Hi Sugappriya,

The API does not support weekly estimates or date ranges. The difference 
between the UI and the API is most likely due to the following point 
mentioned in the TrafficEstimatorService documentation 

Note that the API returns intervals whereas the Traffic Estimator UI 
> displays averages.

Josh, AdWords API Team

On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 1:08:31 AM UTC-4, suga priya wrote:
> Yes.I am getting other values like Clicks,Impression and Cost as same as 
> UI, only Avg Position has variation in points.Also through API Is it 
> possible to get weekly estimates?
> If so how to set Date Range and date range is not supported by API. Any 
> solution?
> Thanks,
> Sugappriya
> On Monday, 11 August 2014 23:32:33 UTC+5:30, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
> Team) wrote:
> Hi,
> Are you submitting the API request and the UI request at essentially the 
> same time, and using the same account and credentials?
> Thanks,
> Josh, AdWords API Team
> On Monday, August 11, 2014 12:34:16 PM UTC-4, suga priya wrote:
> Hi Josh,
>  Avg position value is not matching with keyword planner tool. I set 
> language,location and network  parameters as well.For "leasing software" 
>  through api i am getting 3.35 but in keyword planner tool i am getting 
> 3.31.
> Please help me to fix this issue
> Thanks,
> Sugappriya
> For eg  
> On Monday, 11 August 2014 21:01:20 UTC+5:30, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
> Team) wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not quite sure what the purpose/question was of your most recent post, 
> but I would recommend reading through our new Estimating Traffic guide 
> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/traffic-estimator-service>
>  to 
> see if that answers your question.
> Thanks,
> Josh, AdWords API Team
> On Monday, August 11, 2014 6:39:36 AM UTC-4, suga priya wrote:
> Results for the keyword with text 'leasing software' and match type 
> 'BROAD': Estimated average CPC in micros: 588280 Estimated ad position: 
> 3.35 Estimated daily clicks: 0 Estimated daily cost in micros: 204688
> On Monday, 11 August 2014 16:08:26 UTC+5:30, suga priya wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> I am trying to get traffic estimate for keyword.i am using 
> TrafficEstimatorService 
> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/TrafficEstimatorService>
> for that.But values are not matching with keyword planner tool.Please find 
> the codes and attachment.
> <?php
> /**
>  * This example gets traffic estimates for new keywords.
>  *
>  * Tags: TrafficEstimatorService.get
>  * Restriction: adwords-only
>  *
>  * Copyright 2014, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
>  *
>  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
>  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
>  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
>  *
>  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
>  *
>  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
>  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
>  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
>  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
>  * limitations under the License.
>  *
>  * @package    GoogleApiAdsAdWords
>  * @subpackage v201406
>  * @category   WebServices
>  * @copyright  2014, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
>  * @license    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Apache License,
>  *             Version 2.0
>  * @author     Eric Koleda
>  */
> // Include the initialization file
> require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/init.php';
> /**
>  * Runs the example.
>  * @param AdWordsUser $user the user to run the example with
>  */
> function EstimateKeywordTrafficExample(AdWordsUser $user) {
> $trafficEstimatorService =
> $user->GetService('TrafficEstimatorService', ADWORDS_VERSION);
> $keywords = array();
> $keywords[] = new Keyword('leasing software', 'BROAD');
>   $negativeKeywords = array();
>   // Create a keyword estimate request for each keyword.
>   $keywordEstimateRequests = array();
>   foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
>     $keywordEstimateRequest = new KeywordEstimateRequest();
>     $keywordEstimateRequest->keyword = $keyword;
>     $keywordEstimateRequests[] = $keywordEstimateRequest;
>   }
>   // Create a keyword estimate request for each negative keyword.
>   foreach ($negativeKeywords as $negativeKeyword) {
>     $keywordEstimateRequest = new KeywordEstimateRequest();
>     $keywordEstimateRequest->keyword = $negativeKeyword;
>     $keywordEstimateRequest->isNegative = TRUE;
>     $keywordEstimateRequests[] = $keywordEstimateRequest;
>   }
>   // Create ad group estimate requests.
>   $adGroupEstimateRequest = new AdGroupEstimateRequest();
>   $adGroupEstimateRequest->keywordEstimateRequests = 
> $keywordEstimateRequests;
>   $adGroupEstimateRequest->maxCpc = new Money(1000000);
>   // Create campaign estimate requests.
>   $campaignEstimateRequest = new CampaignEstimateRequest();
>   $campaignEstimateRequest->adGroupEstimateRequests[] = 
> $adGroupEstimateRequest;
>   // Set targeting criteria. Only locations and languages are supported.
>   $unitedStates = new Location();
>   $unitedStates->id = 2840;
>   $campaignEstimateRequest->criteria[] = $unitedStates;
>   $english = new Language();
>   $english->id = 1000;
>   $campaignEstimateRequest->criteria[] = $english;
>   // Create selector.
>   $selector = new TrafficEstimatorSelector();
>   $selector->campaignEstimateRequests[] = $campaignEstimateRequest;
>   // Make the get request.
>   $result = $trafficEstimatorService->get($selector);
>   // Display results.
>   $keywordEstimates =
>       $result->campaignEstimates[0]->adGroupEstimates[0]->keywordEstimates;
>   for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($keywordEstimates); $i++) {
>     $keywordEstimateRequest = $keywordEstimateRequests[$i];
>     // Skip negative keywords, since they don't return estimates.
>     if (!$keywordEstimateRequest->isNegative) {
>       $keyword = $keywordEstimateRequest->keyword;
>       $keywordEstimate = $keywordEstimates[$i];
>       // Find the mean of the min and max values.
>       $meanAverageCpc = ($keywordEstimate->min->averageCpc->microAmount
>           + $keywordEstimate->max->averageCpc->microAmount) / 2;
>       $meanAveragePosition = ($keywordEstimate->min->averagePosition
>           + $keywordEstimate->max->averagePosition) / 2;
>       $meanClicks = ($keywordEstimate->min->clicksPerDay
>           + $keywordEstimate->max->clicksPerDay) / 2;
>       $meanTotalCost = ($keywordEstimate->min->totalCost->microAmount
>           + $keywordEstimate->max->totalCost->microAmount) / 2;
>       printf("Results for the keyword with text '%s' and match type 
> '%s':\n",
>           $keyword->text, $keyword->matchType);
>       printf("  Estimated average CPC in micros: %.0f\n", $meanAverageCpc);
>       printf("  Estimated ad position: %.2f \n", $meanAveragePosition);
>       printf("  Estimated daily clicks: %d\n", $meanClicks);
>       printf("  Estimated daily cost in micros: %.0f\n\n", $meanTotalCost);
>     }
>   }
> }
> // Don't run the example if the file is being included.
> if (__FILE__ != realpath($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
>   //return;
> }
> try {
>   // Get AdWordsUser from credentials in "../auth.ini"
>   // relative to the AdWordsUser.php file's directory.
>   $user = new AdWordsUser();
>   // Log every SOAP XML request and response.
>   $user->LogAll();
>   // Run the example.
>   EstimateKeywordTrafficExample($user);
> } catch (Exception $e) {
>   printf("An error has occurred: %s\n", $e->getMessage());
> }
> <https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-PJS6lhASR6U/U-idBCp54aI/AAAAAAAAAFA/ienp45q7cvk/s1600/Google%2BAdWords%2B%2BKeyword%2BPlanner.png>
> On Friday, 4 April 2014 18:46:05 UTC+5:30, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
> Team) wrote:
> Hi,
> The TrafficEstimatorService 
> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/TrafficEstimatorService>
> is for estimating *future* statistics based on recent performance.  The 
> TargetingIdeaService 
> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201402/TargetingIdeaService>
> is for using *past* statistics to get ideas and suggestions for your 
> account.  For the use case you described--getting particular keyword 
> monthly search volume--you should use the TargetingIdeaService, not 
> TrafficEstimatorService.  My previous response illustrated how to construct 
> a request that matches the monthly search volume you'll see in the Keyword 
> Planner under the *Get search volume for a list of keywords or group them 
> into ad groups* option.
> Regarding the average that you see in Keyword Planner, the SEARCH_VOLUME 
> stat I mentioned below will provide that information, so I don't quite 
> understand why you want to calculate the value on your own.
> If I have not answered your questions could you provide the *exact* steps 
> in Keyword Planner that you are trying to replicate through the API?
> Thanks,
> Josh, AdWords API Team
> On Friday, April 4, 2014 1:31:33 AM UTC-4, Manjula Naidu wrote:
> Hi,
>      Thanks for your response, I think this request is for TargetIdea 
> service ,Because this request containing search parameter.I already 
> implemented TargetIdeaService ,Now  I have to implement for 
> TrafficEstimation service for getting particular keyword monthly search 
> volume.
> In my code this is my soap request
>             This is url :
> *https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/o/v201309/TrafficEstimatorService 
> <https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/o/v201309/TrafficEstimatorService>*
>    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <env:Envelope xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"xmlns:xsi=";
> http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xmlns:wsdl=";
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/o/v201309"xmlns:env=";
> http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; xmlns:cm="
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201309";>
>     <env:Header>
>         <wsdl:RequestHeader xmlns="
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201309";>
>             <userAgent>${userAgent}</userAgent>
>             <developerToken>${developerToken}</developerToken>
>             <clientCustomerId>${customerID}</clientCustomerId>
>             <authToken>${authToken}</authToken>
>         </wsdl:RequestHeader>
>     </env:Header>
>     <env:Body>
>         <get xmlns="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/o/v201309";>
>             <selector>
>                 <campaignEstimateRequests>
>                     <adGroupEstimateRequests>
>                        <keywordEstimateRequests>
>     <wsdl:keyword xmlns="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201309
> ">
>         <text>${keyword}</text>
>         <matchType>EXACT</matchType>
>     </wsdl:keyword>
> </keywordEstimateRequests>
>                         <wsdl:maxCpc xmlns="
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201309";>
>                             <microAmount>${maxCpc}</microAmount>
>                         </wsdl:maxCpc>
>                         </adGroupEstimateRequests>
>         <criteria xsi:type="cm:Location">
>     <cm:id>${criteriaID}</cm:id>
> </criteria>
>      <networkSetting>
>                         <targetGoogleSearchxmlns="
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201309";>true
> </targetGoogleSearch>
>                         <targetSearchNetworkxmlns="
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201309";>true
> </targetSearchNetwork>
>                         <targetContentNetworkxmlns="
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201309";>false
> </targetContentNetwork>
>                         <targetPartnerSearchNetworkxmlns="
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201309";>false
> </targetPartnerSearchNetwork>
>                     </networkSetting>
>                 </campaignEstimateRequests>
>             </selector>
>         </get>
>     </env:Body>
> </env:Envelope>
> Please i need Urgent response,I spent almost one week on this i am unable 
> to give exact volumes ,and coming to Average volume
> In keyword planner :
> For flower keyword monthly searches are
> 550000    550000   550000    550000    550000   550000    550000  550000 
> 550000    550000   673000    673000
> IN keyword planner,keyword idea AVG Monthly search:550,000
> IF I am doing manual average of above month volumes I am getting this 
> value:570500
> How you people doing average of monthly search how i can do.
>     Thanks in advance.
> Thanks & Regards 
> R.manjula
> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 1:45 AM, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team) <...> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> If you are trying to match the *Get search volume for a list of keywords 
> or group them into ad groups* option, then you should match (I confirmed 
> myself) if you include the following parameters:
>    1. A RelatedToQuerySearchParameter for the keyword(s)
>    2. A NetworkSearchParameter with each value set to match the UI (it 
>    appears that by default each value is set to true for the API).  For 
>    example, if you use the default settings you would pass: 
>       - targetGoogleSearch = *true*
>       - targetSearchNetwork = false
>       - targetContentNetwork = false 
>       - targetPartnerSearchNetwork = false
>    3. IdeaType KEYWORD
>    4. Request type STATS
>    5. Requested attribute types:
>       - KEYWORD_TEXT
> Below is the body from an example request for the keyword *flower*.
> <soapenv:Body>
>     <get xmlns="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/o/v201402";>
>         <selector>
> ...

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