Iā€™m wondering if you can help. 

We have access to the Google Adwords Developer API access token approved, 
and downloaded a sample .NET console application code from Adwords API web 
page in Feb 2013 ā€“ which worked fine then.  
When we tried to test it again now, we discovered '403 forbidden' error 
message (see copy of error details below for full error details). 

An exception occurred while running this code example. 
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException (Exception has been thrown by 
the target of an invocation.)
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] 
arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, 
RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags 
invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, 
Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags 
invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters)
   at Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Examples.CSharp.Program.InvokeRun(Object 
codeExample, AdWordsUser user) in C:\Dev\QuickWins\Google Adwords\sample 
projects\examples\adwords\csharp\Program.cs:line 140
user, Object codeExample) in C:\Dev\QuickWins\Google Adwords\sample 
projects\examples\adwords\csharp\Program.cs:line 99
Caused by
System.ApplicationException (Failed to retrieve campaigns)
user) in C:\Dev\QuickWins\Google Adwords\sample 
Caused by
Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AuthTokenException (AuthToken login failed. See 
ErrorCode for more details.)
   at Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AuthToken.GenerateToken() in 
C:\Dev\QuickWins\Google Adwords\sample 
projects\src\Common\Lib\AuthToken.cs:line 247
   at Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AuthToken.GetToken() in 
C:\Dev\QuickWins\Google Adwords\sample 
projects\src\Common\Lib\AuthToken.cs:line 192
   at Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Lib.AdWordsSoapClient.InitForCall(String 
methodName, Object[] parameters) in C:\Dev\QuickWins\Google Adwords\sample 
projects\src\AdWords\Lib\AdWordsSoapClient.cs:line 78
   at Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AdsSoapClient.MakeApiCall(String 
methodName, Object[] parameters) in C:\Dev\QuickWins\Google Adwords\sample 
projects\src\Common\Lib\AdsSoapClient.cs:line 210
   at Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AdsSoapClient.Invoke(String methodName, 
Object[] parameters) in C:\Dev\QuickWins\Google Adwords\sample 
projects\src\Common\Lib\AdsSoapClient.cs:line 127
   at Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.v201206.CampaignService.get(Selector 
serviceSelector) in C:\Dev\QuickWins\Google Adwords\sample 
projects\src\AdWords\v201206\AdWordsApi.cs:line 3167
user) in C:\Dev\QuickWins\Google Adwords\sample 
Caused by
System.Net.WebException (The remote server returned an error: (403) 
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
   at Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AuthToken.GenerateToken() in 
C:\Dev\QuickWins\Google Adwords\sample 
projects\src\Common\Lib\AuthToken.cs:line 232

Does anyone have any suggestions to why this error appears? 
Has something changed with the API/DeveloperToken access since Feb 2013 
(maybe something related to OAuth 2.0)? 
May be something is wrong in our config file?
Your help is much appreciated ā€“ thank you. Please feel free to ask if you 
need any clarifications.

Many thanks,



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