I'm watching news of the latest streaming service price increases.
Everything seems to be like that, something new and "disruptive" comes out,
kills off the competition, then they raise the prices.  It's like shopping
at Walmart for 5 years and then the Walmart closes or starts to suck and you
figure you'll go back to shopping at the local stores, except they no longer
exist.  What, you thought the grocery and hardware and drug stores would
just wait around with no revenue waiting for you to come back?

That's why I figure when someone runs fiber down the country road, I won't
bitch about losing the customers because they're getting something better
and it's probably permanent infrastructure.  Anything else, like satellite
or fixed wireless by mobile carriers, is tenuous.  But if it doesn't work
out after a few years, you may not have a WISP to switch back to.  And one
of the things I've realized (at least in my area), when a customer says this
other guy was faster, they mean this other guy was cheaper.  Especially if
they were on our lowest speed tier.  Price is everything.  If the advertised
speed looks fantastic, so much the better, but price is king.  Free is
better, but cheap will do.

-----Original Message-----
From: AF <af-boun...@af.afmug.com> On Behalf Of Robert Andrews
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 1:26 PM
To: af@af.afmug.com
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: I was just thinking about Starlink...

Covid-23?   I believe I have seen a preview of that movie out...

On 11/18/2020 11:17 AM, Bill Prince wrote:
> Let's just say for arguments sake that Starlink gets a functional 
> constellation in place with, oh, 2,000 satellites in orbit. Everything 
> goes just swell, and they grow the constellation to 4,000 satellites 
> by the end of 2022.
> In January 2023 the sun erupts with a massive CME and kills 75% of the 
> satellites. not to mention similar percentages of the GPS sats and 
> whatever else is in orbit at the time.
> Whoops.
> What next?

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