Here's the Washington Examiner covering the same order <>by Barr.  There's a very different tone here.  It sounds as if the order was intended to limit the scope of investigations to only situations where the allegation seems plausible and the scale of the alleged fraud could have actually affected the outcome of an election.

Quote from Bill Barr's order, requoted from above article:

""You are the most senior leaders in the United States Department of Justice and I trust you to exercise great care and judgment in addressing allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities. While serious allegations should be handled with great care, specious, speculative, fanciful, or far-fetched claims should not be a basis for initiating federal inquiries.””

On 11/9/2020 7:38 PM, justsumname wrote:
this thing is just getting started, gents.   It's only Monday. <>

RealClearPolitics un-calls Pennsylvania for Biden.   The state is grey on their map, now.   Was Blue yesterday.

I do not understand the vitriol against Mr Trump.   He's been an excellent President for all Americans. No I didn't ask... I can read everyone's comments, and I have.   For years.


On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 6:16 PM Chuck McCown < <>> wrote:

    I wish they could invent a secure method to vote online.  But it
    has to be resistant to buying and selling votes.

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Nov 9, 2020, at 3:52 PM, Steve Jones
    < <>> wrote:

    It's pretty straight forward to verify integrity of the vote. We
    have already dont it with covid test results. We are blind ballot
    meaning no one can see who you voted for. Covid result eliminated
    anyone's ability to claim their vote was stolen or manipulated
    since you can check your results with your code. You can do the
    same without recording a name.
    If there is any question of validity in a count, it can be
    verified, fairly quickly.

    Covid built us a system to have a secure vote. Inadvertant side
    effects are the best side effects.
    You register, you are assigned your key. Your registration can be
    verified legitimate. You can even vote online. The tracing
    infrastructure can be used to canvass a contested district for
    verification of vote accuracy.

    This is the last election where fraud can be claimed...
    inadvertant, as is most of the left's mistakes

    On Mon, Nov 9, 2020, 12:20 PM Bill Prince <
    <>> wrote:

        The advantage to that is that the records will probably last
        a long time. OTOH, storage might become an issue.


        On 11/9/2020 10:16 AM, Lewis Bergman wrote:
        In our county, we have to quarry a stone tablet, cart it
        down to the office, make an X with a tar crayon, and be able
        to lift on to the ballet cart to have the vote count.

        On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 10:10 AM Ken Hohhof <
        <>> wrote:

            Our county typically uses touchscreen machines for
            in-person voting, both early and day-of.  (A paper tape
            record is also printed out and can be verified by the
            voter)  Obviously these are very quick to process.

            Early voting sites were open for 15 days prior to the
            election.  In addition, there was one early voting site
            open 40 days prior to the election, but it used paper
            ballots.  Basically you filled out the same form as a
            mail-in ballot, sealed it, and dropped it in a box. 
            That’s how I voted and I was disappointed that was the
            process, I thought they would scan them through a
            “tabulator” as the last step, just like back when we
            used paper ballots for day-of voting.  I expected as the
            last step before leaving I would feed the paper ballot
            into a scanner.  Instead I sealed it in an envelope and
            dropped it in a box.

            All the paper ballots including early in-person and
            mail-in were required to sit in the locked boxes until
            something like 7am on election day before they could
            start processing them.  This was apparently also the
            case in many battleground states.  They weren’t even
            allowed to open the envelopes, uncrease the forms, check
            signatures, nothing.

            *From:* AF <
            <>> *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince
            *Sent:* Monday, November 9, 2020 9:52 AM
            *To:* <>
            *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..

            In our county (and I have no idea if this is the norm in
            the rest of the state), they count them as they come in,
            but hold the results in a secure area until the close of
            the in-person polls. Ballots that are postmarked (if
            they were mailed) up until the day of the election will
            be accepted for a certain amount of time, but I don't
            know how long that is.

            We also have an online ballot tracking system. After we
            dropped our ballots off, we could go to a ballot status
            web site that told us (1) if the ballot had been
            received, and (2) if it had been accepted. It took 48
            hours for our ballots to show up in that system. I
            presume if our ballots had not been accepted, there is
            some sort of mechanism to go fix that, but I've never
            had to use it.



            On 11/9/2020 7:25 AM,
            <> wrote:

                Yes, some states are doing exactly that.

                *From:*Adam Moffett

                *Sent:*Monday, November 9, 2020 8:09 AM

                *To:* <>

                *Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..

                Scan them as they go, but don't publish the ongoing

                On 11/8/2020 4:45 PM,
                <> wrote:

                    I think vote by mail and scan them as they
                    arrive is the way to go.  That way when the
                    polls close you have an immediate count.

                    *From:*Bill Prince

                    *Sent:*Sunday, November 8, 2020 2:38 PM

                    *To:* <>

                    *Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is deafening..

                    The whole punch card voting "system"  was doomed
                    from the beginning. I remember using it when I
                    lived in Santa Clara County 30 years ago or so.
                    Even when you punched out a hole properly, the
                    chads would sometime stick or hang on a corner.

                    For quite some time now, we've been using the
                    paper ballots where you fill in the square or
                    the circle.

                    I've also been registered as a permanent
                    absentee for over a decade. When I voted (almost
                    a month ago now), we filled out our ballots at
                    the kitchen counter, and took them to a drop box
                    the next day when we were running errands in
                    town. The actual act of "voting" (if you want to
                    call it that) took less than 1 minute as we just
                    dropped the ballots off at one of dozens of drop
                    boxes all over the county.Our county has (IIRC)
                    39 drop boxes for a population of ~~ 750,000, or
                    about 1 drop box for every 20,000 people.

                    Pennsylvania still hasn't started counting the
                    late arrival absentee ballots. All of the ones
                    they've counted so far arrived before November
                    3, but for reasons I don't understand were not
                    allowed to be counted until after the day-of
                    voting. From the things I've read, there are
                    only about 85,000 of them, and they are unlikely
                    to do anything but extend Biden's cushion.

                    I (for one) would be in favor of uniform
                    voting/counting standards. Perhaps it would be a
                    violation of state's rights, but on the other
                    hand, there would be a lot less confusion when
                    the time for voting comes around.



                    On 11/8/2020 11:08 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:

                        Stop the vote in Pennsylvania but keep
                        counting in Arizona.  It’s a Maxwell’s Demon
                        approach.  Open the door when it helps me,
                        close the door when it helps the other guy.

                        That’s probably why the Supremes stopped the
                        recounts in Bush v Gore, the Gore camp
                        wanted to keep looking for errors but only
                        in the counties where they thought it would
                        help them. But also the votes had already
                        been counted (and recounted).  And there was
                        the original Florida Man, some guy named
                        Hanging Chad?  And the phone call and the

                        Democrats to this day take it as gospel that
                        Gore was robbed.  That does not bode well
                        for half the country moving on from this

                        <> *On Behalf
                        Of *Bill Prince
                        *Sent:* Sunday, November 8, 2020 12:02 PM
                        *To:* <>
                        *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: The Silence is

                        In Michigan we're demanding a recount. In
                        Wisconsin we're demanding a decount. In
                        Georgia it's opposites day.




                        On 11/7/2020 8:27 PM, justsumname wrote:

                            The declaration that Biden has won is
                            premature. This thing hasn't really
                            gotten started yet.

                            Judges don't hold court on the weekends.


                            On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 6:40 PM Jaime
                            Solorza <
                            <>> wrote:

                                Yes good movie.

                                More akin to today is Seven Days in
                                May...March, Douglas, Lancaster...

                                On Sat, Nov 7, 2020, 4:22 PM Ken
                                Hohhof <
                                <>> wrote:

                                    The Founding Fathers didn’t
                                    account for the rise of
                                    political parties, which came
                                    soon enough.


                                    Somehow I’m reminded of the
                                    movie The Man Who Shot Liberty
                                    Valance.  Set in the fading days
                                    of the old west with territories
                                    becoming states and deciding who
                                    to elect as their
                                    representatives. Should it be
                                    Jimmy Stewart the righteous
                                    lawyer, or Lee Marvin the outlaw
                                    gang leader?  The old fashioned
                                    idea that you sent the brightest
                                    and best educated person to
                                    Washington to represent you. 
                                    Hah! Politicians are not held in
                                    great esteem today, and we would
                                    probably vote for Liberty
                                    Valance.  I assume everyone has
                                    seen the movie.  It’s an old
                                    John Ford western, in fact he
                                    shot it in B&W, but it’s a must
                                    see.  Look at the cast – Jimmy
                                    Stewart, John Wayne, Lee Marvin,
                                    Vera Miles, Andy Devine, Edmond
                                    O’Brien, John Caradine, Lee Van

                                    *On Behalf Of *Bill Prince
                                    *Sent:* Saturday, November 7,
                                    2020 4:46 PM
                                    *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: The
                                    Silence is deafening..

                                    The three-fifths compromise was
                                    enacted long before California




                                    On 11/7/2020 12:54 PM, Matt
                                    Hoppes wrote:

                                        Uhhhh. No. The EC was
                                        created so that California
                                        has the same voice power as
                                        Rhode Island.

                                            On Nov 7, 2020, at 3:17
                                            PM, Bill Prince


                                            Could have been over on
                                            Tuesday if we didn't
                                            have the silly Electoral
                                            College shenanigans;
                                            which actually evolved
                                            from the crazy slave is
                                            3/5 of a person
                                            nonsense. Here we are ~~
                                            250 years later and
                                            we're still dealing with
                                            decisions we made about



                                            On 11/7/2020 11:15 AM,
                                            Jaime Solorza wrote:

                                                We have spoken.

                                                Righteous Indignation

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