Hi Nirmita,

Unfortunately no that doesn't answer my question. What I want is to know 
exactly what the boundaries of the targeting regions are. For example for 
if I target the London region this might cover the postcodes W1, W2, N1, 
..... etc.
I need to be able to compare the Google ads geotargeting regions with other 
systems that may define region boundaries differently.

Thank you,


On Friday, 14 August 2020 at 20:30:18 UTC+1 adsapiforumadvisor wrote:

> Hi Denial,
> Thanks for reaching out. Thank you for reaching out. You could target 
> campaigns for proximity to a location 
> <https://developers.google.cn/google-ads/api/docs/targeting/location-targeting#target_campaigns_for_proximity_to_a_location>.
> Please let me know if this is what you are looking for. If not, can you 
> please provide screenshot of the UI so that i can further investigate the 
> issue and please reply privately to author options while sharing the 
> details.
> Please let me know if you have further questions.
> Thanks,
> Nirmita Patel Google Ads Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q23KEuS:ref

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