Well it isn't this: 

It sounds like whatever the reason is is based on a policy from 20+
years ago, unless they are looking at switch traffic logs or something.

Even then, you could correlate the IP address you are giving him with
the VoIP call...

I'd think geolocation via a cell phone would be easier.  Or an ankle
monitor :-D

Daniel White
Co-Founder & Managing Director of Operations
phone: +1 (702) 470-2770
direct:+1 (702) 470-2766

Ken Hohhof wrote on 4/2/20 16:23:
> Longtime customer called to get VoIP phone service.  Says he only
> needs it to make one call per day and it has to be a “landline”
> because they won’t accept geolocation from his cellphone.
> Should I worry about why someone needs to call in once per day to
> prove he’s at home?

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