If you are skeptical of 'cryptocurrencies' ( like I am ) but find
blockchain technology very compelling ( like I do ), then you might find
this interesting.
No I don't work for the company.    Yes I own some of their 'coin'.
(which is more like a utility token and not much like a currency)

Siacoin is not a cryptocurrency in the pop-culture-get-rich-quick sense,
but all blockchains have a token.   If you want to buy storage space on
their cloud storage system, you need siacoins, the Sia token.


Many questions have been asked and answered.   Over and over.

This is a functioning 'crypto' -coin with a real use case and will never be
squashed by any govt because it does not compete with any govt.
Very impressed with this gang of developers.

We can go back to COVID-19 is gonna kill us all.
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