Bing bing bing...  We have a winner!

On 05/24/2020 10:47 AM, wrote:
There is a point when your desire to eat lobster (insert favorite food) is equal to your desire to have sex. Not sure what that point would be called. Perhaps grown up, or not a kid anymore. Then there is a point when your desire for Underwood Deviled Ham and Vienna Sausage is much stronger than your desire for sex. Then there is a point where you cannot find the place you parked your desire for sex. You wander around the parking lot, pressing the clicker and eventually find it but most times it is just not worth the search. Nobody explains this stuff to young men. Nor do they tell you that there will be moderate amounts of pain involved in just existing after a certain age. The fingers hurt when grasping, Shoulders hurt when sleeping. The hips hurt when walking or attempting to get comfortable on a couch. You wake up at 4:00 am and wish it was 6:00 so you could get up. You wake up at 3:00 to pee no matter what you had to drink the prior evening. You forget the same things you forgot when younger but now when it happens you are scared that you are becoming forgetful. Hearing test is great but it seems like your language interpretation driver in your wetware loves to play word substitution tricks on you. Would I want to be young again? I would love to be able to ski a full day, eat whatever I wanted without worry about gaining weight or having heartburn or having A1C numbers climb. I would like to be able to jump from the back of a truck to an asphalt surface without having my herniated disks make my life hell for 3 weeks afterwards. But no, I like where I have ended up so far. So I will watch Warren Miller ski movies and climb down from trucks and enjoy kids and grandkids and try to help out young dumb guys that need a job.

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