Eventually they will then have 2 Shares outstanding at a valuation of $150...

On 09/29/2018 09:26 AM, ch...@wbmfg.com wrote:
They are having a shareholder’s meeting to request permission to do a 500:1 reverse split.
They just did a 250:1 reverse split a month or two ago.
So my original 60 cent per share investment (which went down to something like 8 cents) in 250 shares turned into 1 share worth $20. Then that price went down to what is about 15 cents today. So my original $150 investment is worth 15 cents today.
A tenth of a percent of the original.
And they want to now do a 500:1, so if it goes through and my price stays at 15 cents I will have .002 shares at $75/share.
A price high enough to keep from being delisted.
I wonder how low that new figure will drop.

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