We have a bunch of AFL NIDs that our previous OSP manager used. 


They're somewhere around $150/each. Great for broadband-level services! *rolls 

Anyway, he deployed them without any sort of support for the bulkhead connector 
that we're using to transition from the drop to the on-prem cable. That leaves 
us with a loose pigtail that has been spliced onto the drop cable (fine), going 
into a coupler that's not mounted to anything, going into the rugged on-prem 
cable on the way to the ONT. That puts ridiculous strain on the pigtails, some 
of which are doing 90-degree or more bends within a half-inch. That's a failure 
waiting to happen. 

I have one of my guys get pricing on the interconnection kit mentioned in the 
PDF so that we can install them in the NIDs and support the cables that are in 


We're not looking to spend $80/NID in materials to unscrew all of these things 
when our regular NIDs (that work just fine) are more like $60/each for the 
whole thing (though plastic, not metal). 

What options do you see? 

1) We see buying them all and being done with it. 
2) Replacing all of those NIDs with the regular NIDs we use. 
3) Buying one of those kids and having a local shop clone them. 


Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

AF mailing list

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