
Just to clarify, even on my test account, if I submit:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ns2:reportName>Age range performance report #1408977295555</ns2:reportName>

Then I'll get back:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<report-name name="Criteria performance report #1408977295555"/>
<date-range date="Aug 24, 2014"/>
    <column name="campaignID" display="Campaign ID"/>
    <column name="adGroupID" display="Ad group ID"/>
    <column name="criterionID" display="Criterion ID"/>
    <column name="ageRange" display="Age Range"/>
    <column name="impressions" display="Impressions"/>
    <column name="clicks" display="Clicks"/>
    <column name="cost" display="Cost"/>
  <row campaignID="164997895" adGroupID="8138389615" criterionID="503001" 
ageRange="18-24" impressions="0" clicks="0" cost="0"/>
  <row campaignID="164997895" adGroupID="8138389615" criterionID="503002" 
ageRange="25-34" impressions="0" clicks="0" cost="0"/>
  <row campaignID="164997895" adGroupID="8138389615" criterionID="503003" 
ageRange="35-44" impressions="0" clicks="0" cost="0"/>
  <row campaignID="164997895" adGroupID="8138389615" criterionID="503004" 
ageRange="45-54" impressions="0" clicks="0" cost="0"/>
  <row campaignID="164997895" adGroupID="8138389615" criterionID="503005" 
ageRange="55-64" impressions="0" clicks="0" cost="0"/>
  <row campaignID="164997895" adGroupID="8138389615" criterionID="503006" 
ageRange="65 or more" impressions="0" clicks="0" cost="0"/>
  <row campaignID="164997895" adGroupID="8138389615" criterionID="503999" 
ageRange="Undetermined" impressions="0" clicks="0" cost="0"/>

In other words, AdWords will still give me an idea of the report contents (
*ageRange* values), even though I'm using a test account.

Josh, AdWords API Team

On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:48:33 AM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
Team) wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> Even though your test account isn't serving ads, you can still get 
> reporting data back from that account by including zero impressions. Our Zero 
> Impression Reports Guide 
> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/zero-impression-reports>
>  explains 
> how to do this, and the *download_criteria_report* sample in each client 
> library's example set shows how to set the *includeZeroImpressions* flag 
> in your report requests.
> Please give that a try and let me know if you have any trouble getting 
> back data.
> Cheers,
> Josh, AdWords API Team
> On Sunday, August 24, 2014 11:26:12 AM UTC-4, Justin Coon wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using a test/non-production token and trying to get sample report 
>> data. Obviously this is futile since there's no real activity to report off 
>> of in my test account. Can anyone be so kind as to provide some sample XML 
>> that comes back from the Age Range and Gender sample reports? I want to see 
>> what it looks like when aggregated by the age ranges and genders. 
>> Thanks!
>> Justin

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