How about this one? It's only 5A, though, could run a pair of them and split the load.

On 7/11/2019 2:59 PM, Sterling Jacobson wrote:

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I’m still stuck on this mini-pop DC plant thing.


Is there a DIN mountable voltage regulator that will allow me to feed load from 48v battery string without going over 50v at 6-10A?


I’m still trying to power a couple of MetroLinq 2.5 antennas at the site, but people tell me they explode if given more than say 52v.


Which means my float battery system will kill the radios if it goes into recharge mode at 54v?


Or am I overthinking things?


Looks like to solve this I would need something like Mean Well $100 SD-350B-48 between the battery array and the load to assure it sticks around 50v.


Is that my only solution here?



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