As we make our way into LTE for fixed wireless we are finding a new wrinkle 
with the management of sim card data.   It seems the SIM card manufacturers 
only print the ICCID on the card, but want to send the rest of the data fields 
separately.   We are finding that they will send a spreadsheet of additional 
information like the IMSI, K, and OPC values separately.   We understand why 
that might increase the security of the SIM cards, but it makes for a messy 
management of the data.   We'll have to created a central spreadsheet that the 
techs and office folks can access to look up the SIM card data to enter it into 
the EPC.   What we'd like is a SIM card that has these data fields printed and 
barcoded on the card itself so that the Tech can either scan/enter it in 
themselves, or the office folks can scan it in ahead of time.   Anyone run into 
a better solution for retrieving/managing the additional SIM data?


David Coudron

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