You can ignore my previous posts. I think what I got mixed up in was that 
MCC and my Adwords Advertising account were the same thing. I realize that 
my client_customer_id probably should be the id in my Adwords Advertising 
account. I am able to generate "Keyword Performance" reports sometimes. 
When I am able to create the report, the report is empty. Other times, 
depending on what field I inputed, it seems to load on forever and then, I 
get a 502 error. 

On Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 4:18:07 AM UTC-7, Danial Klimkin wrote:
> Hello Jeffrey,
> Let's go over every error you've encountered:
> AuthenticationError.NOT_ADS_USER means you've authorized with a 
> non-AdWords account. E.g. your private gmail account that don't have 
> AdWords account created.
> ReportDefinitionError.CUSTOMER_SERVING_TYPE_REPORT_MISMATCH means you are 
> trying to run a report against an MCC account. Reports can only be executed 
> against advertiser (non-MCC) accounts.
> AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED means your OAuth credentials 
> don't match clientCustomerId you specify. Basically, login you are using 
> doesn't have access to the account you are trying to touch.
> BTW, this is covered here:
> So, for your case you need to re-do the OAuth flow (generate new refresh 
> token) making sure you are logged in under a proper account. This should be 
> either you production MCC login (for prod) or test MCC login (for test). 
> Next, set clientCustomerId to the target non-MCC account. This account 
> needs to be either under prod or test MCC (make sure it matches to what 
> you've authorized with).
> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
> On Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 2:54:46 AM UTC+2, Jeffrey Lee wrote:
>> I realize that for this sample Rails app, when I click "Proceed" at the 
>> home page, it asks me to login with my Gmail account. I know this will 
>> sound silly, but I thought the account doesn't matter. It turns out when 
>> I logged in with a Gmail account that has a production MCC account, the 
>> error goes away, although I get a different error now instead. I get:
>> I then read that the account I selected can't be a production MCC ID, 
>> which makes sense because the link says "Enter Test Account ID". However 
>> after I created my MCC Test Account, using an email that isn't tied to the 
>> production MCC account, I try to retrieve a report again and I get this 
>> now: 
>> AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED
>> Can anyone help me out and tell me what I am doing wrong. To reiterate, 
>> with this sample rails app, I am logged in using the gmail account 
>> associated with the production MCC account. The account ID I entered in 
>> after clicking the "Enter Test Account ID" is the ID from the test MCC 
>> account. My oauth2_client_id, oauth2_client_secret, and developer_token are 
>> created by the gmail account associated with the production MCC account and 
>> assigned in the adwords_api.yml file as so. The client_customer_id in the 
>> adwords_api.yml file is assigned to the customer id of the production MCC 
>> account. I have also bumped the google-adwords-api gem's version to 0.15.2. 
>> Is there something wrong with my set up? I just want to generate a 
>> report. I don't need it automated. I just want to generate it this one time 
>> only.
>> On Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 3:07:36 AM UTC-7, Jeffrey Lee wrote:
>>> So I downloaded the sample rails app here: 
>>> I got it running, but when I click on the List Accounts link I get this 
>>> stack trace:
>>> NoMethodError - undefined method `[]=' for nil:NilClass:
>>>   google-ads-common (0.9.9) lib/ads_common/credential_handler.rb:65:in 
>>> `set_credential'
>>>   app/controllers/application_controller.rb:50:in `create_adwords_api'
>>>   app/controllers/application_controller.rb:36:in `get_adwords_api'
>>>   app/controllers/account_controller.rb:18:in `get_accounts_graph'
>>>   app/controllers/account_controller.rb:5:in `index'
>>> I have my developer_token, client_customer_id, oauth2_client_id, 
>>> and oauth2_client_secret. I don't know why I am getting this issue. Does 
>>> anyone have any ideas? Everything in my token had a value except the 
>>> id_token key.

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