Good discussion. I'll have to play with some numbers

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
  Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 10:33 AM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Company Valuation

  Revenue has no bearing on value.  Say you have $1 billion in revenue but are 
spending $2 billion to provide the service thus requiring an additional billion 
from investors each year.  What is the value of that company?  Think Movie 
Pass.  Think Uber.  Lots of public companies run at a loss hoping to eventually 
become profitable.  

  There are multiple methods of valuing a company.  
  The most common is the earnings multiple.  Or Multiple of Cash Flows.  


  What is your net income (minus depreciation, taxes and financed equipment 
payments).   Basically gross profit minus SG&A expenses.  Multiply that by 5 
and you have a starting point.  In other words, how much cash is it throwing 
off.  What is the earning power of the company.  

  You can also do a discounted cash flow method/net present value based on 
future cash flows.  Say I give you $1M for your company and it runs in the same 
manner that it has been running.  What is my annual rate of return on that 
investment?  And you must account for depreciation and taxes and interest and 
equipment payments etc when doing it in this manner because your assets are 
worth less money each year.  At the end of the period you use (say 10 years) 
did you get a decent return on the investment and is your principle still 

  From: CBB - Jay Fuller 
  Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 8:07 AM
  Subject: [AFMUG] Company Valuation

  Lets say for easy math purposes you bill approximately 1.5 million annually.

  I've heard 1.5 times annual revenue thrown around for a valuation purpose.  
There is a lot more to this figure but it's a place to start.

  So, if your company billed 1.5 million, you'd say your valuation was around 
$2.25 million.

  If you had 90 towers on your network - and you owned 60 of them (the steel, 
not the land they're on) , would you consider your network
  worth more than if you rented all 90?

  My take on this is yes, they could all be taken down and converted to cash, 
so the fact we own towers vs. rent them makes our network
  more valuable.

  What say you?


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