I still just use a simple windows batch file with a line like this to make
those changes, but cnMaestro is much easier when doing mass changes across
multiple APs or the entire network.

for /L %%v in (2,1,100) do snmpset -r2 -Oqv -t 0.05 -v2c -m all -c Canopy
10.1.2.%%v . s "20,30"

The bigger concern before making the channel width change on the AP is
finding out which subs on it might be currently disconnected, and then
waiting for them to show up on the AP again so you can update them as
well.  Talking an offline customer through that change is sometimes a
challenge, and if they don't have a computer with ethernet (which is
getting common these days), it might be impossible depending on what the
SMs configuration is.

On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 10:48 AM Sam Lambie <samtaos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Matt!
> I figured out how to edit a template, only select the functions I need and
> go from there. Last night I changed 110 SM's to scan for 20,30 and 40 mhz
> in 15 seconds.
> I also made a script to change the admin and root password as well. The
> installers had forgotten to add the root password to the SM's for a while.
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 8:09 AM Matt Mays <mm...@amplex.net> wrote:
>> Not the best way, by any means, but an option.
>> If you need to enable something through the web interface access, like
>> snmp r/w or community string  you can do something like this shell script
>> wrapper for curl:
>> *************************
>> #!/bin/sh
>> USER="username"
>> PASS="password"
>> #new rw community
>> COMMSTRING="private"
>> COOKFILE=`mktemp -t snmpcook`
>> TMPFILE=`mktemp -t snmp`
>> #get login page
>> #curl --cookie-jar $COOKFILE --silent \
>>     #--output $TMPFILE \
>>     #http://$1/index.htm
>> #login
>> curl --cookie $COOKFILE  --cookie-jar $COOKFILE --silent \
>>     --location \
>>     --data
>> "CanopyUsername=$USER&CanopyPassword=$PASS&webguisubmit=submit&SNMPReadOnly=0&SNMPComString=$COMMSTRING&ok=Save+Changes"
>> \
>>     --output $TMPFILE \
>>     http://$1/himom.cgi
>> #get status page
>> #curl --cookie $COOKFILE --cookie-jar $COOKFILE --silent \
>> #    --output $TMPFILE \
>> #http://$1/main.cgi
>> echo -n $1 ' '
>> cat $TMPFILE| grep -i window\\.status | sed -e
>> "s/.*window\.status=\'\([^\']*\)\'.*/\1/"
>> rm $TMPFILE
>> *************************
>> You just give it the hostname or ip as a parameter, of course updating
>> the USER, PASS, and COMMSTRING variables first.
>> You can do something similar for the channel size really if you don't
>> want to just enable the snmp credentials this way.
>> The variable to add to the data line is "BandWidthScan" and then you just
>> need to figure out the correct value.
>> Always good to test locally first before you orphan a bunch of radios in
>> the field.
>> Good luck,
>> Matt Mays
>> Amplex Internet
>> On 3/6/2019 3:50 PM, Joe Novak wrote:
>> If you don't have CnMaestro widely deployed here are a couple of great
>> examples provided by the community:
>> http://community.cambiumnetworks.com/t5/cnMaestro/Onboarding-with-SNMP-via-BASH/td-p/45614
>> You should be able to modify both of them fairly easily for whatever
>> snmpset commands your trying to run.
>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 2:43 PM Sean Heskett <af...@zirkel.us> wrote:
>>> Like Adam said cnMaestro makes this very easy.
>>> Sean
>>> On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 1:23 PM Adam Moffett <dmmoff...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> CnMaestro can apply a config template to every managed device.  If the
>>>> template only includes the one checkbox then only that one checkbox 
>>>> changes.
>>>> SNMP would definitely do it too, but only if you already have write
>>>> access enabled.
>>>> -Adam
>>>> On 3/6/2019 2:49 PM, Sam Lambie wrote:
>>>> Does anyone know how to basically check the 40mhz box en masse on all
>>>> SM's on an AP? Is SNMP the way to do it or is there a better way?
>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> *Sam Lambie*
>>>> Taosnet Wireless Tech.
>>>> 575-758-7598 Office
>>>> www.Taosnet.com <http://www.newmex.com>
>>>> --
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> --
> --
> *Sam Lambie*
> Taosnet Wireless Tech.
> 575-758-7598 Office
> www.Taosnet.com <http://www.newmex.com>
> --
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