Is anyone else doing Usage Based Billing? Or Peak UBB? We have noticed in
the last 6 months huge exponential increases of streaming
adoption especially between 6pm-midnight. Its almost getting unmanageable
and we are even using a Procera device. Problem is >50% of all traffic
after 6pm is streaming and it doesn't matter we would pretty much have to
block all other non-streaming traffic between those hours just to make room
for the streaming demand.

So we in essence have to design the network to perform during a peak window
between 7pm-midnight and it just doesn't make financial sense for the
network to be sitting there not being used 19 hours of the day.

100% of all new signups are asking us if we are "Unlimited" which has been
a huge selling point for us. Has anyone made the jump to UBB and what was
the reaction?

My initial thoughts are first 500GB free and after that $10 for each
block of 100GB past the first 500GB. Other factors are do we give free data
between midnight-6pm so not penalizing people that are not using during
peak hours?

Really, Really curious to hear if anyone has made the jump and what
customer reaction has been. Something has got to happen....
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