
Sorry, but I don't have an update at this time. For now, I'd recommend 
using the workaround I mentioned in my previous post 

Josh, AdWords API Team

On Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 12:32:02 PM UTC-4, Ankit Jain wrote:
> Any updates on creating "TrueView In stream youtube ad" through API? 
> On Wednesday, July 22, 2015 at 11:10:54 AM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
> API Team) wrote:
>> Hi Richard,
>> Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA for when or if this will be available, 
>> but I've passed your feedback along.
>> Thanks,
>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 5:03:54 PM UTC-4, Richard Biffin wrote:
>>> Hi Josh
>>> Thanks for this. Are you able to tell me if this will become available 
>>> in the future? Would be really handy to be able to do this without having 
>>> to do one first via the web interface.
>>> Richard
>>> On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 05:46:07 UTC+12, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
>>> Team) wrote:
>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>> I was able to create one of these ads through the user interface on a 
>>>> *Search 
>>>> Network with Display Select* campaign, but not on a *Display Network 
>>>> only* campaign. Were you trying to do this on a *Display Network only* 
>>>> campaign, 
>>>> perhaps?
>>>> Regarding creating template ad ID 231 through the API, I've got good 
>>>> news and bad news. The bad news is that, as you suggested, you need a 
>>>> *mediaId* in order to create the ad, and the only way to do that (even 
>>>> for a YouTube video) is to create a template ad through the user interface 
>>>> that points to your YouTube video. After that, you can fetch the 
>>>> *mediaId* via MediaService 
>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201506/MediaService>
>>>> .
>>>> The good news is that once you've created at least one template ad that 
>>>> uses your YouTube video, you can use the generated *mediaId* to create 
>>>> additional template ads through the API that use that video. You'll need 
>>>> to 
>>>> include the following fields:
>>>>    - displayUrl
>>>>    - finalUrls
>>>>    - templateId
>>>>    - templateElements
>>>>       - headline
>>>>       - description1
>>>>       - description2
>>>>       - videoId
>>>>          - type = VIDEO
>>>>          - fieldMedia
>>>>             - mediaId = the *mediaId* you retrieved via *MediaService*
>>>>          - imageUrl
>>>>       - channelName
>>>>    - name
>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>> On Monday, July 20, 2015 at 6:05:58 PM UTC-4, Richard Biffin wrote:
>>>>> Hi Josh
>>>>> I tried creating an ad based on the TrueView template within the 
>>>>> Adwords web interface. I can select the YouTube video fill out the form 
>>>>> but 
>>>>> every time I try and save the ad the error pops up saying  "Please 
>>>>> correct errors above"
>>>>> These are the steps I use to produce this problem.
>>>>> Login to Adwords using my test MCC account
>>>>> Select one of my client account which I created
>>>>> Create a Campaign of type "Search Network with Display Select" with 
>>>>> "All Features" checked
>>>>> Enter a daily budget (all other settings are default)
>>>>> Create Campaign
>>>>> Create an Ad Group with a default bid (all other settings are default)
>>>>> On the Ad tab, click the  + Ad dropdown, select Ad Gallery
>>>>> Select Video Ads
>>>>> Select TrueView in-display video ad
>>>>> Fill out the Ad form
>>>>> Add Headline, Description
>>>>> Select a YouTube video (Looks like you can select any YouTube video) 
>>>>> At no point has it asked me to link my YouTube account.
>>>>> I select a YouTube video that I know about
>>>>> Select a thumbnail (it selects the first by default)
>>>>> Give it a name
>>>>> Hit Save
>>>>> Get error message "Please fix above errors"
>>>>> There are no errors to fix
>>>>> Screens
>>>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-pSxI3YvXdp4/Va1rK70cEBI/AAAAAAAAFIs/JA51vn0QfuE/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2015-07-21%2Bat%2B9.35.28%2Bam.png>
>>>>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-c7orR3O8ADs/Va1rRpuM2BI/AAAAAAAAFI0/zTzyxxuBhrk/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2015-07-21%2Bat%2B9.35.41%2Bam.png>
>>>>> I have tried this with a proper Adwords account also, same issue. So I 
>>>>> can't query for a created ad via the API because it seems I can't even 
>>>>> create one. This is all done via the standard Adwords interface (Online 
>>>>> Campaigns not Video Campaigns)
>>>>> Please advise, thanks
>>>>> Richard
>>>>> On Tuesday, 21 July 2015 04:57:01 UTC+12, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
>>>>> Team) wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>>>> Might I suggest creating the ad through the AdWords user interface, 
>>>>>> then retrieving it via the API? The advantage to this approach is that 
>>>>>> we'll see precisely which fields of the template need to be populated, 
>>>>>> as 
>>>>>> well as how they are populated.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>>>> On Sunday, July 19, 2015 at 4:59:15 PM UTC-4, Richard Biffin wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Josh
>>>>>>> Thanks for the update. I have tried creating an ad based on the 
>>>>>>> TrueView template using this code, so only using the video_id
>>>>>>> template_ad = {
>>>>>>>   name: 'Ad Name',
>>>>>>>   display_url: 'youtube.com/channelname',
>>>>>>>   final_urls: [
>>>>>>>     'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoid'
>>>>>>>   ],
>>>>>>>   xsi_type: 'TemplateAd',
>>>>>>>   template_id: "231",
>>>>>>>   template_elements: [
>>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>>       unique_name: "adData",
>>>>>>>       fields: [
>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>           name: 'videoId',
>>>>>>>           type: 'VIDEO',
>>>>>>>           field_text: params[:video_id]
>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>           name: 'imageUrl',
>>>>>>>           type: 'URL',
>>>>>>>           field_text: 'http://i.ytimg.com/vi/videoid/default.jpg'
>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>           name: 'channelName',
>>>>>>>           type: 'TEXT',
>>>>>>>           field_text: 'channelName'
>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>           name: 'headline',
>>>>>>>           type: 'TEXT',
>>>>>>>           field_text: 'Some Headline Text'
>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>       ]
>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>   ]
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> operation = {
>>>>>>>   operator: 'ADD',
>>>>>>>   operand: {
>>>>>>>     ad_group_id: ad_group_id,
>>>>>>>     ad: template_ad
>>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> service = $api.service(:AdGroupAdService, $version)
>>>>>>> ad = service.mutate([operation])
>>>>>>> I get back the error
>>>>>>> [AdError.EMPTY_FIELD @ 
>>>>>>> operations[0].operand.ad.templateElements[0].fields[0].fieldMedia; 
>>>>>>> trigger:'<null>'] 
>>>>>>> So I guess the field_media is required, but obviously using the 
>>>>>>> field media means I need to use the MediaService to query for the 
>>>>>>> mediaId 
>>>>>>> to include in the field_media. If I leave off the displayUrl, finalUrls 
>>>>>>> I 
>>>>>>> also get required field errors, the same if I leave off the imageUrl, 
>>>>>>> headline and channelName, these are all required.
>>>>>>> It seems to me to do with this
>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>           name: 'videoId',
>>>>>>>           type: 'VIDEO',
>>>>>>>           field_text: params[:video_id]
>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>> The 'type' VIDEO requires the media_field to be included but this 
>>>>>>> seems to treat it as an in-stream video ad, which requires a 'video' 
>>>>>>> object 
>>>>>>> parameter instead of the TrueView template ad which requires only the 
>>>>>>> YouTube videoId. I am setting the template id to 231 which is the ID 
>>>>>>> for 
>>>>>>> the TrueView template.
>>>>>>> I don't understand why this requires a MediaService object if we are 
>>>>>>> already giving it the YouTube videoId.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>>> On Saturday, 18 July 2015 03:26:19 UTC+12, Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
>>>>>>> API Team) wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>>>>>> I spoke with our resident *MediaService* expert, and here are the 
>>>>>>>> key points:
>>>>>>>>    1. The comment on MediaService.upload 
>>>>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201506/MediaService#upload>
>>>>>>>>  regarding 
>>>>>>>>    images is correct. You can only *upload* images through the 
>>>>>>>>    API. However, if you uploaded Audio or Video media objects *through 
>>>>>>>>    the user interface*, you'll be able to retrieve them via 
>>>>>>>>    MediaService.get 
>>>>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201506/MediaService#get>
>>>>>>>>     and MediaService.query 
>>>>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201506/MediaService#query>
>>>>>>>>    .
>>>>>>>>    2. When creating a TrueView template ad 
>>>>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/templateads#pyv_ad_on_search>,
>>>>>>>>    you should specify the YouTube video ID for the *videoId* field 
>>>>>>>>    (without the URL -- just the ID).
>>>>>>>>    3. We're not sure if linking your YouTube and AdWords accounts 
>>>>>>>>    is required for the TrueView template. I'd recommend just giving it 
>>>>>>>> a try 
>>>>>>>>    without linking to see if you encounter any issues.
>>>>>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>>>>>> On Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 7:13:36 PM UTC-4, Richard Biffin 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Josh, are you saying that video uploading is supported? I don't 
>>>>>>>>> really want to upload I just want to link a YouTube video.
>>>>>>>>> I haven't tried yet because not sure how to do it, with an image 
>>>>>>>>> you can base64 encode and use the data property of the media object 
>>>>>>>>> but 
>>>>>>>>> according to the videos docs there is no data property. How do I tell 
>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>> MediaService which video to upload or which YouTube video to use.
>>>>>>>>> This is what I currently have but doesn't work and wouldn't really 
>>>>>>>>> expect it to but not sure what else to try.
>>>>>>>>> service = $api.service(:MediaService, $version)
>>>>>>>>> video = {
>>>>>>>>>     type: 'VIDEO',
>>>>>>>>>     you_tube_video_id_string: params[:video_id],
>>>>>>>>>     streaming_url: "
>>>>>>>>> http://youtube.com/get_video?video_id=#{params[:video_id]}";
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> service.upload([video])
>>>>>>>>> This creates an UnexpectedParametersError: 
>>>>>>>>> [:you_tube_video_id_string, :streaming_url])
>>>>>>>>> I am looking to create just a regular Adwords campaign with the ad 
>>>>>>>>> based on the TrueView template (template id 231). Based on the 
>>>>>>>>> template 
>>>>>>>>> docs all I need to do is give it a YouTube videoId and an optional 
>>>>>>>>> videoThumbnail and destinationPage
>>>>>>>>> https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/templateads#pyv_ad_on_search
>>>>>>>>> but this doesn't work, if I leave out the field_media, it starts 
>>>>>>>>> complaining about required field. So I add in field_media with 
>>>>>>>>> appropriate 
>>>>>>>>> properties but it requires a media_id which I can only get from the 
>>>>>>>>> MediaService, either by uploading (which doesn't work for videos) or 
>>>>>>>>> creating an ad through the web interface, selecting a YouTube video 
>>>>>>>>> from 
>>>>>>>>> the ad gallery TrueView template, in fact you don't have to create 
>>>>>>>>> the ad, 
>>>>>>>>> all you have to do is select the YouTube video when starting to 
>>>>>>>>> create your 
>>>>>>>>> ad, which looks like it essentially associates the YouTube video to 
>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>> Adwords account, this video is then part of the MediaService .get 
>>>>>>>>> collection via the API.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>>>>> On Friday, 17 July 2015 08:36:45 UTC+12, Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
>>>>>>>>> API Team) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>>>>>>>> It may be that the documentation on *MediaService* is outdated. 
>>>>>>>>>> Have you tried uploading your video via that service and it failed?
>>>>>>>>>> Also, are you looking to set up these ads for an AdWords for 
>>>>>>>>>> Video campaign or a regular AdWords campaign? I ask because the 
>>>>>>>>>> AdWords API 
>>>>>>>>>> does not currently support managing AdWords for Video campaigns.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 6:25:51 PM UTC-4, Richard Biffin 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Ok thanks for this. I was hoping to just link a YouTube video as 
>>>>>>>>>>> the media, not have to upload the video again. I see that the 
>>>>>>>>>>> MediaService 
>>>>>>>>>>> has an upload function which currently only supports images, is 
>>>>>>>>>>> there any 
>>>>>>>>>>> plan to allow uploading of videos in the near future?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, 16 July 2015 04:38:28 UTC+12, Anthony Madrigal 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>>>>>>>>>> When creating video template ads 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/template-ads#video_ads>,
>>>>>>>>>>>> you will need to use a video that is uploaded through the AdWords 
>>>>>>>>>>>> UI (since 
>>>>>>>>>>>> it is not supported through API). You are required to do so since 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the media 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ID is used to create the video ad and is used to retrieve video 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ads through 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the *MediaService.*
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Anthony
>>>>>>>>>>>> AdWords API Team

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