Or without catching the original Exception, the stack trace is:

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] Fault occurred 
while processing. in /code/bidder/lib/legacy/adwords/Google/Api/Ads/Common/
Stack trace:
SoapClient->__soapCall('mutate', Array, NULL, Array, Array)
AdsSoapClient->__soapCall('mutate', Array)
#2 /code/bidder/lib/adwords/AdwordsCampaignAPI.php(306): 

On Thursday, October 2, 2014 6:03:02 PM UTC-7, Kristopher Windsor wrote:
> Hi,
> I am querying for BiddableAdGroupCriterion, changing the 
> biddingStrategyConfiguration on each criterion, and then trying to send the 
> changes to Adwords. I get this same error regardless if operator is ADD or 
> SET.
> How can I fix this?
> Thanks,
> Code:
>   public static function mutateEntities($adwords_user, $campaign_name, 
> $service_name, $ops){
>     $service = $adwords_user->GetService($service_name, ADWORDS_VERSION);
>     $opc = count($ops);
>     if ($opc > 5000)
>       throw new Exception('Too many operations for ' . $service_name);
>     for ($iii = 0; $iii < AdwordsRateLimiter::TOTAL_RETRIES; $iii++){
>       AdwordsRateLimiter::throttle($adwords_user->getClientCustomerId(), 
> $opc);
>       try {
>         $service->mutate($ops);
>         break;
>       } catch (RateExceededError $e){
>         AdwordsRateLimiter::reportError($adwords_user->getClientCustomerId
> (), $e->rateScope, $e->rateName);
>       } catch (Exception $e ){
>         AdwordsRateLimiter::reportError($adwords_user->getClientCustomerId
> ());
>       }
>       if ($iii + 1 == AdwordsRateLimiter::TOTAL_RETRIES){
>         echo ADWORDS_VERSION . "\n";
>         var_dump($ops);
>         throw new Exception('Adwords query failed after max retries. ' . 
> $e->getMessage());
>       }
>     }
>   }
> Output:
> v201402
> array(1) {
>   [0]=>
>   object(AdGroupCriterionOperation)#17657 (5) {
>     ["operand"]=>
>     object(BiddableAdGroupCriterion)#17669 (18) {
>       ["userStatus"]=>
>       string(6) "ACTIVE"
>       ["systemServingStatus"]=>
>       NULL
>       ["approvalStatus"]=>
>       NULL
>       ["disapprovalReasons"]=>
>       NULL
>       ["destinationUrl"]=>
>       NULL
>       ["experimentData"]=>
>       NULL
>       ["firstPageCpc"]=>
>       NULL
>       ["topOfPageCpc"]=>
>       NULL
>       ["qualityInfo"]=>
>       NULL
>       ["biddingStrategyConfiguration"]=>
>       object(BiddingStrategyConfiguration)#20173 (6) {
>         ["biddingStrategyId"]=>
>         NULL
>         ["biddingStrategyName"]=>
>         NULL
>         ["biddingStrategyType"]=>
>         string(10) "MANUAL_CPC"
>         ["biddingStrategySource"]=>
>         NULL
>         ["biddingScheme"]=>
>         NULL
>         ["bids"]=>
>         array(1) {
>           [0]=>
>           object(CpcBid)#20175 (5) {
>             ["bid"]=>
>             object(Money)#20176 (3) {
>               ["microAmount"]=>
>               int(370000)
>               ["ComparableValueType"]=>
>               NULL
>               ["_parameterMap":"ComparableValue":private]=>
>               array(1) {
>                 ["ComparableValue.Type"]=>
>                 string(19) "ComparableValueType"
>               }
>             }
>             ["contentBid"]=>
>             NULL
>             ["cpcBidSource"]=>
>             NULL
>             ["BidsType"]=>
>             NULL
>             ["_parameterMap":"Bids":private]=>
>             array(1) {
>               ["Bids.Type"]=>
>               string(8) "BidsType"
>             }
>           }
>         }
>       }
>       ["bidModifier"]=>
>       NULL
>       ["adGroupId"]=>
>       string(11) "17363429715"
>       ["stats"]=>
>       NULL
>       ["criterionUse"]=>
>       string(8) "BIDDABLE"
>       ["criterion"]=>
>       object(MobileApplication)#17661 (6) {
>         ["appId"]=>
>         string(26) "2-<redacted>"
>         ["displayName"]=>
>         string(73) "<redacted>"
>         ["id"]=>
>         string(11) "<redacted>"
>         ["type"]=>
>         string(18) "MOBILE_APPLICATION"
>         ["CriterionType"]=>
>         string(17) "MobileApplication"
>         ["_parameterMap":"Criterion":private]=>
>         array(1) {
>           ["Criterion.Type"]=>
>           string(13) "CriterionType"
>         }
>       }
>       ["forwardCompatibilityMap"]=>
>       NULL
>       ["AdGroupCriterionType"<span style="color: #660;" 
> class="styled-by-pretti
> ...

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