Definition of “winner”. Having the attributes of Charley Sheen or Donald Trump.

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> On Nov 20, 2020, at 3:57 AM, Forrest Christian (List Account) 
> <> wrote:
> One other theme which seems to be coming up is the recurring statement that 
> the left spent years trying to prove collusion with Russia.  
> I would argue that it was pretty obvious that Russia at least tried to meddle 
> last time around, and the purpose of the investigation was about figuring out 
> how much they meddled and how much trump knew, if anything.  The only reason 
> why it took so long was that trump kept trying to throw wrenches into the 
> investigation for whatever reason. 
> If Trump would have behaved like a typical president, he would have wanted to 
> get to the bottom of it for the sake of the country.  Assuming that he wasn't 
> aware of the meddling,  I'm guessing he was worried that it would somehow 
> make him look like less of a winner,  which seems to be a strong driving 
> force in his psyche.  
>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020, 10:15 PM Robert <> wrote:
>> & as proof the other way around would _NOT_ have happened was that it 
>> happened in 2016, when Clinton lost the EC and _won_ the popular vote.   Yes 
>> there were a few pokes here and there but nothing anywhere near the same 
>> scale as what we are seeing this year.   Come on, you cannot make _any_ 
>> excuse for the wall that has been put up preventing Biden's team from 
>> getting up to speed for the transition.   This will cost lives.  It could 
>> very likely be yours, mine or your or my loved ones.    I can only hope it's 
>> one of Trump's loved ones but they will get the vaccine before health care 
>> workers if they haven't already gotten it.
>> On 11/19/20 8:58 PM, Darin Steffl wrote:
>>> The only reason the media ripped on trump is because he was a disgrace to 
>>> the high office of President. He made a joke of our country. He bullied, 
>>> tweeted, and lied for his entire term.
>>> If a Democrat acted the same way trump did, I would fully expect all news 
>>> to rip on them too. Trump further divided our country, shit on our allies, 
>>> and shared hateful conspiracy theories.
>>> He craves attention, refuses to lose, and any time he tried to do something 
>>> good he would ruin it with some tweet. He fired more staff than any other 
>>> president in history. He's paranoid, rude, and holds grudges.
>>> He shows no empathy for anyone. He doesn't show compassion. He doesn't show 
>>> love. He doesn't forgive. He doesn't forget. He doesn't lead. 
>>> He never talks about his family. He expects loyalty and for people to bend 
>>> the knee. 
>>> I've never been more embarrassed for our country when he was elected. We 
>>> needed a politician in office, not a celebrity. He rocked the boat but not 
>>> in a good way. 
>>> Give me a stable republican and I may vote for them if they care about 
>>> every American, not just their base.
>>> Sidenote: I was grocery shopping tonight and someone was wearing a shirt 
>>> that said: Trump 2020. FUCK YOUR FEELINGS
>>> Real classy trump supporter. Wearing a shirt like that at our local Hyvee 
>>> with kids and families shopping. I'm embarrassed people think it's ok to 
>>> wear things like that. 1st amendment allows them to but it's still 
>>> disrespectful. 
>>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020, 10:20 PM Mark - Myakka Technologies <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> It doesn't matter who won, the outcome is the same.  All of us should have 
>>>> been intelligent enough to predict this.  The only way this would have 
>>>> ended well for the country would have been a landslide for Biden.  Not 
>>>> saying Biden is good for the country, but it was the only chance we may 
>>>> have had not to deal with this bullshit. 
>>>> If Trump won in a landslide, mainstream media would just continue with the 
>>>> non-stop bashing for another four years.  He would have been declared an 
>>>> illegitimate president again. The story would be the same as last time 
>>>> "look at the polls, no way he could have won, must of cheated".  We would 
>>>> be watching cities burn right now.
>>>> If roles were reversed and Trump had the slim lead, the Biden camp would 
>>>> be doing the same thing the Trump camp is doing now.  Do you really think 
>>>> Biden would have conceded. The only difference, is the mainstream media 
>>>> would have been digging deep to find each and every "fake" vote for Trump. 
>>>>  They would be working overtime.  Every story would be assumed true and 
>>>> not debated.  No winner would be declared yet.  
>>>> When the counting is done, Trump will end up with almost 75M votes.  That 
>>>> is more that 10M more than Hillary got in 2016.  About 12M more people 
>>>> voted for Trump this time around.  More minorities voted for Trump this 
>>>> time around.
>>>> Did you really think Trump's base would just accept the losing outcome?  
>>>> Did you really think Biden's base would have accepted a losing outcome?  
>>>> On the plus side the scales tipped to the left, so at least we aren't 
>>>> seeing the riots.  
>>>> This election will never be accepted by half the country, just like the 
>>>> last election was never accepted by half the country.  Only difference is 
>>>> at least on the nightly news I won't have to listen to 100% Trump bashing 
>>>> day in and day out trying to scare me straight.  It was getting 
>>>> depressing.  Everything was bad news.  I swear if Trump found the cure for 
>>>> cancer, it would have been spun as bad news.
>>>> Come February, everything will be reported as unicorns and rainbows.  Life 
>>>> in the old USA will be great.  There will be no issues.  Fox News will 
>>>> move right center, I don't think they will be as hard on Biden as CNN was 
>>>> on Trump.  Social media will be where all the Trump supports go.  But they 
>>>> will be banned form the main sites and live on the fringe. 
>>>> The left has the ball.  All these problems that have been drilled into our 
>>>> heads for the past 4 years are now their issue to fix.  They have 2 years 
>>>> to convince us they can do a better job.  Both the house and senate 
>>>> majorities are so thin, either one can flip in two years.  
>>>> Finally, it really doesn't matter.  Our daily lives will not change that 
>>>> much.  Sure we'll probably have to deal with Net Neutrality again.  Maybe 
>>>> some type of national tax on Internet service is in the future.  Maybe 
>>>> another healthcare shake up.  Maybe there will be some half-assed 
>>>> legislation on gun control or immigration, but no real fix.  The precedent 
>>>> was set in the last 4 years, every executive action will be taken to 
>>>> court.    
>>>> But we'll adapt and continue moving on.  We always do.  
>>>> --
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Mark                  
>>>> Myakka Technologies, Inc.
>>>> ------
>>>> Thursday, November 19, 2020, 10:23:07 PM, you wrote:
>>>> Steve,
>>>> Please read this article and the judge's 13 page ruling on what you claim 
>>>> is fraud. You and trump have been shot down again. 
>>>> Judge's are denying these suits left and right, some of them getting quite 
>>>> heated in their opinions suggesting they shouldn't even be wasting their 
>>>> breath on these baseless claims. 
>>>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020, 9:01 PM Steve Jones <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> not going to play your game. I watched the mutt put up the cardboard and 
>>>> stand there like a gimp. everyone watched when they tried to serve the 
>>>> judges order and were still denied access, facts are simply that, facts. 
>>>> except the "protesters" were poll watcher, your team cant even lie well
>>>> your kind will say that binoculars are good enough. odd that judges ruled 
>>>> on something that didnt happen, are you saying the judges lied?
>>>> just because you dont want it to be true doesnt make something "debunked". 
>>>> Just admit there were issues, present solutions. 4 years spent pushing a 
>>>> russian narrative that was literally debunked and always offered without 
>>>> evidence (hint, there was none). pick a single narrative and run with said 
>>>> narrative, across the board. much like the elder cruelty of putting rudy 
>>>> and joe in the spotlight
>>>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 8:21 PM Darin Steffl <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Steve,
>>>> Cite your sources that poll watchers weren't allowed to observe. You won't 
>>>> be able to because in every case so far, there have been poll watchers 
>>>> inside watching the count in every precinct.
>>>> You only saw some angry trump supporters standing outside in Detroit 
>>>> trying to get in when there were already 200+ republic poll watchers 
>>>> already inside. They put up cardboard because the people outside were 
>>>> being distracting. 
>>>> Every court filing that has been filed so far has proven that poll 
>>>> watchers were not kept out. Only "extras" that showed up were blocked 
>>>> because you don't need any more inside a building than already existed. 
>>>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020, 8:12 PM Bill Prince <> wrote:
>>>> Oh sure. We are now using some schmoe in a stocking cap for "news"?
>>>> Part of the reason we are in the situation we are in is that we pay more 
>>>> attention to clowns than they deserve.
>>>> --
>>>> bp
>>>> part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com
>>>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 4:21 PM justsumname <> wrote:
>>>> It is getting interesting, and this election thing is still far from over.
>>>> --
>>>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 2:45 PM Steve Jones <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> lol, they just elected a guy president with the same cruelty, so thats not 
>>>> really much of a thing anymore
>>>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 1:43 PM Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>>>> It’s cruel of people to keep putting Rudy in the public eye when clearly 
>>>> he’s not all there anymore, I don’t know if it’s dementia or what, but he 
>>>> needs to be sitting on a porch somewhere playing checkers, not making a 
>>>> fool of himself for the world to see.  Of course he’s always been a little 
>>>> off, look at his marriage history.  I assume since he was a lawyer and 
>>>> mayor he wasn’t always like this.  Or maybe he was.  Again, the marriage 
>>>> history.
>>>> From: AF <> On Behalf Of Steve Jones
>>>> Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2020 12:46 PM
>>>> To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <>
>>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: this press conference
>>>> I dont know what happened to that guy. hopefully when this is said and 
>>>> done we go the way of canada on electronic voting.  then we put cameras 
>>>> recording the count tables. Golden and no need for recounts or weird 
>>>> people like this team of lunatics having crazy press conferences. I think 
>>>> the media sent their interns instead of reporters
>>>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 12:35 PM Adam Moffett <> wrote:
>>>> Guliani told me I could Google Dominion and find out that it's owned by 
>>>> Venezuelans.  My Google seems to work differently from his.
>>>> On 11/19/2020 1:07 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
>>>> jesus christ this broad just referred to themselves as an "elite 
>>>> strikeforce team"
>>>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 12:00 PM Bill Prince <> wrote:
>>>> Sorry Steve. You lost me at the bakery.
>>>> bp
>>>> <part15sbs{at}gmail{dot}com>
>>>> On 11/19/2020 9:51 AM, Steve Jones wrote:
>>>> While id like my guy to come out on top magically, this press conference 
>>>> presents more like a bad SNL skit
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