I have read through the variety of "invalid_grant" questions on this board, 
but unfortunately didn't find anything that helped resolve my particular 

I am trying to get the samples working with the following config in my 

*  # This token has been approved and has Access level "Basic Access"*
*  developer_token: "<token from Tools/API Center/API Access/Developer 
token on the MCC account>"*

*  # We are only interested in automating tasks to our single ad account. 
The MCC with our developer token manages that account.*

*  client_customer_id: "<the ID for the single ad account managed by the 
MCC account>"*

*  # The following values configure the client for the installed 
*  # flow.*

*  # The account I use to manage the credentials is not the same as the one 
with the MCC account, is this significant? *
*  # (I did try creating the credentials on the MCC account and had the 
same issue, so I think not).*
*  client_id: "<Client ID from the credentials section on 
console.developers.google.com (type Other)>"*
*  client_secret: "<Again from the console.developers.google.com 
credentials entry>"*

*  # When I generated this token I authenticated as the MCC account (which 
has access to the managed google ads account -> client_customer_id above).*
*  refresh_token: "<Token generated using the generate_refresh_token.py 
tool (using the credentials above>"*

When I check https://myaccount.google.com/permissions I can see the details 
specified in the "OAuth consent screen" as having access to "Manage your 
AdWords campaigns".

When I use:

*curl https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token \*
*-d refresh_token=<refresh token above> \*
*-d client_id=<client id above> \*
*-d client_secret=<client secret above> \*
*-d access_type=offline \*
*-d grant_type=refresh_token*

I get back:

*  "access_token": "<new access token>",*
*  "expires_in": 3600,*
*  "scope": "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adwords",*
*  "token_type": "Bearer"*

Which seems healthy.

When I run the sample code from here 
-> https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/samples/python/remarketing 
"Create and populate a user list"

It fails on this line (presumably the first time it tries to authenticate):

*result = user_list_service.mutate(operations)*


*google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: ('invalid_grant: Bad Request', '{\n  
"error": "invalid_grant",\n  "error_description": "Bad Request"\n}')*

I have tried regenerating a refresh tokens (authenticated on other accounts 
who have access to the ad account I need to manage) with little success.

I have noticed on similar questions you have asked for a private reply with 
account details to investigate further and I would be happy to do that.


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