I agree. Please, please put the ADGroupCriterion ID on the Shopping 
Performance Report. Please. 

On Thursday, May 8, 2014 5:58:21 PM UTC-4, GregT wrote:

> Josh, in response to your question: "Would it be helpful if the ad group 
> criterion ID was available as a segment field on the *Shopping 
> Performance Report*?" I just want to say yes.  It'd be much easier and 
> less error prone than trying to figure out exactly which product is in 
> which leaf/unit node through traversal of the partition tree.
> Thanks,
> Greg
> On Thursday, May 8, 2014 4:29:57 PM UTC-5, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
> Team) wrote:
>> Hi Igor,
>> By 'default' do you mean when the partition's caseValue 
>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/AdGroupCriterionService.ProductPartition#caseValue>
>> is an instance of ProductBiddingCategory 
>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/AdGroupCriterionService.ProductBiddingCategory>?
>>  As you pointed out, for those objects you can use 
>> ConstantDataService.getProductBiddingCategoryData 
>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/ConstantDataService#getProductBiddingCategoryData>
>>  to 
>> fetch human-readable labels for the IDs.  However, I realize this means 
>> using yet another service to tie all of the data together.  If you've 
>> already tried this approach and found issues with it, please let me know.
>> I have several requests in for improvements to the shopping reports. 
>>  I'll update this post on any progress.
>> Cheers,
>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>> On Thursday, May 8, 2014 2:17:29 AM UTC-4, Igor Schut wrote:
>>> Hi Josh,
>>> Thanks for looking in this for me.
>>> I am well aware that we need to use the AdGroupCriterionService to 
>>> retrieve more details. The thing is that for most of the partitions we are 
>>> able to get human readable data, like the brand. But when the partitions 
>>> are based on the 'default' (aka. Google provided categorization) the 
>>> AdGroupCriterionService does not provide human readable data.
>>> It would be much better to include this, and the parent ids in the 
>>> performance report.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Igor
>>> Op woensdag 7 mei 2014 18:57:00 UTC+2 schreef Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
>>> Team):
>>>> Hi Igor,
>>>> I gathered some more information about the intended use cases for the 
>>>> *Product 
>>>> Partition Report* and the *Shopping Performance Report*.
>>>>    - *Product Partition Report* is a *Product Partition-level report* 
>>>>    meant to show you how your ad group criteria based on product 
>>>> partitions 
>>>>    are performing.  As you stated, this report only gives you the 
>>>> criterion ID 
>>>>    (the *Id* field) -- it does not include the attributes of the 
>>>>    criterion's associated product partition.  If you need that information 
>>>> you 
>>>>    can use *AdGroupCriterionService* to get the relevant fields by 
>>>>    criterion ID and then join that data to the report data by criterion ID.
>>>>       - Note as well that the *Product Partition Report* is a 
>>>>       hierarchical report and will attribute an impression to the row for 
>>>> every 
>>>>       node in the hierarchy that includes the partition that triggered the 
>>>>       impression (the leaf node of the tree).  For example, if your 
>>>> partition 
>>>>       tree consisted of ProductCanonicalCondition = new -> Brand = my 
>>>> brand, and 
>>>>       you have 1 impression that meets that criterion, then the impression 
>>>> would 
>>>>       appear on *two rows* in the report: the row for 
>>>>       ProductCanonicalCondition = new and the row for Brand = my brand.  
>>>> Due to 
>>>>       this behavior, you should not sum up metrics across rows in this 
>>>> report.
>>>>       - We're aware that it would be extremely helpful if the *Product 
>>>>       Partition Report* included parent criterion ID and we're looking 
>>>>       into adding this.
>>>>    - *Shopping Performance Report* is a *Product-level report* meant 
>>>>    to show you how ads for your individual products are performing.  This 
>>>>    report also shows you the various merchant center attributes of each 
>>>>    product (brand, condition, product type, category 1-5, etc.) but does 
>>>> not 
>>>>    include the ID of the ad group criterion that triggered each impression.
>>>> In other words, you are correct that reporting alone will not provide 
>>>> you with all of the attributes of your product partitions.  If you need 
>>>> those attributes alongside statistics you'll have to bring in data from 
>>>> AdGroupCriterionService.
>>>> Would it be helpful if the ad group criterion ID was available as a 
>>>> segment field on the *Shopping Performance Report*?  You would still 
>>>> need to use *AdGroupCriterionService* to get all of the partition 
>>>> details, but I think this would bridge the gap from product to partition.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>> On Thursday, May 1, 2014 3:03:25 AM UTC-4, Igor Schut wrote:
>>>>> Hi Josh,
>>>>> Thanks for looking in to this. 
>>>>> The Shopping Performance Report shows data of Merchant Products. The 
>>>>> fields you refer to (like Brand, CategoryLX, ProductBiddingCategory, 
>>>>> ProductTypeLX, etc.) are data set in Merchant which help to create 
>>>>> Product 
>>>>> Partitions in AdWords. The MerchantId, StoreId and OfferId fields are 
>>>>> also 
>>>>> data related to the Merchant account.
>>>>> With these fields selected it seems impossible to determine the actual 
>>>>> Product Partitions as shown in AdWords; it only shows data to create 
>>>>> Product Partitions for.
>>>>> The only way I see it is to use the AdGroupCriterionService to fetch 
>>>>> the actual objects. Based on the ProductDimension (caseValue) a value get 
>>>>> be retrieved which (sometimes) contains visible and human readable data 
>>>>> (thus, not just Ids pointing to 'something').
>>>>> The Product Partitions with bidding taxonomies returned by the 
>>>>> AdGroupCriterion of type ProductBiddingCategory are linked to the 
>>>>> ConstantDataService which provides actual human readable categories (with 
>>>>> use of getProductBiddingCategoryData).
>>>>> To recap: it seems to be impossible with the use of reporting only. 
>>>>> Only when multiple services (AdGroupCriterionService & 
>>>>> ConstantDataService) 
>>>>> and the use of reporting (Shopping Performance Report, Partition 
>>>>> Performance Report and Criteria Performance Report) the view of Products 
>>>>> and Product Partitions are to be determined.
>>>>> Please correct me if I'm wrong.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Igor
>>>>> Op woensdag 30 april 2014 23:15:45 UTC+2 schreef Josh Radcliff 
>>>>> (AdWords API Team):
>>>>>> Hi Igor, Amol,
>>>>>> I took a fresh look at this today, and I think I finally understand 
>>>>>> the issues here.  To rephrase Igor's explanation, it seems that the 
>>>>>> issues 
>>>>>> are:
>>>>>> 1. The *Product Partition Report* does not contain sufficient 
>>>>>> information to reconstruct the ProductPartition tree (*without* 
>>>>>> product detail).
>>>>>> Possible solution: Use AdGroupCriterionService.get 
>>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/AdGroupCriterionService#get>
>>>>>>  instead 
>>>>>> as described in my last post.
>>>>>> 2. It's difficult to tie the data in *Shopping Performance Report* back 
>>>>>> to specific products.
>>>>>> Possible solution: Include the *MerchantId, StoreId* and *OfferId* 
>>>>>> columns in your report request.  This will allow you to tie the report 
>>>>>> data 
>>>>>> back to the product-specific information you get via the Content API.
>>>>>> 3. How can we determine the product partition for a specific product?
>>>>>> Possible solution: Similar to item #2, you could run a *Shopping 
>>>>>> Performance Report* that includes:
>>>>>>    - The key fields for the different types of caseValue 
>>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/AdGroupCriterionService.ProductPartition#caseValue>,
>>>>>> e.g., Brand (for ProductBrand), 
>>>>>> CategoryL1/CategoryL2/CategoryL3/CategoryL4/CategoryL5 
>>>>>> for ProductBiddingCategory, ProductCondition for 
>>>>>> ProductCanonicalCondition, 
>>>>>> ProductTypeL1/ProductTypeL2/ProductTypeL3/ProductTypeL4/ProductTypeL5 
>>>>>> for 
>>>>>> ProductType, etc.
>>>>>>    - *MerchantId, StoreId* and *OfferId* fields
>>>>>> Here's an example using AWQL (to optimize report performance you 
>>>>>> should only bring in the fields you actually need):
>>>>>> SELECT CampaignId, AdGroupId, Brand, CategoryL1, CategoryL2, 
>>>>>> CategoryL3, CategoryL4, CategoryL5, ProductCondition, ProductTypeL1, 
>>>>>> ProductTypeL2, ProductTypeL3, ProductTypeL4, ProductTypeL5, 
>>>>>> CustomAttribute0, CustomAttribute1, CustomAttribute2, CustomAttribute3, 
>>>>>> CustomAttribute4, StoreId, OfferId, Cost, Impressions
>>>>>> WHERE CampaignId = *xxx* AND AdGroupId = *yyy* 
>>>>>> The combination of all of the various case values + the *StoreId*
>>>>>>  and *OfferId* fields would give you the partition for each product.
>>>>>> Do the above suggestions help?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>>>> On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 3:41:34 PM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
>>>>>> API Team) wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Amol,
>>>>>>> Regarding retrieving details about the ProductPartitions, you could 
>>>>>>> do this via AdGroupCriterionService.get 
>>>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/AdGroupCriterionService#get>
>>>>>>>  with 
>>>>>>> a selector similar to this:
>>>>>>>             <serviceSelector>
>>>>>>>                 <fields>*PartitionType*</fields>
>>>>>>>                 <fields>Id</fields>
>>>>>>>                 <fields>*ParentCriterionId*</fields>
>>>>>>>                 <fields>*CaseValue*</fields>
>>>>>>>                 <predicates>
>>>>>>>                     <field>CriteriaType</field>
>>>>>>>                     <operator>EQUALS</operator>
>>>>>>>                     <values>PRODUCT_PARTITION</values>
>>>>>>>                 </predicates>
>>>>>>>                 <predicates>
>>>>>>>                     <field>AdGroupId</field>
>>>>>>>                     <operator>EQUALS</operator>
>>>>>>>                     <values>*******</values>
>>>>>>>                 </predicates>
>>>>>>>             </serviceSelector>
>>>>>>> The *CaseValue* and *PartitionType* should give you the details of 
>>>>>>> interest (let me know if that's not the case).  The displayTree 
>>>>>>> method 
>>>>>>> <https://github.com/googleads/googleads-java-lib/blob/master/examples/adwords_axis/src/main/java/adwords/axis/v201402/shoppingcampaigns/AddProductPartitionTree.java#L157>
>>>>>>>  in 
>>>>>>> our AddProductPartitionTree example shows one approach for doing this.  
>>>>>>> You 
>>>>>>> could tie this information to the report information via the criteria 
>>>>>>> ID.
>>>>>>> I'll pass on your request for including parent criterion ID in the 
>>>>>>> report -- I can see how that would be helpful.  Would it also be 
>>>>>>> helpful if 
>>>>>>> the report let you select CaseValue and PartitionType?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>>>>> On Thursday, April 24, 2014 2:32:35 AM UTC-4, Amol Sharma wrote:
>>>>>>>> Also, checked constructors of Product Partition. Even if i have Id, 
>>>>>>>> i cannot retrieve anything about the product partition.
>>>>>>>> these are two constructors available in the java client library.  
>>>>>>>> public ProductPartition() {
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>     public ProductPartition(
>>>>>>>>            java.lang.Long id,
>>>>>>>>            com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201402.cm.CriterionType 
>>>>>>>> type,
>>>>>>>>            java.lang.String criterionType,
>>>>>>>>  com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201402.cm.ProductPartitionType 
>>>>>>>> partitionType,
>>>>>>>>            java.lang.Long parentCriterionId,
>>>>>>>>  com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201402.cm.ProductDimension 
>>>>>>>> caseValue) {
>>>>>>>>         super(
>>>>>>>>             id,
>>>>>>>>             type,
>>>>>>>>             criterionType);
>>>>>>>>         this.partitionType = partitionType;
>>>>>>>>         this.parentCriterionId = parentCriterionId;
>>>>>>>>         this.caseValue = caseValue;
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>>>>>>> Amol Sharma
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 12:39 AM, Amol Sharma <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> +1 to Igor. this is a genuine issue according to me.
>>>>>>>>> In PRODUCT_PARTITION_REPORT, we don't know how the what is the 
>>>>>>>>> productPartitionType and what is the ProductDimension.
>>>>>>>>> Moreover, we it will also be good to have, parent product 
>>>>>>>>> partition ID, so that we can understand the actual hierarchy of the 
>>>>>>>>> product 
>>>>>>>>> partition.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Amol Sharma
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 2:53 PM, Igor Schut <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Josh,
>>>>>>>>>> Let me clarify my problem for you.
>>>>>>>>>> We pull in two reports, one for the shopping products and one for 
>>>>>>>>>> the product partitions. We wish to show and use both.
>>>>>>>>>> We do understand that product partitions are categorization of 
>>>>>>>>>> one or more products, but how am I suppose to determine the actual 
>>>>>>>>>> product 
>>>>>>>>>> partition as shown in the AdWords UI based on the products itself? 
>>>>>>>>>> It does 
>>>>>>>>>> not say in what product partition its in or what type of product 
>>>>>>>>>> partition.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Igor
>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>> -- 
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