Hi all, 

In simple words, I plan to offer managed services to product pages like in 
that page http://www.wordstream.com/ppc-pricing-managed-services.  

The thing is each product has a page on my website. Products owners will 
pay the amount of money they would like to invest in Google AdWords, and my 
role is to bring them visitors to their page on the website. My business 
model is to get a percentage (i.e. 10%) of the amount they invest at Google 

Then, need product owners not to leave my website when they pay for the 
service, see visitors statics, and so on. I think that Google Adwords API 
<https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/start> shall help 
with that.

I need to *automate *the process as much as possible, in the following 

1- Product owner pay: the amount of money he wish to invest per month or 
one time. This amount of payment shall be considered as "Available Credit" 
for this product.
2- Certain keywords, that is agreed upon by our website Google Adwards 
manager (it will be product name, and city name (I may just get visitors 
based on a city-related keyword and direct them to product page)), start to 
be effective at my website account at Google Adwards.
3- Google starts to direct good visits to the product page at my website.
4- Our website Google Adwards manager monitor visits quality and improve 
keywords and do all his other Adwords account-related work at this step. 
5- Now, product owner can see the visits statics and the amount of credit 
deduced from his "Available Credit" at his my website dashboard.

Please let me know if you handled such system before? How really can I 
achieve that?  

Thanks a lot.  

Also find us on our blog and Google+:

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  • Automating manag... 'Ahmed Maher' via AdWords API Forum
    • Re: Automat... 'Vishal Vinayak (Adwords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum

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