I got the same error, last month it's can be changed but for this month it 
What's the change on Google side?

On Monday, 4 October 2021 at 12:36:02 UTC+7 adsapi wrote:

> Hi Zhe,
> Thank you for reaching out to our API support team and for sharing your 
> logs. However, you may refrain from sending your entire logs and code in 
> forum posts.
> Once requested by our team, you may then send the requested information 
> via the *Reply privately to author* option. If this option is not 
> available, you may send the details directly to our 
> googleadsa...@google.com alias instead.
> That said, I deleted your initial post and code, and reposting the 
> information with further details redacted, retaining only specific parts of 
> your post and logs  :
> Good day, 
> My team are using Google Ads API v8 and we have a set of unit test cases 
> that run from time to time to check if we are using API in the right way.
> From today, we noticed a test case started failing. It is about setting 
> the TARGET_CPA bidding strategy to a Search campaign ( which was created 
> with MANUAL_CPC). The last time the case has passed was 2 days ago.
> Wonder if any changes in the API in these 2 days and what actions I should 
> take to make it work.
> Request and response details and the code
> Request
> *operations {*
> *  update {*
> *    resource_name: "customers/PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED THIS 
> INFORMATION/campaigns/14825758506"*
> *    bidding_strategy_type: TARGET_CPA*
> *    target_cpa {*
> *      target_cpa_micros: 10000000*
> *      cpc_bid_ceiling_micros: 100000000*
> *      cpc_bid_floor_micros: 10000000*
> *    }*
> *  }*
> *  update_mask {*
> *    paths: "resource_name"*
> *    paths: "bidding_strategy_type"*
> *    paths: "target_cpa.target_cpa_micros"*
> *    paths: "target_cpa.cpc_bid_ceiling_micros"*
> *    paths: "target_cpa.cpc_bid_floor_micros"*
> *  }*
> *}*
> Response
> *-------*
> *Fault: errors {*
> *  error_code {*
> *  }*
> *  message: "Bidding strategy is not supported or cannot be used as 
> anonymous."*
> *  trigger {*
> *    string_value: "TARGET_CPA"*
> *  }*
> *  location {*
> *    field_path_elements {*
> *      field_name: "operations"*
> *      index: 0*
> *    }*
> *    field_path_elements {*
> *      field_name: "update"*
> *    }*
> *    field_path_elements {*
> *      field_name: "target_cpa"*
> *    }*
> *  }*
> *}*
> *request_id: "REDACTED"*
> *( Note since it is in our test case, the request was sent to the sandbox 
> environment )*
> Moving forward, using the TARGET_CPA would require that your account meet 
> the eligibility requirements as mentioned in this guide 
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/campaigns/bidding/strategy-types?hl=en>
> and in this article here 
> <https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6268632>. Also, could you 
> confirm what strategy type was initially set for the 14825758506 campaign, 
> before you opted to perform a request to update it to TARGET_CPA?
> For our team to take a closer look, could you share the customer ID and 
> complete logs with all the details to our team *privately*? I asked 
> because I am unable to locate the said 14825758506 campaign and the account 
> where it belongs to, from our end. 
> Best regards,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Peter Laurence Napa Oliquino 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2OVlFD:ref

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