
Thanks for validating my findings! We ended up moving on to a vendor solution 
given the those limits. Glad to hear I'm not the only one.

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From: <> on behalf of <>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 7:19:34 AM
To: AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Subject: Re: Severe rate limiting when running the python example

Hi Cameron,

I've raised exactly this issue with the API team before - sometimes I get rate 
limited before I get *any* results. The only workaround I've found is, as the 
team have suggested here, by adding error handling logic to wait 30 seconds 
before retrying and just keep on hitting the API until it gives a result. Given 
these errors are thrown so quickly on small test runs, it doesn't inspire 
confidence that the API will behave robustly when used in production. I think 
this isn't an issue for Google's support team, it needs to be escalated to 
their product team, to provide an API endpoint that's fit for purpose.


On Friday, 28 September 2018 16:41:49 UTC+1, Cameron Warren wrote:
Hi Teja,

Thanks for your explanation. I understand why it can occur - but in my case it 
doesn't make sense that it's occuring. I waited a full 24 hours and re-ran my 
script 1 time, and the script still errored out with the same error (see below 
the response). You'll note that it starts to provide results, but then after 
about 15 or so it throws the error. As you can see from my code I have the page 
size set to 1 - so this shouldn't be causing the Rate Exceeded error. Am I to 
believe I need to use the retryafterseconds paramter after just 15 results???

Keyword with "panama canal cruise" text and average monthly search volume 
"18100" was found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10802, 

Keyword with "cruises from melbourne" text and average monthly search volume 
"8100" was found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10802, 

Keyword with "cruises from florida" text and average monthly search volume 
"22200" was found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10802, 

Keyword with "florida cruises" text and average monthly search volume "6600" 
was found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10150].

Keyword with "cruises" text and average monthly search volume "368000" was 
found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10802, 10150].

Keyword with "emerald river cruises" text and average monthly search volume 
"2900" was found with Products and Services categories: [12096, 10153, 10017, 

Keyword with "river cruise lines" text and average monthly search volume "2400" 
was found with Products and Services categories: [12096, 10153, 10017, 10151].

Keyword with "world cruise" text and average monthly search volume "18100" was 
found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10802, 10150].

Keyword with "caribbean cruise" text and average monthly search volume "135000" 
was found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10802, 10150].

Keyword with "emerald cruises" text and average monthly search volume "2900" 
was found with Products and Services categories: [12096, 10153, 10017].

Keyword with "cruise" text and average monthly search volume "368000" was found 
with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10802, 10150].

Keyword with "river cruises" text and average monthly search volume "49500" was 
found with Products and Services categories: [12096, 10153, 10017, 10151].

Keyword with "boat cruise" text and average monthly search volume "22200" was 
found with Products and Services categories: [12096, 10153, 10017, 10802].

Keyword with "royal caribbean cruise ships" text and average monthly search 
volume "22200" was found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 
10802, 10150].

Keyword with "royal caribbean cruises" text and average monthly search volume 
"246000" was found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10802, 

Keyword with "caribbean cruise ships" text and average monthly search volume 
"2900" was found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10802, 

Keyword with "cruise ship" text and average monthly search volume "135000" was 
found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10150].

Keyword with "royal cruise" text and average monthly search volume "14800" was 
found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 12093, 10150].

Keyword with "royal caribbean oasis" text and average monthly search volume 
"5400" was found with Products and Services categories: [10153, 10017, 10150].

Keyword with "port canaveral transportation" text and average monthly search 
volume "880" was found with Products and Services categories: [10785, 10017, 
10146, 12085, 10789].

Keyword with "scenic crystal river cruise" text and average monthly search 
volume "20" was found with Products and Services categories: [12096, 10153, 
10017, 10151].

Keyword with "orlando to port canaveral" text and average monthly search volume 
"2400" was found with Products and Services categories: [10785, 10017, 10146, 
13842, 12085, 13575, 10782].

Error summary: {'faultMessage': '[RateExceededError <rateName=RATE_LIMIT, 
rateKey=null, rateScope=ACCOUNT, retryAfterSeconds=30>]', 'requestId': 
'000576ef47109e300abf62118906a649', 'serviceName': 'TargetingIdeaService', 
'methodName': 'get', 'operations': '1', 'responseTime': '29'}

Traceback (most recent call last):

 line 1377, in MakeSoapRequest

    *packed_args, _soapheaders=soap_headers)['body']['rval']

 line 42, in __call__

    self._op_name, args, kwargs)

 line 132, in send

    return self.process_reply(client, operation_obj, response)

 line 194, in process_reply

    return self.process_error(doc, operation)

 line 299, in process_error


zeep.exceptions.Fault: [RateExceededError <rateName=RATE_LIMIT, rateKey=null, 
rateScope=ACCOUNT, retryAfterSeconds=30>]

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 94, in <module>

    main(adwords_client, int(AD_GROUP_ID) if AD_GROUP_ID.isdigit() else None)

  File "", line 68, in main

    page = targeting_idea_service.get(selector)

 line 1389, in MakeSoapRequest

    e.detail, errors=error_list, message=e.message)

googleads.errors.GoogleAdsServerFault: [RateExceededError <rateName=RATE_LIMIT, 
rateKey=null, rateScope=ACCOUNT, retryAfterSeconds=30>]

On Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 2:08:06 PM UTC-6, Teja Makani wrote:
Hello Cameron,

 error usually occurs when too many requests were made to the API in a short 
period of time. The rateScope parameter represents that the error is due to 
account rate scope. You could refer this 
 to know more about account rate scope. You could try to slow down the 
application a bit using RateExceededError.retryAfterSeconds parameter, please 
refer to the "Slow down" section of this 
 for more information. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Sai Teja, AdWords API Team.

On Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 9:19:08 AM UTC-4, Cameron Warren wrote:

I am running the example script using Python 3.6. The 
script runs fine except for one issue - I can't seem to get the script to 
complete. I'm getting the following error after running the script only a 
couple of times - even when running for just 1 page of results.

googleads.errors.GoogleAdsServerFault: [RateExceededError <rateName=RATE_LIMIT, 
rateKey=null, rateScope=ACCOUNT, retryAfterSeconds=30>]

My understanding from the rate sheet 
( is that I should be 
able to run 10,000 operations per day. I should be running only 1 get request 
(for 1 page as seen in my code below).

Any assistance as to why this error is throwing would be greatly helpful.


from googleads import adwords
import logging
import googleads

# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=googleads.util.LOGGER_FORMAT)
# logging.getLogger('googleads.soap').setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

# Optional AdGroup ID used to set a SearchAdGroupIdSearchParameter.

data_table = []
def main(client, ad_group_id=None):
  # Initialize appropriate service.
  targeting_idea_service = client.GetService(
      'TargetingIdeaService', version='v201806')

  # Construct selector object and retrieve related keywords.
  selector = {
      'ideaType': 'KEYWORD',
      'requestType': 'IDEAS'

  selector['requestedAttributeTypes'] = [

  offset = 0
  selector['paging'] = {
      'startIndex': str(offset),
      'numberResults': str(PAGE_SIZE)

  selector['searchParameters'] = [{
      'xsi_type': 'RelatedToQuerySearchParameter',
      'queries': ['space cruise']

  # Language setting (optional).
      # The ID can be found in the documentation:
      'xsi_type': 'LanguageSearchParameter',
      'languages': [{'id': '1000'}]

  # Network search parameter (optional)
      'xsi_type': 'NetworkSearchParameter',
      'networkSetting': {
          'targetGoogleSearch': True,
          'targetSearchNetwork': False,
          'targetContentNetwork': False,
          'targetPartnerSearchNetwork': False

  # Use an existing ad group to generate ideas (optional)
  if ad_group_id is not None:
        'xsi_type': 'SeedAdGroupIdSearchParameter',
        'adGroupId': ad_group_id

  more_pages = True
  while more_pages:
    page = targeting_idea_service.get(selector)

    # Display results.
    if 'entries' in page:
      for result in page['entries']:
        attributes = {}
        for attribute in result['data']:
          attributes[attribute['key']] = getattr(
              attribute['value'], 'value', '0')
        print ('Keyword with "%s" text and average monthly search volume '
               '"%s" was found with Products and Services categories: %s.'
               % (attributes['KEYWORD_TEXT'],
      print('No related keywords were found.')
    offset += PAGE_SIZE
    selector['paging']['startIndex'] = str(offset)
    more_pages = offset < int(page['totalNumEntries'])

if __name__ == '__main__':
  # Initialize client object.
  adwords_client = adwords.AdWordsClient.LoadFromStorage()

  main(adwords_client, int(AD_GROUP_ID) if AD_GROUP_ID.isdigit() else None)

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