I'm not up to speed on the flavors of the 5GHz 450 line. What are the advantages of the 450, 450i and 450m on the same tower?

Sean Heskett wrote:
Here's the equipment box we just rebuilt for one of our larger tower sites. A special shout out and big thanks to both McCowen Tech for the ground cards and Packetflux for the amazingly awesome Rack Injectors!!!

the other equipment is:
Planet GS-5220-48T4X switch
Mikrotik CCR
600Watt power supply for Rack Injector (will be adding a second to load balance)
Dataprobe iBoot PDU
fan tray

this site has these radios:
2 x 5GHz 450m
9 x 5GHz 450i
3 x 5GHz 450
1 x 3GHz 450m
3 x 3GHz 450 (1 is being replaced by the 450m)

Siklu EH-8010FX (10Gbps backhaul)
SAF Integra-W 18GHz (650Mbps backhaul - backup)


*Jay Weekley*
*Cyber Broadband

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