Anything commercial has to pop crap up now and then to make sure you remember why you pay for it.  Anything free has to pop crap up now and then to convince you to buy something. Windows Defender quietly updates itself and runs in the background without pestering me.  Therefore I use that one.

I imagine there's some article somewhere demonstrating that product XYZ catches 12% more problems than Windows Defender or some such nonsense, but really are you actually worried?  A person in your position is smart enough to not get a virus even if you had no anti virus at all.  The first lines of defense are not clicking on weird stuff and keeping your software up to date, antivirus is the third tier.


On 10/22/2018 2:33 PM, Jay Weekley wrote:
What is everyone using for free anti-virus software? Or should I suck it up and buy something?
*Jay Weekley*
*Cyber Broadband

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