At this link

They say that I should use the config at the app.config, but I'm using net 
core 3.1 and the cofiguration file is appsettings.json.

Em quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2021 às 15:16:26 UTC-3, Andrey Lima 

> *After trying to send an event to Google Ads Api with this code:*
>                 UploadClickConversionsResponse response =
>                     conversionUploadService.UploadClickConversions(
>                         new UploadClickConversionsRequest()
>                         {
>                             CustomerId = customerId.ToString(),
>                             Conversions = { clickConversion },
>                             PartialFailure = true,
>                             ValidateOnly = false
>                         });
> *I got the message:*
> RpcException: Status(StatusCode="Unavailable", Detail="Getting metadata 
> from plugin failed with error: Exception occurred in metadata credentials 
> plugin. Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.Responses.TokenResponseException: 
> Error:"invalid_request", Description:"Missing required parameter: 
> refresh_token",  ...... 
> *After that I've tried to request the token using ServiceAccountCredential 
> wich returned "true" in this function:*
> credential.RequestAccessTokenAsync(CancellationToken.None).Result;
> *But still doesn't work.*
> Could anyone explain me how can I configure the refresh_token and send it 
> with the UploadClickConversions?
> I'm totally stuck. Thanks.

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