> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
> <configuration>
>  <configSections>
>    <section name="AdWordsApi" type=
> "System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler"/>
>  </configSections>
>  <AdWordsApi>
>    <!-- Change the appropriate flags to turn on SOAP logging. -->
>    <add key="LogPath" value="C:\Logs\"/>
>    <add key="LogToConsole" value="false"/>
>    <add key="LogToFile" value="false"/>
>    <add key="MaskCredentials" value="true"/>
>    <add key="LogErrorsOnly" value="false"/>
>     <!-- Fill the following values if you plan to use a proxy server.-->
>    <add key="ProxyServer" value=""/>
>    <add key="ProxyUser" value=""/>
>    <add key="ProxyPassword" value=""/>
>    <add key="ProxyDomain" value=""/>
>     <!-- Use this key to change the default timeout for Ads services
>        (in milliseconds.)-->
>    <add key="Timeout" value="100000"/>
>     <!-- Use this key to enable or disable gzip compression in SOAP 
> requests.-->
>    <add key="EnableGzipCompression" value="true"/>
>     <!-- Fill the header values. -->
>    <add key="UserAgent" value=
>    <add key="Email" value="ENTER_YOUR_EMAIL_HERE"/>
>    <add key="Password" value="ENTER_YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE"/>
>    <add key="DeveloperToken" value="ENTER_YOUR_DEVELOPER_TOKEN_HERE"/>
>    <!-- Application token is now optional and will be ignored by the 
> server.-->
>    <!-- <add key="ApplicationToken" 
>     <!-- Uncomment this key and comment ClientEmail if you want to specify
>         customer id instead of customer email. -->
>    <!-- <add key="ClientCustomerId"
>     <!-- Uncomment this if you want to reuse an authToken multiple times. 
> -->
>    <!--<add key="AuthToken" value="ENTER_YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN_HERE"/> -->
>     <!-- Uncomment this key if you want to use v13 sandbox. -->
>    <!-- <add key="LegacyAdWordsApi.Server" 
> value="https://sandbox.google.com"/> -->
>     <!-- Uncomment this key if you want to use AdWords API sandbox. -->
>    <!-- <add key="AdWordsApi.Server" 
> value="https://adwords-sandbox.google.com"/> -->
>  </AdWordsApi>
>  <system.web>
>    <webServices>
>      <soapExtensionTypes>
>        <add type="Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.SoapListenerExtension, 
> Google.Ads.Common"
>             priority="1" group="0"/>
>      </soapExtensionTypes>
>    </webServices>
>  </system.web>
>  <system.net>
>    <settings>
>      <httpWebRequest maximumErrorResponseLength="-1"  />
>    </settings>
>  </system.net>
> </configuration>
> Hi,

I have now access to the basic developer token as well. I have a config.php 
file in the excel sheet where I am using.

What should be filled here. ? Little confused. I have added developer 
token, company name, email id and password. 

Still Getting TargetingIdeaService.get Error: 
Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AuthTokenException- The remote server returned an 
error :(404) Not found.


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