I would appreciate any sorts of help please.

On Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 8:01:29 PM UTC+1 Jakub Hancin wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to access client's campaigns via Google Ads API but I am 
> failing.
> I am getting this error:
> "errorCode": { "authorizationError": "USER_PERMISSION_DENIED"},
>  "message": "User doesn't have permission to access customer. Note: If 
> you're accessing a client customer, the manager's customer id must be set 
> in the 'login-customer-id' header. See 
> https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/concepts/call-structure#cid
> "
> I have gone countless times through the standards, so let me recap what I 
> have done and tried so far.
> To be perfectly clear, the 'client' is a real account using real ads, but 
> still under our control for test purposes. We have full control over the 
> client in this example.
> 1. We have added the Customer account (789-584-XXXX) to the list of 
> Sub-Accounts via the UI on the Master Manager account (506-141-XXXX).
> 2. The client (us again) confirmed the linking of these accounts together 
> and granted access to the Manager account. The Manager account can easily 
> access all the ads of the client account via UI and can see the full 
> history of the client (we want to be able to perform this via API).
> 3. The client was sent the link to provide consent. The consent was given 
> and an Authorization code was generated.
> 4. The Authorization code was used to generate a pair of tokens. Up to 
> this point, everything went successfully as expected.
> 5. When the tokens are used to access client's data, we get the 403 error. 
> "User doesn't have permission to access customer. Note: If you're accessing 
> a client customer, the manager's customer id must be set in the 
> 'login-customer-id' header. See 
> https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/concepts/call-structure#cid
> "
> The step 5 is where our code fails.
> Let me write here the details of the HTTP request. As I trust these 
> matters are handled by seasoned developers, I believe you can easily figure 
> out the meaning of the code below. We are using a config object where the 
> variables are stored. No hyphens are used for the accounts, so the values 
> look like this: 789584XXXX or 506141XXXX:
> req.setMethod('POST');
> req.setHeader('Content-Type','application/json');
> req.setHeader('login-customer-id',config.ManagerAccountId__c);
> req.setHeader('Authorization','Bearer '+config.AccessToken__c);
> req.setHeader('developer-token',config.DeveloperToken__c);
> req.setEndpoint('
> https://googleads.googleapis.com/v4/customers/'+config.ClientId_Account__c+'/googleAds:search'
> );
> req.setBody('{"pageSize": 10000,"query": "SELECT campaign.id,campaign.name, 
> campaign.status, campaign.end_date, campaign.start_date, 
> metrics.cost_micros, campaign.campaign_budget FROM campaign"}');
> We are failing miserably.
> We have tried the approach of generating credentials under the client's 
> account and retrying the whole authorization flow with new client ID and 
> client secret (talking now abou the app client id + secret), but we could 
> not even get to the Authorization code as Google rejected the new app on 
> the client's side explaining the app is only in test mode (it is true that 
> we have the Basic access only on the Master manager account, because 
> getting even the Basic access was a huge bureaucratic pain for us -> we do 
> hope we do NOT have to submit the app for basic access for each client).
> Thank you for any help.
> Jakub
> SaaScend

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