFault=true faultMessage=Fault 
> occurred while processing.
> When looking at the soap_xml.log, it shows a 500 internal server error:
> [Jan 25 2013 19:03:26.000000 - ERROR] POST 
> /api/adwords/cm/v201209/BudgetService HTTP/1.1
> Host: adwords.google.com
> Connection: Keep-Alive
> User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/5.3.15, gzip
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> Content-Encoding: gzip
> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
> SOAPAction: ""
> Content-Length: 626
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="
> http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; xmlns:ns1="
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201209";>
>   <SOAP-ENV:Header>
>     <ns1:RequestHeader>
>       <ns1:authToken>*****</ns1:authToken>
>       <ns1:clientCustomerId>123456789</ns1:clientCustomerId>
>       <ns1:developerToken>987654321token</ns1:developerToken>
>       <ns1:userAgent>TestTool (AwApi/3.1.1, php/5.3.15)</ns1:userAgent>
>     </ns1:RequestHeader>
>   </SOAP-ENV:Header>
>   <SOAP-ENV:Body>
>     <ns1:mutate>
>       <ns1:operations>
>         <ns1:operator>ADD</ns1:operator>
>         <ns1:operand>
>           <ns1:name>TestCampaign #5102bade7612e</ns1:name>
>           <ns1:period>DAILY</ns1:period>
>           <ns1:amount>
>             <ns1:microAmount>50000000</ns1:microAmount>
>           </ns1:amount>
>           <ns1:deliveryMethod>STANDARD</ns1:deliveryMethod>
>         </ns1:operand>
>       </ns1:operations>
>     </ns1:mutate>
>   </SOAP-ENV:Body>
> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
> HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
> Content-Encoding: gzip
> Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 17:03:22 GMT
> Expires: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 17:03:22 GMT
> Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
> X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
> X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
> X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
> Content-Length: 311
> Server: GSE
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>
>   <soap:Header>
>     <ResponseHeader xmlns="
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201209";>
>       <requestId>0004d41fe7adf2700ae5630d00001737</requestId>
>       <serviceName>BudgetService</serviceName>
>       <methodName>mutate</methodName>
>       <operations>0</operations>
>       <responseTime>73</responseTime>
>       <units>0</units>
>     </ResponseHeader>
>   </soap:Header>
>   <soap:Body>
>     <soap:Fault>
>       <faultcode>soap:Server</faultcode>
>       <faultstring>Fault occurred while processing.</faultstring>
>     </soap:Fault>
>   </soap:Body>
> </soap:Envelope>
> Here is the code for the script, it's practically the same as the example, 
> only with some modifications so it actually works:
> <?php
> require_once 
> ('adwords_api/src/Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/Lib/AdWordsUser.php');
> function AddCampaign($user) {
>       // Get the BudgetService, which loads the required classes.
>   $budgetService = $user->GetService('BudgetService', 'v201209');
>   // Create the shared budget (required).
>   $budget = new Budget();
>   $budget->name = 'TestCampaign #' . uniqid();
>   $budget->period = 'DAILY';
>   $budget->amount = new Money(50000000);
>   $budget->deliveryMethod = 'STANDARD';
>   $operations = array();
>   // Create operation.
>   $operation = new BudgetOperation();
>   $operation->operand = $budget;
>   $operation->operator = 'ADD';
>   $operations[] = $operation;
>    // Make the mutate request. Error pops up here.
>   $result = $budgetService->mutate($operations);
>   $budget = $result->value[0];
>   // Get the CampaignService, which loads the required classes.
>   $campaignService = $user->GetService('CampaignService', 'v201209');
>   $numCampaigns = 3;
>   $operations = array();
>   for ($i = 0; $i < $numCampaigns; $i++) {
>     // Create campaign.
>     $campaign = new Campaign();
>     $campaign->name = 'TestCampaign #' . uniqid();
>     // Set shared budget (required).
>     $campaign->budget = new Budget();
>     $campaign->budget->budgetId = $budget->budgetId;
>     // Set bidding strategy (required).
>     $biddingStrategy = new ManualCPC();
>     $biddingStrategy->enhancedCpcEnabled = TRUE;
>     $campaign->biddingStrategy = $biddingStrategy;
>     // Set keyword matching setting (required).
>     $keywordMatchSetting = new KeywordMatchSetting();
>     $keywordMatchSetting->optIn = TRUE;
>     $campaign->settings[] = $keywordMatchSetting;
>     // Set network targeting (recommended).
>     $networkSetting = new NetworkSetting();
>     $networkSetting->targetGoogleSearch = TRUE;
>     $networkSetting->targetSearchNetwork = TRUE;
>     $networkSetting->targetContentNetwork = TRUE;
>     $campaign->networkSetting = $networkSetting;
>     // Set additional settings (optional).
>     $campaign->status = 'ACTIVE';
>     $campaign->startDate = date('Ymd', strtotime('+1 day'));
>     $campaign->endDate = date('Ymd', strtotime('+1 month'));
>     $campaign->adServingOptimizationStatus = 'ROTATE';
>     // Set frequency cap (optional).
>     $frequencyCap = new FrequencyCap();
>     $frequencyCap->impressions = 5;
>     $frequencyCap->timeUnit = 'DAY';
>     $frequencyCap->level = 'ADGROUP';
>     $campaign->frequencyCap = $frequencyCap;
>     // Display network targeting settings (optional).
>     // It can only be enabled, shown only for demonstration purposes.
>     // If not set this setting is enabled by default on ADD operations.
>     $targetRestrictSetting = new TargetRestrictSetting();
>     $targetRestrictSetting->useAdGroup = TRUE;
>     $campaign->settings[] = $targetRestrictSetting;
>     // Set advanced location targeting settings (optional).
>     $geoTargetTypeSetting = new GeoTargetTypeSetting();
>     $geoTargetTypeSetting->positiveGeoTargetType = 'DONT_CARE';
>     $geoTargetTypeSetting->negativeGeoTargetType = 'DONT_CARE';
>     $campaign->settings[] = $geoTargetTypeSetting;
>     // Create operation.
>     $operation = new CampaignOperation();
>     $operation->operand = $campaign;
>     $operation->operator = 'ADD';
>     $operations[] = $operation;
>   }
>   // Make the mutate request.
>   $result = $campaignService->mutate($operations);
>   // Display results.
>   foreach ($result->value as $campaign) {
>     printf("Campaign with name '%s' and id '%s' was added.\n", 
> $campaign->name,
>         $campaign->id);
>   }
> }
> try {
>     $email = "testemail";
>     $password = "testpassword";
>     $developerToken = "987654321token";
>     $userAgent = "TestTool";
>     $clientId = "123456789";
>     //Create User
>     $user = new AdWordsUser(NULL, $email, $password, $developerToken,
>                     $auth, $userAgent, $clientId);
>     $user->LogAll();
>     // Run the function
>     AddCampaign($user);
> } catch (Exception $e) {
>     printf("An error has occurred: %s\n", $e->getMessage());
> }
> ?>
> I've done a getCampaigns script, which works properly, showing no 
> campaigns as there are none. But when trying to add, I get the error.
> So yeah, am I doing something wrong here? Or is it from the API's side? Or 
> something else?
> And I currently use the test account email and password, should I put the 
> MCC account's to those fields even when I'm using the test account?
> I'm still pretty much a beginner with this and can't find a solution...
> Thanks in advance!

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