I've had friends who had delta in early November getting Omicron.   So I don't think immunity really existed for Omicron, but they all had quick, flu like symptoms of Omicron ( 3 families, total 8 people ).   What the experts are calling endemic conditions.   I was really frustrated that about 3 months ago they started throwing the endemic word around without finding an explanation anywhere with google, and now, finally, I am seeing definitions of endemic.   Not everybody gets it, and the hospitals are not full of dying..   There are also articles being written that the US is fairing worse than most of the rest of the world (again) because we still just don't get vaxed and wear masks.   Anti-vax is a first world situation, 2nd and 3rd worlders are clamoring for vax...

On 1/18/22 6:50 PM, Steve Jones wrote:
I hosted a super apreader event Saturday before last. We all had covid around november 2020. So assuming omicron specific isn't different, natural immunity is about a year and change, way better than the shot but not as easy to obtain.

I got the aches this time. I really wish they would use the word ache and let people know its more like gitmo torture. None of the vaccinated fared any better.

I thought there was a moment of heading to the deathcamps we  call ICUs on this, lucked out and it turned around.

This omicron is really suspect comparable to the OG covid. This had a more natural feel than the last, like the scientists lost control of it and its taken a natural progression (virii dont want hosts dead). None of the wird shit, with the exception of my right thumb doing the micheal j fox again.

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