Hi Becky,

AdWords reporting does not support top N queries, but for that use case I 

   1. Make sure you are requesting the GZIPPED_CSV (or GZIPPED_XML) format 
   to save bandwidth.
   2. Request as few fields as possible, e.g., just CampaignId, AdGroupId, 
   Id, Clicks if you are interested in the top 10 keywords.  If you want more 
   details on the top 10 you can run a subsequent report that filters by 
   criterion Id.
   3. Do not include zero impression rows.  If you want zero impression 
   rows for a different purpose you can run a separate report that explicitly 
   pulls these rows and uses as few fields as possible (see previous 

Josh, AdWords API Team

On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 12:15:16 PM UTC-4, 
becky.ru...@hanapinmarketing.com wrote:
> Just to clarify, I am already using filters to control the report results. 
>  I filter out Display Network and Display Campaign Optimizer criteria IDs 
> (3000006 and 3000000), deleted keywords, keywords in deleted ad groups, and 
> negative keywords.  
> I even tried filtering out keywords with zero impressions (although I 
> really prefer not to do this because the *number of results* is more 
> important to me than whether all results have impressions.  I definitely 
> want to have *enough* results in case of an account with few performative 
> keywords).
> I am also using date ranges.
> None of this has been enough.
> On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 11:08:02 AM UTC-4, 
> becky.ru...@hanapinmarketing.com wrote:
>> I am currently migrating my applications from v201306 to v201309 (and 
>> then straight to 201402).
>> One of my most important functions gets an account's top keywords by a 
>> particular metric (impressions, clicks, or cost).  In the past, I used 
>> AdGroupCriterionService to acquire this information.  I sorted the results 
>> in descending order by the chosen metric.  Paging determined the number of 
>> results, ensuring that I didn't get every keyword in the account.
>> Now that stats have been removed from AdGroupCriterionService, I am 
>> altering this code to use KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT instead.  However, 
>> there is no option to sort results, or limit the number of rows returned.
>> My code still works fine for small- and medium-sized accounts.  I simply 
>> get a KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT for the entire account, sort the results 
>> myself, and use the first x sorted rows.
>> Unfortunately, this seems not to be an option for very large accounts. 
>>  Downloading the report alone takes a prohibitive amount of time.
>> Is there some other way to get top keywords by a particular metric, in 
>> the most recent version of the AdWords API?  Perhaps using a different 
>> service or report?
>> Thank you,
>> Becky Russoniello

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