Well if this is the case I guess Unreal Tournament Gold Edition from 1999 has been well embedded to our systems LOL!
I used to play the crap out of that Game..

On 8/14/20 12:27 AM, Steve Jones wrote:
So this fella is ceo of epic games. They built the unreal engine that runs the games. They also own fortnite. Fortnite is pissing with apple and to some degree, google with the mobile version of fortnite. In app purchase system and all. Apple and google kicked them out of the store. Android already allows you to load apps off store by lowering the security. With the popularity of fortnite, I'm betting apple ultimately makes a similar concession

Sysadmins globally have given themselves access to play fortnite. I dont play it, but I watch people who do, it's like a cult.

So, you have a single entity with code control of target systems globally, port forward into games running the engine on all platforms and now the mobile market.

He is a tree hugger, donated a boatload of cash to save the forest organizations.

I'd like to think hes been building a massive exploit into all of it, collecting systems data for all this time.

He owns the world's largest, most entrenched botnet.

My conspiracy theory is he is a good man who knows the internet and tech in general is the downfall of man and he has a kill switch exploit that will infect everything, take down anything connected, and anything one airgap disconnected.

Once apple submits he will be pwning all the world's systems. He will execute his master code update and it will all go down and all the neckbeard will emerge from their basements and server rooms into daylight. They will not understand the hateful nature of the world, but they're all void of any natural inclination to not just drop everyone they see, it will be neckbeard battle royale IRL. They aren't strong, but they outnumber us and they're trained to form clans quickly with strangers.

Most of us will be no scoped in the first 24 hours of the ensuing battle. The rest will quickly be captured and put to work building wooden platforms into the sky.

We will return to a simpler time, hunters, gatherers and platform builders.

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