Hi Josh,

My issue is that some parameters of the keywords estimations are coming as 
null. So I make the request with success but some in some responses a few 
parameters are null, for example cpc max = nulll  cpc min = null.
If I try the same keyword with the same value in python for example instead 
of null I get zero.
I can build exception on my script but do you have any idea why this is 


On Tuesday, 2 December 2014 15:53:11 UTC, Jorge Brasil wrote:
> Hi,
> I am developing an application that uses the traffic estimation service to 
> get some predictions for the keywords traffic for my company adds.
> The issue is that for some keywords that are in one of our campaigns I get 
> a null response from the API, also if I make multiple calls for the same 
> keyword ate some point the response is going to be null.
> here is my code
> // Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
> //
> // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
> // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
> // You may obtain a copy of the License at
> //
> //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
> //
> // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
> // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
> // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
> // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
> // limitations under the License.
> package adwords.axis.v201409.optimization;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.factory.AdWordsServices;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.cm.Criterion;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.cm.Keyword;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.cm.KeywordMatchType;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.cm.Language;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.cm.Location;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.cm.Money;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.o.AdGroupEstimateRequest;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.o.CampaignEstimateRequest;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.o.KeywordEstimate;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.o.KeywordEstimateRequest;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.o.TrafficEstimatorResult;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.o.TrafficEstimatorSelector;
> import 
> com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201409.o.TrafficEstimatorServiceInterface;
> import com.google.api.ads.adwords.lib.client.AdWordsSession;
> import com.google.api.ads.common.lib.auth.OfflineCredentials;
> import com.google.api.ads.common.lib.auth.OfflineCredentials.Api;
> import com.google.api.client.auth.oauth2.Credential;
> import java.util.ArrayList;
> import java.util.List;
> /**
>  * This example gets keyword traffic estimates.
>  *
>  * Credentials and properties in {@code fromFile()} are pulled from the
>  * "ads.properties" file. See README for more info.
>  *
>  * Tags: TrafficEstimatorService.get
>  *
>  * Category: adx-exclude
>  *
>  * @author Kevin Winter
>  */
> public class EstimateKeywordTraffic {
> public static ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList();
> public static ArrayList words_param = new ArrayList();
> public static ArrayList bid_values = new ArrayList();
> public static ArrayList copy_bid = new ArrayList();
> private static  List<Money> bids = new ArrayList<Money>();
> /*
> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>     // Generate a refreshable OAuth2 credential similar to a ClientLogin 
> token
>     // and can be used in place of a service account.
>     Credential oAuth2Credential = new OfflineCredentials.Builder()
>         .forApi(Api.ADWORDS)
>         .fromFile()
>         .build()
>         .generateCredential();
>     // Construct an AdWordsSession.
>     AdWordsSession session = new AdWordsSession.Builder()
>         .fromFile()
>         .withOAuth2Credential(oAuth2Credential)
>         .build();
>     AdWordsServices adWordsServices = new AdWordsServices();
>     runExample(adWordsServices, session);
>   }
> */
>   public static void runExample(
> AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws Exception {
>     // Get the TrafficEstimatorService.
>   TrafficEstimatorServiceInterface trafficEstimatorService =
>         adWordsServices.get(session, 
> TrafficEstimatorServiceInterface.class);
>     // Create keywords. Refer to the TrafficEstimatorService documentation 
> for the maximum
>     // number of keywords that can be passed in a single request.
>     //   
> https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/latest/TrafficEstimatorService
>     List<Keyword> keywords = new ArrayList<Keyword>();
>     keywords.add(new Keyword(null, null, null, "public liability 
> insurance", KeywordMatchType.PHRASE));
>    //keywords.add(new Keyword(null, null, null, "Insurance public", 
> KeywordMatchType.EXACT));
>    //keywords.add(new Keyword(null, null, null, "insurance liability", 
> KeywordMatchType.EXACT));
>    keywords.add(new Keyword(null, null, null, "liability insurance", 
> KeywordMatchType.BROAD));
>     int number_of_keywords = keywords.size();
>     bids.clear();
>     bid_values.clear();
>     words_param.clear();
>     parameters.clear();
>     bid_values =  utilities.Bids(number_of_keywords);
>     for(int i = 0 ; i <bid_values.size(); i++ )
>     {
>      Double aux = (Double)bid_values.get(i)*100000;
>      bids.add(new Money(null, aux.longValue()));
>     }
>     // Create a keyword estimate request for each keyword.
>     List<KeywordEstimateRequest> keywordEstimateRequests = new 
> ArrayList<KeywordEstimateRequest>();
>     for (int i = 0 ; i < keywords.size() ; i++) {
>         KeywordEstimateRequest keywordEstimateRequest = new 
> KeywordEstimateRequest();
>         keywordEstimateRequest.setKeyword(keywords.get(i)); 
>         keywordEstimateRequest.setMaxCpc((bids.get(i)));
>         keywordEstimateRequests.add(keywordEstimateRequest);  
>     }
>     // Create ad group estimate requests.
>     List<AdGroupEstimateRequest> adGroupEstimateRequests = new 
> ArrayList<AdGroupEstimateRequest>();
>     AdGroupEstimateRequest adGroupEstimateRequest = new 
> AdGroupEstimateRequest();
> adGroupEstimateRequest.setKeywordEstimateRequests(keywordEstimateRequests
>         .toArray(new KeywordEstimateRequest[] {}));
>   // adGroupEstimateRequest.setAdGroupId(505759692L);
>     adGroupEstimateRequests.add(adGroupEstimateRequest);
>     // Create campaign estimate requests.
>     List<CampaignEstimateRequest> campaignEstimateRequests =
>         new ArrayList<CampaignEstimateRequest>();
>     CampaignEstimateRequest campaignEstimateRequest = new 
> CampaignEstimateRequest();
> campaignEstimateRequest.setAdGroupEstimateRequests(adGroupEstimateRequests
>         .toArray(new AdGroupEstimateRequest[] {}));
>     Location unitedStates = new Location();
>     unitedStates.setId(2826L);
>     Language english = new Language();
>     english.setId(1000L);
>     campaignEstimateRequest.setCampaignId(18129492L);
>     campaignEstimateRequest.setCriteria(new Criterion[] {unitedStates, 
> english});
>     campaignEstimateRequests.add(campaignEstimateRequest);
>     // Create selector.
>     TrafficEstimatorSelector selector = new TrafficEstimatorSelector();
>     selector.setCampaignEstimateRequests(campaignEstimateRequests
>         .toArray(new CampaignEstimateRequest[] {}));
>     // Get traffic estimates.
>     TrafficEstimatorResult result = trafficEstimatorService.get(selector);
>     for(int i = 0 ; i < keywords.size();i ++)
>     {
>     Keyword keyword = keywordEstimateRequests.get(i).getKeyword();
>     double minCPC = 
> result.getCampaignEstimates()[0].getAdGroupEstimates()[0].getKeywordEstimates()[i].getMin().getAverageCpc().getMicroAmount();
>     double maxCPC = 
> result.getCampaignEstimates()[0].getAdGroupEstimates()[0].getKeywordEstimates()[i].getMax().getAverageCpc().getMicroAmount();
>     double meanCpc = (minCPC + maxCPC) / 2.0 ;
>     double minAveragePosition = 
> result.getCampaignEstimates()[0].getAdGroupEstimates()[0].getKeywordEstimates()[i].getMin().getAveragePosition();
>     double maxAveragePosition = 
> result.getCampaignEstimates()[0].getAdGroupEstimates()[0].getKeywordEstimates()[i].getMax().getAveragePosition();
>     double meanAveragePosition  =  (minAveragePosition + 
> maxAveragePosition) / 2.0;
>     double minClicks = 
> result.getCampaignEstimates()[0].getAdGroupEstimates()[0].getKeywordEstimates()[i].getMin().getClicksPerDay();
>     double maxClicks = 
> result.getCampaignEstimates()[0].getAdGroupEstimates()[0].getKeywordEstimates()[i].getMax().getClicksPerDay();
>     double meanClicks = (minClicks + maxClicks) / 2.0 ;
>     double minImpressions = 
> result.getCampaignEstimates()[0].getAdGroupEstimates()[0].getKeywordEstimates()[i].getMin().getImpressionsPerDay();
>     double maxImpressions = 
> result.getCampaignEstimates()[0].getAdGroupEstimates()[0].getKeywordEstimates()[i].getMax().getImpressionsPerDay();
>     double meanImpressions = (minImpressions + maxImpressions) / 2.0 ;
>  //   System.out.printf("Results for the keyword with text 
> \'%s\':%n",keyword.getText());
>  //   System.out.printf("\tEstimated average CPC: %.2f\n", 
> meanCpc/1000000);
>  //     System.out.printf("\tEstimated ad position: %.2f\n", 
> meanAveragePosition);
>  //       System.out.printf("\tEstimated daily clicks: %.2f\n", 
> meanClicks);
>  //       System.out.printf("\tEstimated daily Impressions: %.2f\n\n", 
> meanImpressions);
>         String [] features  = new String[5];
>         String [] param = new String[2];
>         param[0] = 
> utilities.groupCPC(utilities.truncate(meanCpc/1000000,2));
>         param[1] = 
> utilities.groupPosition(utilities.truncate(meanAveragePosition,2));
>         parameters.add(param);
>         features[0] = keyword.getText();
>         features[1] = Double.toString(meanCpc /1000000);
>         features[2] = Double.toString(meanAveragePosition);
>         features[3] = Double.toString(meanClicks);
>         features[4] = Double.toString(meanImpressions);
>         words_param.add(features);
> }
>   }
>   }
> I find it strange that the script works for some keywords but don't for 
> others. Can you help me with this matter?
> Best 
> Jorge 

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