It would have been a really tough choice between Mitt and Biden for me.  Probably would have crossed to Mitt.  Not that I am necessarily a democrat but I really don't like what the republican congress has become besides Mitt.

On 11/20/20 9:15 AM, Adam Moffett wrote:

I don't think anyone really knows for sure what he's worth, and that's part of how it's so easy to build different narratives about it.

He seems to have received around $400 million from his parents.  About a million from a trust fund and the rest from a variety of revenue streams they set up for him.  If he's worth $2.5 billion today, that would imply something like 5% annual growth.  That's not an epic failure, but it's pretty modest. Except guesses about his net worth range from $700mil to $7billion, and even he is inconsistent in what he says about it.  He's somewhere from terrible, to ok, to really good and everyone gets to fill in the blanks with their own version.

I don't hate him, but I am embarrassed of him.  Every time I hear him speak, something unbelievable comes out.  His behavior before and during his presidency demonstrates deep moral failings.  His messaging seems to be about symbolic emotional cues without any regard to factuality (aka bullshitting).  I don't blame anybody for voting for him in 2016.  When it was Hillary Clinton against an unknown outsider, it's easy to say "let's give this outsider a shot."  I think at this point he's made it very clear that he doesn't know what to do with his office.

I don't think Biden was anybody's first choice either, but if it comes to the lesser of evils then Biden seems the lesser.


On 11/20/2020 10:47 AM, Mark - Myakka Technologies wrote:
Re: [AFMUG] OT: this press conference Robert,

You guys are right.  He is the Jacques Clouseau of the business world.  Just fumbling and bumbling his way for the past 40 years.  No one has caught on to his secret.  He is just an idiot that luckily is able to get bigger idiots to back him.  He has been cheating the IRS for years and years.  Luckily for the IRS, his tax returns will be released and all the armchair accounts will be able to help the IRS do a proper audit.

I understand your pure hatred of him.  He is not the most likable person.  But, please he is a business man.  We have no idea what his books look like or where his loans are. He has undertaken some risky investments and deals over the years.  Some work, some don't, it is business.  I guess successful is a relative term.

Best regards,

Myakka Technologies, Inc. <>


Friday, November 20, 2020, 10:00:21 AM, you wrote:

Which would be the perfect example of the propaganda that has propped him up for the last 40 years.   Well now the chickens will come home to roost.  He has a billion dollars of loans to renegotiate ( gee guess why he wants to be in charge of the party, access to truckloads of cash ) and the IRS to convince that his write offs were real now that they are going to go under public review..  Could be interesting...

On 11/20/20 6:25 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:


Re: [AFMUG] OT: this press conference
Trump was never a successful businessman, that is a myth.  Mitt yes, Donald no.

*From:* AF <> <> *On Behalf Of *Mark - Myakka Technologies
*Sent:* Friday, November 20, 2020 8:03 AM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group <> <>
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: this press conference


Trump was not presidential material, that is a fact.  He is a businessman not a politician. He had no idea on how government worked.  He was going in to the job with an outsiders view of politics.  He crashed the Washington wedding and they didn't like it.  He brought his friends and family.  The man didn't stand a chance.  The left started calling for impeachment before he was inaugurated.  Hell some of them even made a big stink that they weren't even going to show for his inauguration being he was illegitimate.

Frankly the right was no help at the beginning either, they didn't support him.  He surrounded himself with a bunch of outsiders that didn't know the unwritten rules of Washington.

The media does lean left.  They were embarrassed, they told us for months Hillary was going to be the next President.  They hate Trump and Trump hates them. Once the media figured out how to push his buttons, it was just a big game for them.

He was a lone wolf with no support at all.  Seemed like everyone was against him, except for the people that voted for him.

Let's assume he was the worst president ever, one soul away from being the devil himself.  Seems like we survived.  Almost 75M people voted to keep him in office.  You can dismiss that as cult or a bunch of uneducated rednecks, but is is still 75M people.  Contrary to popular belief, he did do some good things.  HBC got multi-year funding. He didn't start any new wars.

I was listening to a Obama doing an interview yesterday.  He was talking about the hard time he had in office with the birther stuff.  He made a very interesting comment.  He said that some people didn't know him.  If they only listened to FOX news, they only knew a caricature of him.  The exact same thing can be said about Trump.

Best regards,

Myakka Technologies, Inc. <>


Thursday, November 19, 2020, 11:58:10 PM, you wrote:

The only reason the media ripped on trump is because he was a disgrace to the high office of President. He made a joke of our country. He bullied, tweeted, and lied for his entire term.

If a Democrat acted the same way trump did, I would fully expect all news to rip on them too. Trump further divided our country, shit on our allies, and shared hateful conspiracy theories.

He craves attention, refuses to lose, and any time he tried to do something good he would ruin it with some tweet. He fired more staff than any other president in history. He's paranoid, rude, and holds grudges.

He shows no empathy for anyone. He doesn't show compassion. He doesn't show love. He doesn't forgive. He doesn't forget. He doesn't lead.

He never talks about his family. He expects loyalty and for people to bend the knee.

I've never been more embarrassed for our country when he was elected. We needed a politician in office, not a celebrity. He rocked the boat but not in a good way.

Give me a stable republican and I may vote for them if they care about every American, not just their base.

Sidenote: I was grocery shopping tonight and someone was wearing a shirt that said: Trump 2020. FUCK YOUR FEELINGS

Real classy trump supporter. Wearing a shirt like that at our local Hyvee with kids and families shopping. I'm embarrassed people think it's ok to wear things like that. 1st amendment allows them to but it's still disrespectful.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020, 10:20 PM Mark - Myakka Technologies < <>> wrote:


It doesn't matter who won, the outcome is the same.  All of us should have been intelligent enough to predict this.  The only way this would have ended well for the country would have been a landslide for Biden.  Not saying Biden is good for the country, but it was the only chance we may have had not to deal with this bullshit.

If Trump won in a landslide, mainstream media would just continue with the non-stop bashing for another four years.  He would have been declared an illegitimate president again. The story would be the same as last time "look at the polls, no way he could have won, must of cheated".  We would be watching cities burn right now.

If roles were reversed and Trump had the slim lead, the Biden camp would be doing the same thing the Trump camp is doing now.  Do you really think Biden would have conceded. The only difference, is the mainstream media would have been digging deep to find each and every "fake" vote for Trump.  They would be working overtime.  Every story would be assumed true and not debated.  No winner would be declared yet.

When the counting is done, Trump will end up with almost 75M votes.  That is more that 10M more than Hillary got in 2016.  About 12M more people voted for Trump this time around.  More minorities voted for Trump this time around.

Did you really think Trump's base would just accept the losing outcome?  Did you really think Biden's base would have accepted a losing outcome?  On the plus side the scales tipped to the left, so at least we aren't seeing the riots.

This election will never be accepted by half the country, just like the last election was never accepted by half the country.  Only difference is at least on the nightly news I won't have to listen to 100% Trump bashing day in and day out trying to scare me straight.  It was getting depressing.  Everything was bad news.  I swear if Trump found the cure for cancer, it would have been spun as bad news.

Come February, everything will be reported as unicorns and rainbows.  Life in the old USA will be great.  There will be no issues.  Fox News will move right center, I don't think they will be as hard on Biden as CNN was on Trump.  Social media will be where all the Trump supports go.  But they will be banned form the main sites and live on the fringe.

The left has the ball.  All these problems that have been drilled into our heads for the past 4 years are now their issue to fix.  They have 2 years to convince us they can do a better job.  Both the house and senate majorities are so thin, either one can flip in two years.

Finally, it really doesn't matter.  Our daily lives will not change that much.  Sure we'll probably have to deal with Net Neutrality again.  Maybe some type of national tax on Internet service is in the future.  Maybe another healthcare shake up.  Maybe there will be some half-assed legislation on gun control or immigration, but no real fix.  The precedent was set in the last 4 years, every executive action will be taken to court.

But we'll adapt and continue moving on.  We always do.

Best regards,

Myakka Technologies, Inc. <>


Thursday, November 19, 2020, 10:23:07 PM, you wrote:


Please read this article and the judge's 13 page ruling on what you claim is fraud. You and trump have been shot down again.

Judge's are denying these suits left and right, some of them getting quite heated in their opinions suggesting they shouldn't even be wasting their breath on these baseless claims.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020, 9:01 PM Steve Jones < <>> wrote:

not going to play your game. I watched the mutt put up the cardboard and stand there like a gimp. everyone watched when they tried to serve the judges order and were still denied access, facts are simply that, facts.
except the "protesters" were poll watcher, your team cant even lie well
your kind will say that binoculars are good enough. odd that judges ruled on something that didnt happen, are you saying the judges lied?

just because you dont want it to be true doesnt make something "debunked". Just admit there were issues, present solutions. 4 years spent pushing a russian narrative that was literally debunked and always offered without evidence (hint, there was none). pick a single narrative and run with said narrative, across the board. much like the elder cruelty of putting rudy and joe in the spotlight

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 8:21 PM Darin Steffl < <>> wrote:


Cite your sources that poll watchers weren't allowed to observe. You won't be able to because in every case so far, there have been poll watchers inside watching the count in every precinct.

You only saw some angry trump supporters standing outside in Detroit trying to get in when there were already 200+ republic poll watchers already inside. They put up cardboard because the people outside were being distracting.

Every court filing that has been filed so far has proven that poll watchers were not kept out. Only "extras" that showed up were blocked because you don't need any more inside a building than already existed.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020, 8:12 PM Bill Prince < <>> wrote:


Oh sure. We are now using some schmoe in a stocking cap for "news"?

Part of the reason we are in the situation we are in is that we pay more attention to clowns than they deserve.


On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 4:21 PM justsumname < <>> wrote:

It is getting interesting, and this election thing is still far from over.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 2:45 PM Steve Jones < <>> wrote:

lol, they just elected a guy president with the same cruelty, so thats not really much of a thing anymore

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 1:43 PM Ken Hohhof < <>> wrote:

It’s cruel of people to keep putting Rudy in the public eye when clearly he’s not all there anymore, I don’t know if it’s dementia or what, but he needs to be sitting on a porch somewhere playing checkers, not making a fool of himself for the world to see.  Of course he’s always been a little off, look at his marriage history.  I assume since he was a lawyer and mayor he wasn’t always like this.  Or maybe he was.  Again, the marriage history.

*From:* AF < <>> *On Behalf Of *Steve Jones
*Sent:* Thursday, November 19, 2020 12:46 PM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group < <>>
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT: this press conference

I dont know what happened to that guy. hopefully when this is said and done we go the way of canada on electronic voting.  then we put cameras recording the count tables. Golden and no need for recounts or weird people like this team of lunatics having crazy press conferences. I think the media sent their interns instead of reporters

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 12:35 PM Adam Moffett < <>> wrote:

Guliani told me I could Google Dominion and find out that it's owned by Venezuelans.  My Google seems to work differently from his.

On 11/19/2020 1:07 PM, Steve Jones wrote:

jesus christ this broad just referred to themselves as an "elite strikeforce team"

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 12:00 PM Bill Prince < <>> wrote:

        Sorry Steve. You lost me at the bakery.

On 11/19/2020 9:51 AM, Steve Jones wrote:

While id like my guy to come out on top magically, this press conference presents more like a bad SNL skit

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