Does Google actually have LIDAR or are they just running the images that they 
collect from multiple angles through an algorithm to guess at the obstructions? 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Adam Moffett" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2019 1:53:10 PM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] clutter data and drones 

Looks like no 3D building/trees in the profile. 

On 12/18/2019 1:57 PM, Brian Webster wrote: 


If you draw a line between the AP and the address point and then right click to 
show elevation profile, does it look like it’s including the 3D building/tree 
as part of the profile or just terrain. 

We are lucky in NY that the state has mapped every 911 address to the rooftop 
and they make it available for download. Not everyone has data that accurate. 
911 address collection quality varies county by county. Not every county has 
put it in the public domain for download either. 

Thank You, 
Brian Webster 

From: AF [ ] On Behalf Of Adam Moffett 
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2019 1:09 PM 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] clutter data and drones 

NY State makes E911 address points available online. Imported a subset of that, 
turned on the "3D Buildings" layer in Google Earth, and then adjust the view 
until I'm looking from where the hypothetical AP would be. 
I can click on each point to get the street address, but I'm not keen to sit 
here and do that one point at a time. Seems like a job for a computer. 

On 12/18/2019 12:33 PM, Steve Jones wrote: 

Thats really cool, how did you get that? 

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 11:13 AM Adam Moffett < > wrote: 

Is the USGS LIDAR/clutter data available in a format that you could open in 
Manifold GIS? 
See the Google Earth screenshot below. Wouldn't it be nice to just have one 
more command to select only the address points that are "visible" based on the 
3D clutter? I'm betting I could make that work in Manifold. 
Not an RF projection of any sort, just filter out the address points that can't 
be "seen" due to 3D clutter. It's an imperfect approach for a lot of reasons, 
but it would give me hundreds of almost definite LOS households that I could 
sell 100mbps to if I wanted to. 
Or Brian, if that's something you could do as a service that would be something 
I'd be willing to talk about offlist. 

On 12/18/2019 11:40 AM, Brian Webster wrote: 

I don’t have that level of detail and haven’t personally done any of the 
processing, I just know that on the Google Fiber project they would drive a 
bunch of streets in a city and then the dedicated server would run for two or 
three days to create a usable point cloud data set. Then it had to be hosted on 
a separate server due to space requirements. This process was done by a company 
who specialized in these LIDAR projects so they had the tools to do it the most 
efficient way. I would guess the overall project file sizes were a couple of 
terabytes. If you think about it, you have to have a data record for everything 
you can see/reflect from because that data is used to recreate that object in 
3D, so the latitude, longitude and elevation needs to be built for something as 
simple as a road sign, all the points on the post and all the points to be able 
to recreate the sign and on both sides. 

Thank You, 
Brian Webster 

From: AF [ ] On Behalf Of Steve Jones 
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 4:49 PM 
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] clutter data and drones 

Can either of you describe the data size, and processing time? say clutter per 
uban square unit (mile kilometers, etc) at this res takes x time to collect 
with this particular method, it takes roughly y time to process it, and it 
requires z storage. 

Generalization is all im looking for here like , current drone/blimp, sensor 
tied to an eagle can only collect an x meter wide path per sweep so it would 
take y number of sweeps to cover a square km, the average speed of collection 
is x meters per minute and it would take so many fuel stops to gain that 

assuming you have that detail of information 

On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 3:29 PM Brian Webster < > 

Yes Chuck the post processing time it takes to create the 3 dimensional/axis 
point cloud data (points with a lat, long and height value) is massive. When I 
worked the Google Fiber projects in California we in cities like San Jose and 
the post processing took days on dedicated high end servers for the limited 
geographic areas we needed. If you have clutter data at 2 meter resolution you 
get a much better result of treating the clutter as a solid object than if 
doing that with 30 meter resolution data. The 2 meter resolution will have such 
high accuracy of being able to see each building and any single tree that might 
block a path. In the case of 30 meter data, the clutter gets classified as only 
one type. So in many non-dense urban areas, the 30 meter square gets classified 
as low density urban, but then you don’t get any information for a tree lined 
street or even the rural plains areas where it’s all open crop land with the 
exception of the single tree line planted to block wind on typical rural farm 
homes. So averaging the clutter classes becomes more necessary and not treating 
it all like solid objects. 

When I worked for EarthLink and we were designing the outdoor Wi-Fi network, we 
did have the 2 meter resolution tree and building data in Philadelphia. It made 
a big difference but as I recall we also paid $250,000 just for that single 
city area clutter at that resolution. As you state there have been business 
models made on creating this type of data for years. It’s not cheap to create, 
so the cost justification vs. the added resolution accuracy of your intended 
project is a key consideration. I do know that NYC has LIDAR data for the whole 
city in the public domain, worked nice on the WISP propagations I did for the 
NY State broadband map when they had me produce the WISP coverage areas. In the 
end it’s all about who is paying to have that high resolution data created. If 
the government eventually pays for it, then it should be released in the public 
domain because the public funded it (just like their existing map data is 
today). It’s still going to take a lot of computing horsepower to digest and 
use that data in any RF propagation tool however. 

Thank You, 
Brian Webster 

From: AF [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Chuck Hogg 
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 12:46 PM 
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] clutter data and drones 

I thought I would chime in here a bit. Not disputing Brian or anyone else here, 
as many accurate statements have been made. 

I've done some LIDAR propagations at 2M vs 30M DEM data. I found in areas 
around mountains and hills (consistent in KY/VA markets) it is very helpful to 
treat "clutter" as obstructions. I have reviewed areas where 30M DEM data shows 
400 homes serviced, and 2M LIDAR data shows 17. 

Going back to the original question, I know 2 people here in KY that fly drones 
for Engineering, Architectural, and Construction firms and I talked to some of 
the people at Common Networks, who use some version of Drone Photogrammetry to 
create their own datasets. In the construction industry it is being used to 
track building things like bridges, tunnels, commercial buildings, etc. These 
photogrammetry drone setups are $2-25k. The Drone Lidar setups are $5-300k and 
require much larger drones. 

Also, it takes a long time to take this data and compile it. I know they take 
anywhere from 3-18 months to do this in KY depending on how large the area and 
how high of a resolution it is. 

Here's a pretty good video and some tech in the beginning of one in use showing 
5cm accuracy: 

Just an FYI, the opportunity to create a business out of this has been going on 
for many years. They have used planes, blimps, and balloons for years. I could 
see a move to drones. 

Best Regards, Chuck Hogg | SVP/Director of Acquisitions 


On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 12:14 PM Steve Jones < > 


Assuming the software allows you to input your own clutter data, at high 
resolution, what impact on processing the models is there as the clutter data 
gets higher in resolution? Are we talking massive percentage? 

I think im maybe overestimating clutter datas usefulness. 

I would first need to have accurate topo data that knows what is ground, and 
what is treetop/building roof. And that data really would need to be at the 
same, or better resolution than my clutter data. (if my topo data is 30 meter, 
and my clutter data is 3 meter, my output will be best guess on top of the 30 
meter average that may or may not have already included the clutter, depending 
on when the sampling was done?) 

Am I misunderstanding clutter data? I had thought it was plotted elevations of 
clutter, but is it more just regionated averages? if that question makes any 

When the topo data was/is collected, are there mechanisms in play to 
differentiate terrain from structure/clutter? Say chicago was collected, would 
it show ground elevation or would it show the rooftop elevations as the average 
ground elevation? 

Back to the original query, assuming a guy had a drone with the capability of 
carrying the equipment and the battery life to not have to constantly recharge. 
Would a person be able to collect both topo and clutter data, that can 
differentiate it, and at a fine detail. What kind of data size is that 
information? I know that the data available to radio mobile in the day could be 
downloaded over dialup given some time, so it didnt seem to be overly massive. 

On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 9:07 AM Brian Webster < > 

Clutter data in the public domain is mostly 30 meter square resolution. Cameron 
has talked about a lot of the issues with the data. Radio Mobile (and 
TowerCoverage since it runs on that) has the ability to tune the cluster 
classifications a bit. I worked with Roger in implementing that clutter model. 
It is not actually part of the Longley Rice propagation model, what he did at 
my begging was allow a user to manually edit the height and density for each 
clutter class and then the tool assigns a loss factor per pixel/30 meter square 
of clutter and then subtracts the sum total of the clutter loss for the ray 
being propagated. This is not perfect but when the cell companies use their 
expensive propagation tools, they tune their clutter models for each market by 
drive testing a known transmitter with a roving unit and run those drive test 
results against what the software thinks the signals should be. In this process 
they compare the know clutter classes that were propagated through and it 
self-tweaks the loss factors is applies for each clutter class. In radio mobile 
you do basically the same thing but without automation. To get it right you 
have to go out and measure a lot of your real world signal levels and manually 
run propagations until the two match (minus your fade margins built in to your 

This works well if you spend the time, the bigger issue is that the 30 meter 
square is assigned just one clutter class code. In general it works well for 
free stuff. The reality of knowing about specific tree lines alongside a house 
or in urban environments with tree lined streets or in back years, those 
individual trees to not get factored in to your propagation, just the building 
losses if that building clutter is set to a height to show as an obstruction(in 
WISP cases most are not if you are mounting your antenna on the roof for 
average suburban clutter). The answer to this is to have higher resolution 
clutter. The terrain data used is 10 meter resolution, meaning there have been 
hard data points gathered at least every 10 meters horizontally and 
interpolated. Some terrain data is available at 3 meters but that is not as 
widely available. So the issue remains how do you get better resolution clutter 
data. LIDAR can indeed be used and the best versions are actually driven on the 
streets and not flown from the air. As Cameron mentioned however that data 
still only gives you the height/size/area where the clutter is. It does not 
tell you what type of class that it is and/or what type of RF losses each pixel 
of that data should be assigned, plus you are typically only getting the 
clutter data from the street facing side. Think of the old movie sets and only 
seeing the building face. 

Another method of increasing clutter accuracy is to resample the data from 30 
meter pixels down to smaller sized pixels. This has limited benefit. Mostly 
this can allow you to take things like tree clutter and trim out the highway 
areas and or possibly cut out the trees with specific building data footprints 
and assign a different clutter class by pixel. This is very tedious to do on a 
large scale and you first have to have other good data sources to trim or 
reclassify these smaller pixels properly to a new clutter class. While all of 
this gives you a better physical map of what and where you have clutter down to 
a more realistic reality, you would then have to go back and manually 
recalibrate the tuning because tuning over larger pixels is an averaging 
process using the single clutter class. As you might guess all of this takes 
time and money. At some point there will likely be some cool efforts done by 
others where we can integrate this. For instance Microsoft released building 
outline GIS data for the whole country that they machine learned from aerial 
imagery. That could be used over resampled data although if the buildings had 
tree cover they didn’t get captured in the first place because they are not 
visible in the images. There are other open source projects for things like 
spectrum sensing on a Raspberry Pi and software defined radio that if you put 
enough sensors out there they might help tune the clutter loss models. 

This is probably way more than you wanted to read about clutter data and RF 
propagations but hey I am a geek like that. 

Thank You, 
Brian Webster 

From: AF [mailto: ] On Behalf Of castarritt . 
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2019 4:47 PM 
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] clutter data and drones 

Google maps uses some of the 1M resolution LIDAR data. Check out Austin, TX 
(maybe most other metro areas as well?) in google, enable "globe view", and 
then turn on 3D. Now use left ctrl and drag with the mouse to move your view 
angle. This is the data cnHeat and the Google CBRS SAS solution supposedly use. 
OT: I wonder if any of the usual suspects are making PC flight simulators that 
use this data. 

On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 3:30 PM Steve Jones < > wrote: 

The issue with publicly available clutter data is it seems old, poor resolution 
or inaccurate. If heat is using the same data as linkplanner, its definitely 

On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 3:26 PM Adam Moffett < > wrote: 

Have you looked at CnHeat? 
We're about to do some testing with it here. They mentioned USGS LIDAR as one 
of the data sources. Presumably that's blended with other imaging somehow. 

On 12/5/2019 4:02 PM, Cameron Crum wrote: 

LIDAR is not clutter specific, it just can't penetrate clutter (it's light) so 
clutter ends up looking like terrain. The benefit is that you get an elevation, 
the drawback is that you don't know the type of clutter or how high it is above 
the terrain. I suppose if you compare the lidar data against a terrain only 
DEM, you could extract the clutter height. Here is the thing... some 
propagation does penetrate vegetation to some degree, so if you are talking 
about frequencies that do, then lidar is not necessarily a good thing to use as 
everything ends up looking like an obstruction. You also need a model that can 
actually account for clutter (vegetation) density when talking about how much 
it will affect the signal. Obviously leaf types and things like that can have 
other effects, but I'm unaware of any model that goes to that depth. While some 
account for clutter heights to use diffraction losses and some lump-sum type 
losses for a given clutter category, none of the models that are in use in the 
wisp industry account for clutter density and there are only a few in existence 
that do. 

You can get high res clutter data (types) from thermal satellite imaging from 
one of the geospatial data companies like Terrapin Geographic, or SPOT. It is 
surprisingly accurate and is what real prop tools like Planet use. The downside 
is no elevations, so you still have user input for that. Unless you are willing 
to shell out big bucks, don't bother looking. We are talking about 10's of 
thousands for a modestly sized area. The cellcos can afford it. 

On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 10:41 AM Adam Moffett < > wrote: 

Interesting. And unfortunately I don't know any more about LIDAR than a Google 
Search does. 

On 12/5/2019 11:27 AM, Steve Jones wrote: 

Just the SAS administrators will be competitive product. So garbage in garbage 
out will really apply. Basic SAS functionality is uniform, but feature sets 
will differ. More accurate propagation modeling every night will be something 
we benefit from and Im thinking that will be one of the things they compete 
against each other with. They didnt say that specifically, but the second 
iteration of SAS will be more bigger, potentially even bigly in its scope. I 
really thought it was all going to be modeled after cellco, with a bend toward 
cellcos overtaking CBRS with shady handshakes and involuntary roaming 
agreements, but it appears winnforum isnt just government lackeys, the people 
involved have actually put gear in the air or at least listen to those that 
have. I think cantgetright may have been a co-chair of a committee somewhere 

Where would a guy who doesnt know what LIDAR is go to find out more about that 
clutter data? 

On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 10:12 AM Adam Moffett < > wrote: 

I think the USGS is making 3D clutter maps with LIDAR. CnHeat is supposed to 
use that wherever it's available. 
I haven't heard how that relates to the SAS though. Is this something you 
learned from the "450 Lady"? Care to share? 

On 12/5/2019 10:25 AM, Steve Jones wrote: 

first question is if a guy collects accurate clutter data, can he use it in any 
of the propagation tools we use? 

second, and this is where you braniacs come in, what equipment would it take on 
a drone to collect this data? 

IIRC drone limit without FAA is something like 300 feet. would that even be 
tall enough to sweep a wide enough path that it wouldnt take 300 battery 
charges to do a square mile? 

I envision a course plotted drone trip that will fly over with a pilot car 
trailing to maintain the required operator LOS. 

If you think about how many miles youve put on verifying link paths over the 
years, its not really a prohibitive thing. 

CBRS and SAS is whats driving this query, but general propagation anomalies 
creates quite a pickle that better accuracy/resolution clutter accuracy would 

Please tell me there is already a consortium thats built out a clutter standard 
with a clutter submission mechanism, that would completely tickle me silly. 

I also dont know the impact to the propagation back ends as you increase the 
resolution of the data. Im assuming the SAS administrators are running 
something a little beefier than Radio Mobile. 

I could see this being a lucrative niche market, if there were a way around the 
drone operator licensing requirements (though that cost is pretty minimal). 
Basically a company builds up a small fleet of drones, outfitted with the 
appropriate gear. You create an account, input your coverage area (or any 
region) that you want high resolution data for. they reprogram the course and 
ship it to you (after collecting the upfront payment, deposit, and massive 
liability release) they provide you with a road course to drive while the drone 
does its thing, anticipate points of retrieval for recharge, etc. when its all 
done, you stick it in the box and ship it back. would be cooler if the whole 
thing was transported back and forth by amazon drones. 

If I had a guarantee that the collected data would be useful to the company, 
into radio mobile, link planner, towercoverage, and SAS administrators, its 
something i could see a fair price tag of 3-10k on it for our coverage area, 
and no farmers blasted it out of the sky. 

we use clutter data now thats antiquated so it would come with the 
understanding that photosynthesis and bulldozers impact accuracy from the 
minute its collected. 

maybe this data is already out there and i dont know? 

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