Thanks for your help, Josh.
Have a nice weekend.


On Thursday, September 25, 2014 3:35:33 PM UTC+2, Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
API Team) wrote:
> Hi Oliver,
> Thanks for confirming. After I raised this issue one of my colleagues 
> pointing out that there was a recent fix (around Sep 19) to properly 
> populate the *CriteriaType* field for *Webpage* criteria. Prior to that 
> fix going out, *CriteriaType* for *Webpage* criteria was being returned 
> as *--*. I think you were always receiving rows for the *Webpage* criteria, 
> but didn't realize they were *Webpage* criteria because the *CriteriaType* 
> was 
> incorrect.
> Regarding the value for *keywordPlacement* (*Criteria* request field), in 
> reporting we generally return two dashes when there's no value for a cell 
> <>.
> In the cases we are looking at, the WebpageParameter.conditions 
> <>
>  on 
> the criterion is null (in the UI, this shows as *All webpages*). However, 
> I checked on one of my test accounts where I have conditions set up, and 
> I'm still getting back *--* for the *Criteria* field. I'll follow up with 
> the reporting team to see if they can improve this.
> Thanks,
> Josh, AdWords API Team
> On Thursday, September 25, 2014 5:12:30 AM UTC-4, oseemann wrote:
>> Hi Josh,
>> I can confirm that we also receive the correct criteriaType now.
>> Since Tuesday I cannot see the old behaviour anymore, all report 
>> downloads now show the new behaviour.
>> Meanwhile we have implemented and deployed a hotfix for our application 
>> that can deal with the situation, so from our point of view the issue is 
>> "solved".
>> On a side note, while criteriaType now shows the correct value, 
>> keywordPlacement is still "--". The AdGroupCriterionService returns an 
>> asterisk as the criterion name of 19959388920 in the WebPageParameter 
>> object, see 
>> , . Maybe that would be a good value to put into the keywordPlacement field 
>> in the report?
>> Best regards,
>> Oliver
>> On Thursday, September 25, 2014 2:22:44 AM UTC+2, Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
>> API Team) wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm still waiting for a response from the reporting team to determine if 
>>> anything changed regarding DSAs. I'll get back to you as soon as I have 
>>> more information.
>>> Regarding the *CriteriaType* field, I actually get back the expected 
>>> value of *Webpage* for those rows, and only see *--* in the *Criteria* (
>>> *keywordPlacement*) field:
>>> <row keywordID="19959388920" adGroupID="7893735604" 
>>> keywordPlacement="--" keywordPlacementState="enabled" 
>>> criteriaType="Webpage" impressions="..."/>
>>> <row keywordID="61200066844" adGroupID="7893735604" 
>>> keywordPlacement="--" keywordPlacementState="enabled" 
>>> criteriaType="Webpage" impressions="0"/>
>>> I noticed that criterion ID 19959388920 is the *only* criterion with 
>>> impressions > 0 in that ad group. When you run the report and do *not* get 
>>> back that row, do you get back a different row with *Impressions* > 0? 
>>> If so, could you send me the output for that row?
>>> Finally, has anything changed recently in terms of the date ranges of 
>>> your report requests or the status of the campaigns, ad groups, ads, or 
>>> criteria involved? I ask about status in particular because that's in your 
>>> report request's predicate.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>> On Tuesday, September 23, 2014 4:20:26 AM UTC-4, oseemann wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> Yes, repeatedly downloading the same report sometimes yields DSA 
>>>> criteria, mostly not. We had about 10 accounts there were affected 
>>>> yesterday. Today it was about 40. I assume it's a new API software release 
>>>> that has not rolled out to all servers yet.
>>>> Comparing two reports I found that the difference is largely the 
>>>> criterion with ID 19959388920. It can be found in many DSA campaigns 
>>>> throughout accounts. The AdGroupCriterionService returns the 
>>>> WebpageParameter.criterionName "*" for it.
>>>> Yesterday I downloaded the same report twice, in one report criterion 
>>>> 19959388920 was listed, in the other it was not.
>>>> A second criterion that suddenly appeared is 61200066844, also in 
>>>> adGroup 7893735604.
>>>> Example row from criteria performance report:
>>>> <row keywordID="19959388920" adGroupID="7893735604" 
>>>> keywordPlacement="--" keywordPlacementState="enabled" criteriaType="--" 
>>>> qualityScore="5" maxCPC="180000" firstPageCPC="0" isNegative="false" 
>>>> topOfPageCPC="0"/>
>>>> 7893735604 is a DSA ad group.
>>>> Also notice that the criteriaType in the report data is "--". It should 
>>>> probably indicate the correct criterion type, in this case "WebPage".
>>>> Report Definition:
>>>> {
>>>>     'selector': {
>>>>         'fields': [
>>>>             'Id',
>>>>             'AdGroupId',
>>>>             'Criteria', 'Status', 'CriteriaType',
>>>>             'QualityScore',
>>>>             'MaxCpc',
>>>>             'FirstPageCpc', 'IsNegative',
>>>>             'TopOfPageCpc',
>>>>         ],
>>>>         'predicates': [
>>>>             {
>>>>                 'field': 'CampaignStatus',
>>>>                 'operator': 'IN',
>>>>                 'values': ['ACTIVE', 'PAUSED'],
>>>>             },
>>>>             {
>>>>                 'field': 'AdGroupStatus',
>>>>                 'operator': 'IN',
>>>>                 'values': ['ENABLED'],
>>>>             },
>>>>         ],
>>>>     },
>>>>     'reportName': 'Criterion Structure',
>>>>     'reportType': 'CRITERIA_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
>>>>     'dateRangeType': 'ALL_TIME',
>>>>     'downloadFormat': 'GZIPPED_XML',
>>>> }
>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>> Thanks for looking into it,
>>>> Oliver
>>>> On Monday, September 22, 2014 11:42:52 PM UTC+2, Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
>>>> API Team) wrote:
>>>>> Hi Oliver,
>>>>> Could you provide the ad group ID, date range, and report definition 
>>>>> you were using when you saw the change in behavior?
>>>>> Also, you mentioned the behavior is not strictly reproducible. Are you 
>>>>> saying that for the same report criteria and report definition, you'll 
>>>>> sometimes see DSA criteria in the report output and other times will not?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>>> On Monday, September 22, 2014 8:18:29 AM UTC-4, oseemann wrote:
>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>> Since for the first time on 2014-09-19 1:00am UTC we occasionally 
>>>>>> receive Dynamic Search Ad criteria as part of the 
>>>>>> This used to be not the case. We explicitly use the 
>>>>>> to get DSA criterion history in addition to all other criteria from the 
>>>>>> DSA criteria are now (sometimes) included in both reports, leading 
>>>>>> the duplicate items.
>>>>>> The issue happens only intermittently and is not strictly 
>>>>>> reproducible. We use v201402.
>>>>>> The actual change is very welcome, however it should be part of the 
>>>>>> regular API evolution and not apply to existing API versions, as it 
>>>>>> introduces problems in existing applications.
>>>>>> Can you confirm that such a change rolled out to a few API servers 
>>>>>> recently? Can we expect the issue to go away any time soon? Please let 
>>>>>> me 
>>>>>> know if you need more information (account, adgroup, devtoken, etc.).
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Oliver

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