Hi Team,
I'm working on a migration from AdWords API to Google Ads API and I found 
an issue while trying to pull AdGroup level performance data 
(absolute_top_impression_percentage and top_impression_percentage) on an 
hourly level. AdWords API allows to pull AdGroup Performance data at an 
hourly level, it is also available in the Google Ads UI.
What is the proper way to pull this data (AdGroup Performance Hourly) 
programmatically using Google Ads API?

GAQL query:
SELECT ad_group.id
, metrics.clicks
, metrics.cost_micros
, ad_group.cpc_bid_micros
, metrics.impressions
, metrics.top_impression_percentage
, metrics.absolute_top_impression_percentage
, segments.hour
FROM ad_group
WHERE segments.date = '2021-09-06'

Cannot select the following segments because at least one unsupported 
metric is found in SELECT or WHERE clause: 'segments.hour'(unsupported 
metrics: 'absolute_top_impression_percentage', 'top_impression_percentage').

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