Working on engineering a new fiber line.  Called for locates.  Normally they 
will not do the locates unless you are actually digging.  If just engineering 
they will not even take the dig ticket.
So, I always do some form of geo tech bore hole soil sampling etc to get the 
paint down on the ROW without argument.  If I forget to drill the test 
holes.... well I am getting older and more forgetful.

Sprint showed up and said:
They have a 2’ (both sides, above and below) exclusive zone that we cannot come 
near nationwide.  4’ wide exclusion zone.
(I was in a state highway ROW).  Told the sprint guy that I doubted they have 
an exclusive ROW in a public highway ROW.  

He went ballistic.  Said I had messed with the wrong people etc.  Got his boss 
on the phone.  I told the boss that I simply did not believe it.  I might be 
proven wrong but generally road ROWs are pretty much the domain of the 
political entity etc.  He said he had fought this battle many times and always 
won.  They have an exclusive easement everywhere in the USA and that their 
fiber is much more important than everyone else.  I said that one thing was 
certain, one of would be proven wrong.  He hung up.

I called UDOT.  They said, no, nothing special about Sprint.  I gave them the 
contact info for the locator’s boss.  UDOT called him.  He told UDOT that they 
did indeed have an exclusive easement and the would sue the state of Utah if it 
is not honored.  UDOT researched it.  Nope.  Nothing more than a permit.  Just 
like what Chuck has.  Nothing special about Sprint.  They said that they were 
going to straighten this out with the AGs office.  

Then I discover that UDOT has very recently given this highway to the county.  
County engineer says Sprint has nothing, they are in trespass everywhere they 
are in the county.  

So, out plowing cable and the Sprint locator showed up.  Boxer shorts, flip 
flops, wife beater.  Starts running his mouth to my crew about Chuck pissed off 
the wrong guys and that he is going to be tied up in federal court for the next 
10 years etc.  Supervisor threw him off the job site.  No hard hat, no orange 
vest, no hard soled shoes.  Supervisor called me and said to expect a call from 
Sprint.  I called his boss instead.  Told him that they had failed to mark 1/3 
of the ROW and that the guy needs to conform to UDOT safety standards to be out 
there working.  And that as far as suing me in federal courth, UDOT says I am 
good to go.  “So tell your guy to shut the F*** up and just do his job. “ 

This time sprint boss was meek and mild and offered to cooperate any way 
I actually apologized for the harsh words, but was expecting the same attitude 
as before.  
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