Hmm this is a response and a list test... You wonder where all that $$ from the loans went to... I'd take even money that some of it lined a few pockets through boosted salaries and such... yeah they probably screwed themselves all the way to the bank..

On 6/14/18 8:26 AM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
On 6/14/18 7:58 AM, wrote:
Well, they were in fear that I would end up running it again (I was in legal control for the past couple of years but it was impractical to actually take over, I just wanted the lawsuit to end).  During discovery we found that the highest point of owner equity occurred at the point where they threw me out. And now they are upside down.

They acquired tons of debt.  A friend of mine was told their strategy was to drive the boat up onto the rocks so that if I came back I would have a company with negative equity.  In short, anything that is financially detrimental to Chuck McCown was the strategy.

They had good growth and have plenty of revenue.  But now they have tons of debt service and a poor chance of getting commercial financing. Beehive Telephone also sued Beehive Broadband for failure to pay on intracompany notes (yep sued themselves) and then continued to loan more money to Beehive Broadband, all parties committed lender liability fraud.

That's hilarious. They thought they where going to fuck you over, but instead dug themselves in a hole that's exclusively theirs.

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