Thanks, please allow me to dive deeper to my question:

*Google Ads API: batch-processing vs bulk mutates*

I want to remove a few ads in one server request.
What is the difference between:

 - batch-processing (only async?) 
 - bulk mutates (only sync, shorter code?)

I have tried both ways and got errors:

1) batch-processing

I've tried to follow this [post][1] about `batch-processing` to create an 
async batch job for removing multiple ads. It was sent to the server, but I 
didn't see the sent ad ids were deleted.

Do I miss anything?

*    class ServiceWrapper:*
*        """Wraps GoogleAdsService API request"""*
*        # public properties ...*
*        def __init__(self, client, customer_id):*
*            self._client = client*
*            self._ga_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")*
*            self._ad_group_ad_service = 
*            self._batch_job_service = 
*            self._customer_id = customer_id*
*            self._batch_job_operation = 
*            self._batch_job_resource_name = 
self._create_batch_job(self._batch_job_service, customer_id,*
*        def _create_batch_job_operation(self, client):*
*            """Created a BatchJobOperation and sets an empty BatchJob 
instance to*
*            the "create" property in order to tell the Google Ads API that 
*            creating a new BatchJob.*
*            Args:*
*                client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.*
*            Returns: a BatchJobOperation with a BatchJob instance set in 
the "create"*
*                property.*
*            """*
*            batch_job_operation = client.get_type("BatchJobOperation")*
*            batch_job = client.get_type("BatchJob")*
*            client.copy_from(batch_job_operation.create, batch_job)*
*            return batch_job_operation*
*        def _create_batch_job(self, batch_job_service, customer_id, 
*            """Creates a batch job for the specified customer ID.*
*            Args:*
*                batch_job_service: an instance of the BatchJobService 
message class.*
*                customer_id: a str of a customer ID.*
*                batch_job_operation: a BatchJobOperation instance set to 
*            Returns: a str of a resource name for a batch job.*
*            """*
*            try:*
*                response = batch_job_service.mutate_batch_job(*
*                    customer_id=customer_id, operation=batch_job_operation*
*                )*
*                resource_name = response.result.resource_name*
*                print(f'Created a batch job with resource name 
*                return resource_name*
*            except GoogleAdsException as exception:*
*                handle_googleads_exception(exception)*
*        def add_all_batch_job_operations(self, batch_job_service, 
operations, resource_name):*
*            """Adds all mutate operations to the batch job.*
*            As this is the first time for this batch job, we pass null as 
a sequence*
*            token. The response will contain the next sequence token that 
we can use*
*            to upload more operations in the future.*
*            Args:*
*                batch_job_service: an instance of the BatchJobService 
message class.*
*                operations: a list of a mutate operations.*
*                resource_name: a str of a resource name for a batch job.*
*            """*
*            try:*
*                response = batch_job_service.add_batch_job_operations(*
*                    resource_name=resource_name,*
*                    sequence_token=None,*
*                    mutate_operations=operations,*
*                )*
*                print(*
*                    f"{response.total_operations} mutate operations have 
been "*
*                    "added so far."*
*                )*
*                # You can use this next sequence token for calling*
*                # add_batch_job_operations() next time.*
*                print(*
*                    "Next sequence token for adding next operations is "*
*                    f"{response.next_sequence_token}"*
*                )*
*            except GoogleAdsException as exception:*
*                handle_googleads_exception(exception)*
*    def remove_disapproved_ads_for_account(account):*
*        """Remove all disapproved ads for a given customer id"""*
*        ad_removal_operations = []*
*            for row in rows:*
*                        ad_removal_operations.append(*
*                            build_removal_operation(customer_id, 
ad_json["ad_group_id"],     *
*        if len(ad_removal_operations) > 0:*
*            remove_ads(ad_removal_operations)*
*            #serviceWrapper.mutate(customer_id, [mutate_operation1, 
*    def build_removal_operation(customer_id, ad_group_id, ad_id):*
*        """Removes the specified ad"""*
*        resource_name = 
*            customer_id, ad_group_id, ad_id*
*        )*
*        ad_group_ad_operation = 
*        ad_group_ad_operation.remove = resource_name*
*        return ad_group_ad_operation*
*    async def remove_ads(removal_operations):*
*        """Removes the specified ad"""*
*        operations_response = 
*        # Create an asyncio.Event instance to control execution during the*
*        # asyncronous steps in _poll_batch_job. Note that this is not 
*        # for polling asyncronously, it simply helps with execution 
control so we*
*        # can run _fetch_and_print_results after the asyncronous 
operations have*
*        # completed.*
*        _done_event = asyncio.Event()*
*        _poll_batch_job(operations_response, _done_event)*
*        # Execution will stop here and wait for the asyncronous steps in*
*        # _poll_batch_job to complete before proceeding.*
*        await _done_event.wait()*
*        _fetch_and_print_results(serviceWrapper.client, 
*                                 serviceWrapper.batch_job_resource_name)*
*    def _run_batch_job(batch_job_service, resource_name):*
*        """Runs the batch job for executing all uploaded mutate 
*        Args:*
*            batch_job_service: an instance of the BatchJobService message 
*            resource_name: a str of a resource name for a batch job.*
*        Returns: a google.api_core.operation.Operation instance.*
*        """*
*        try:*
*            response = 
*            print(*
*                f'Batch job with resource name "{resource_name}" has been 
*                "executed."*
*            )*
*            return response*
*        except GoogleAdsException as exception:*
*            handle_googleads_exception(exception)*
*    def _poll_batch_job(operations_response, event):*
*        """Polls the server until the batch job execution finishes.*
*        Sets the initial poll delay time and the total time to wait before 
*        Args:*
*            operations_response: a google.api_core.operation.Operation 
*            event: an instance of asyncio.Event to invoke once the 
operations have*
*                completed, alerting the awaiting calling code that it can 
*        """*
*        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()*
*        def _done_callback(future):*
*            # The operations_response object will call callbacks from a 
*            # thread so we must use a threadsafe method of setting the 
event here*
*            # otherwise it will not trigger the awaiting code.*
*            loop.call_soon_threadsafe(event.set)*
*        # operations_response represents a Long-Running Operation or LRO. 
The class*
*        # provides an interface for polling the API to check when the 
operation is*
*        # complete. Below we use the asynchronous interface, but there's 
also a*
*        # synchronous interface that uses the Operation.result method.*
*        # See:*
*        operations_response.add_done_callback(_done_callback)*
*    def _fetch_and_print_results(client, batch_job_service, 
*        """Prints all the results from running the batch job.*
*        Args:*
*            client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.*
*            batch_job_service: an instance of the BatchJobService message 
*            resource_name: a str of a resource name for a batch job.*
*        """*
*        print(*
*            f'Batch job with resource name "{resource_name}" has finished. 
*            "Now, printing its results..."*
*        )*
*        list_results_request = 
*        list_results_request.resource_name = resource_name*
*        list_results_request.page_size = BULK_REMOVE_PAGE_SIZE*
*        # Gets all the results from running batch job and prints their 
*        batch_job_results = batch_job_service.list_batch_job_results(*
*            request=list_results_request*
*        )*
*        for batch_job_result in batch_job_results:*
*            status = batch_job_result.status.message*
*            status = status if status else "N/A"*
*            result = batch_job_result.mutate_operation_response*
*            result = result or "N/A"*
*            print(*
*                f"Batch job #{batch_job_result.operation_index} "*
*                f'has a status "{status}" and response type "{result}"'*
*            )*

2) Bulk Mutates

If I choose to follow this [post][2] about `Bulk Mutates`, and create a 
sync batch, I get an undefined symbol `:Mutate` how can I fix this? Or make 
this code work?

*    class ServiceWrapper:*
*        """Wraps GoogleAdsService API request"""*
*        # public properties ...*
*        def __init__(self, client, customer_id):*
*            self._client = client*
*            self._ga_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")*
*            self._ad_group_ad_service = 
*            self._batch_job_service = 
*            self._customer_id = customer_id*
*            self._batch_job_operation = 
*            self._batch_job_resource_name = 
self._create_batch_job(self._batch_job_service, customer_id,*
*     def build_removal_operation_sync(customer_id, ad_group_id, ad_id):*
*         mutate_operation1 = serviceWrapper.client.operation(:Mutate)*
*         """Removes the specified ad"""*
*         resource_name = 
*             customer_id, ad_group_id, ad_id*
*         )*
*         ad_group_ad_operation = 
*         ad_group_ad_operation.remove = resource_name*
*         mutate_operation1.ad_group_ad_operation = campaign_operation*

On Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 9:29:10 AM UTC+3 adsapi wrote:

> Hi,
> You can make use of a test account 
> <>,
> and create (non serving) ads if you wish to test the bulk removal of ads.
> For the bulk removal of ads, I would recommend that you refer to our batch 
> processing 
> <> 
> guide for more information. The limitations are then discussed here 
> <>
> .
> For the non BatchJobService approach, you can refer to the below guides 
> for more information on the API's limits : 
>    - API limits and quotas  
>    <> 
>    - System limits 
> <>
>    - Rate limits 
> <>
> For mutate requests 
> <>,
> up to 5,000 operations can be included in a single request.
> I hope this helps.
> Best regards,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Peter Laurence Napa Oliquino 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2MlCCh:ref

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