 I have not purchased any of your products in a long while till this issue I ran into where the cmm5 was limited on physical
dimension to be used top side.
 So, I immediately started work on my own design to help support what I think would be helpful. The products you have that fit that design will work for most deployments which is where I got the idea,but I am looking for that module for the 450i/m line with the same performance or similar to the cmm5.


On 10/03/2018 08:40 AM, Forrest Christian (List Account) wrote:
I'm a bit confused....

We've been shipping web-enabled cambium-compatible sync products in the DIN rail form factor for years.   It's called a SiteMonitor base unit  in combination with one or more powerinjector+sync products (and the SyncInjectors before them).  All a RackInjector is is the powerinjector+sync product in combination with what will become the Sitemonitor Base Unit III hardware.  But you don't get any real meaningful functionality difference between the been-shipping-for-years din mount product and a RackInjector other than the prettier web interface and a different form factor.  Heck, until just recently the RackInjector didn't have SNMP and the older hardware did.

The reason why I asked what product you were referring to is the only shortcoming of the din rail form factor has been the lack of cambium-style sync such as is used by the 450i/450m.   We launched that hardware in the RackInjector form factor because we knew we would need some more engineering work to be done to be able to fit it back in the power injector case.   We also wanted to make sure it could work standalone (without a base unit) and run off of either + or - supplies.   If you sniff around on the PacketFlux website over the next few days I have a feeling you'll find a cambium sync version of the PowerInjector which appears sometime shortly before WISPAPALOOZA, with shipments starting 30-45 days after.

The SiteMonitor III is going to be a while later.   We have 2 additional updated products launching at WISPAPALOOZA, all of which are a result of the engineering which was done for the above product.    Specifically the SiteMontior single port din rail mount injector and the 5 channel PDU are both now polarity agnostic.   There might be another couple of products which come out in short succession afterwards, depending on how testing on prototype boards goes.     But this has all taken time away from the Base III, which sort of has been put on the back burner until we can clear these other products out.

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 7:12 AM Dave < <>> wrote:

    Seems I am not the only one looking for a more compact tower top
    Ive beat cambium till the horse died about the cmm5 physical
    limitations it has.
    Currently I am deploying the rack injector inside a DDB cabinet at
    250' with hardened
    fiber switches to meet connections at that level.
    As you can see this a fairly large cabinet with a lot of stuff in
    it to not only provide the level protection but ease of
    maintenance and performance criteria.
    I would like to see something in the range of a CMM4 box with just
    DIN rail modules for this same reason.
    I have used some Rhino Power supplies to accommodate power if
    needed to meet 24 or 48v.
    Forrest you almost have the complete design to make your cards fit
    a Dinrail size box and add the controller in another din box. This
    would be the solution for the size we need to build these boxes to
    a much more manageable size.

    my 2cents

    On 10/03/2018 03:18 AM, Forrest Christian (List Account) wrote:
    I'm not sure I know which possibly in development product you're
    talking about.

    There are various products in various stages of development, not
    sure if any of them match the description 'compact rack injector'.

    On Tue, Oct 2, 2018 at 10:26 PM Jon Langeler
    < <>> wrote:

        Is this still being developed?

        Jon Langeler
        Michwave Technologies, Inc.

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